SCDV5540, SCDV5541, SCDV5542, SCDV5543, SCDV5544
2006-01-23 10
Row Strobing
Multiplexer and Displ ay Driver
The four characters are row multiplexed with RAM resident column
data. The strobe rate is established by the internal or external
MUX Clock rate. The MUX Clock frequency is divided by a 320
counter chain. This results in a typical strobe rate of 750 Hz. By
pulling the Cl ock SEL l ine low, the displa y can be operate d from an
external MUX Cloc k. The external clock is a tta che d to the CL K I /O
connection (pin 8). The maximum external MUX Clock frequency
should be limited to 1.0 MHz.
An asynchro nous hardware Reset Pin is also provided. Bringing
this pin low will clear the Character Address Register, Control
Wor d Register , RAM, and blanks t he displa y. This action lea ves t he
displa y set at Char acter Address 0, and the Bright ness Le v el set at
Electrical & Mechanical Considerations
Interconnect Considerations
Optimum product performance can be had when the following
electrical and mechanical recommendations are adopted. The
SCDV554X’s IC is constructed in a high speed CMOS process,
consequently high speed noise on the SERIAL DATA, SERIAL
DATA CLOCK, LOAD and RESET lines may cause incorrect data
to be written into the serial shift register. Adhere to transmission
line termination p r ocedures when using fast line drivers and long
cables (> 10 cm).
Good digital g rounds (pins 7 and 14) and pow er supply decoupl ing
(pins 10, 11 and 12) will insure that ICC (< 400 mA peak) switching
currents do not generate localized ground bounce. Therefore it is
recommend ed that each display package use a 0.1 µF and 20 µF
capacitor betwe en VCC and ground.
When the internal MUX Clock is being used connect the CLKSEL
pin to VCC. In those applications where RESET will not be con-
nected to the system’s reset control, it is recommended that this
pin be connect ed to the center no de of a se ries 0.1 µF a nd 100 kΩ
RC network. Thus upon initi al power up the RESET will be held
low for 10 ms allowing adequate time for the system power supply
to stabilize.
ESD Protection
The input protecti on structure of the SCDV554X provides signifi-
cant protection against ESD damage. It is capable of withstanding
discharges greater than 2.0 kV. Take all the standard preca utions,
normal for CMOS components. These include properly grounding
personnel, tools, tables, and transport carriers that come in contact
with unshielded parts. If these conditions are not, or cannot be
met, keep the leads of the device shorted together or the parts in
anti-static packaging.
Soldering Considerations
The SCDV554X can be hand soldered with SN63 solder using a
grounded iron set to 260°C.
Wave soldering is also possible following these conditions: Pre-
heat that does n ot e xceed 9 3°C on the so lder side o f the PC board
or a package surface temperature of 85°C. Water soluble organic
acid flux (except carboxylic acid) or rosin-based RMA flux without
alcohol can be used.
Wave temperature of 245°C ± 5°C wi th a d w e ll between 1.5 sec. to
3.0 sec. Exposure to the wave should not exceed temperatures
abov e 2 60°C for five seco nds at 1. 59 mm (0.063") below the sea t-
ing plane. Th e packages should not be imm ersed in th e wav e.
Post Solder Cleaning Procedures
The least offensive cleaning solution is hot D.I. water (60 °C) for
less than 15 minutes. Addition of mild saponifiers is acceptable. Do
not use commercial dishwasher detergents.
For faster cleaning , so lvents may be used. Ex er cise car e in cho os -
ing solvents as so me may chemically attack the nylon package. F or
further information refer to Appnote s 18 an d 1 9 a t
An alternative to soldering and cleaning the display modules is to
use sockets. Naturally, 14 pin DIP sockets 7.62 mm (0.300") wide
with 2.54 mm (0.100") centers work well for single displays. Multi-
ple display assemblies are best handled by longer SIP sockets or
DIP sock ets whe n av ailab le f or uni fo rm package al ignment. So ck et
manufacturers are A ries Electronics, Inc., Frenchtown, NJ; Garry
Manufacturing, New Brunswick, NJ; Robinson-Nugent, New
Albany, IN; and Samtec Electronic Hardward, New Albany, IN.
For further information refer to Appnote 22 a t
Row 0
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4 01234
Load Row 0
Row 4
10 2 3
Row 3
Row 1
Row 0
Row 2
Load Row 1
Row 4 1
0 2 43
Load Row 2
Row 2
Row 1
Row 3
Row 0
Row 4 0Columns
Load Row 3
Row 0
Row 3
Row 1
Row 2
Row 4
012 43
Row 2
Row 1
Row 3
Row 0
Load Row 4Row