Data Sheet ADM2582E/ADM2587E
Rev. G | Page 17 of 22
The ADM2582E/ADM2587E isolated RS-422/RS-485 transceiver
contains an isoPower integrated dc-to-dc converter, requiring
no external interface circuitry for the logic interfaces. Power
supply bypassing is required at the input and output supply pins
(see Figure 35). The power supply section of the ADM2582E/
ADM2587E uses a 180 MHz oscillator frequency to pass power
efficiently through its chip-scale transformers. In addition, the
normal operation of the data section of the iCoupler introduces
switching transients on the power supply pins.
Bypass capacitors are required for several operating frequencies.
Noise suppression requires a low inductance, high frequency
capacitor, whereas ripple suppression and proper regulation
require a large value capacitor. These capacitors are connected
between Pin 1 (GND1) and Pin 2 (VCC) and Pin 8 (VCC) and
Pin 9 (GND1) for VCC. The VISOIN and VISOOUT capacitors are
connected between Pin 11 (GND2) and Pin 12 (VISOOUT) and
Pin 19 (VISOIN) and Pin 20 (GND2). To suppress noise and reduce
ripple, a parallel combination of at least two capacitors is required
with the smaller of the two capacitors located closest to the device.
The recommended capacitor values are 0.1 µF and 10 µF for
VISOOUT at Pin 11 and Pin 12 and VCC at Pin 8 and Pin 9. Capacitor
values of 0.01 µF and 0.1 µF are recommended for VISOIN at
Pin 19 and Pin 20 and VCC at Pin 1 and Pin 2. The recommended
best practice is to use a very low inductance ceramic capacitor,
or its equivalent, for the smaller value. The total lead length
between both ends of the capacitor and the input power supply
pin should not exceed 10 mm.
The dc-to-dc converter section of the ADM2582E/ADM2587E
components must operate, out of necessity, at a very high
frequency to allow efficient power transfer through the small
transformers. This creates high frequency currents that can
propagate in circuit board ground and power planes, causing edge
and dipole radiation.
The ADM2582E/ADM2587E features an internal split paddle,
lead frame on the bus side. For the best noise suppression, filter
both the GND2 pins (Pin 11 and Pin 14) and VISOOUT signals of
the integrated dc-to-dc converter for high frequency currents.
Use surface-mount ferrite beads in series with the signals before
routing back to the device. See Figure 35 for the recommended
PCB layout. The impedance of the ferrite bead is chosen to be
about 2 kΩ between the 100 MHz and 1 GHz frequency range
to reduce the emissions at the 180 MHz primary switching
frequency and the 360 MHz secondary side rectifying
frequency and harmonics.
To pass the EN55022 radiated emissions standard, the following
additional layout guidelines are recommended:
• Do not connect the VISOOUT pin to a power plane;
connect between VISOOUT and VISOIN using a PCB trace.
Ensure that VISOIN (Pin 19) connects through the L1
ferrite to VISOOUT (Pin 12), as shown in Figure 35.
• If using a four layer PCB, place an embedded stitching
capacitor between GND1 and GND2 using internal
layers of the PCB planes. An embedded PCB capacitor
is created when two metal planes in a PCB overlap
each other and are separated by dielectric material.
This capacitor provides a return path for high
frequency common-mode noise currents across the
isolation gap.
• If using a two layer PCB, place a high voltage discrete
capacitor that connects between GND1 (Pin 10) and
GND2 (Pin 11). This capacitor provides a return path
for high frequency common-mode noise currents
across the isolation gap.
• Ensure that GND2 (Pin 14) connects to GND2 (Pin 11)
on the inside (device side) of the C1 100 nF capacitor.
• Ensure that the C1 capacitor connects between VISOOUT
(Pin 12) and GND2 (Pin 11) on the device side of the
L1 and L2 ferrites.
• Ensure that GND2 (Pin 16) is connected to GND2
(Pin 11) on the outside (bus side) of the L2 ferrite, as
shown in Figure 35.
• Ensure that there is a keep out area for the GND2
plane in the PCB layout around the L1 and L2 ferrites.
The keep out area means there must not be a GND2
fill on any layer below the L1 and L2 ferrites.
• Locate the power delivery circuit in close proximity to
the ADM2582E/ADM2587E device, so that the VCC
trace is as short as possible.
See the AN-1349 Application Note, PCB Implementation Guidelines
to Minimize Radiated Emissions on the ADM2582E/ADM2587E RS-
485/RS-422 Transceivers, for more information. Evaluation boards
and user guides are available for two layer and four layer PCB
EN55022 radiated emissions compliant designs. See UG-916 and
UG-044 for more information.