ISHI. t ELEK {LINEAR} 80 Dey be4dbeb go09e34 49 TP M54514AaP $249826 MITSUBISHT _ELEK a INEAR) __.... 80 09234 D7LY3-2 [+ ee er 7-UNIT 50mA TRANSISTOR ARRAY DESCRIPTION _ _ The M54514AP, 7-channel sink drivers, consists of 7 Mads PIN | CONFIGURATION (TOP view) uo transistors with 2, 8kQ series input resistors.---!" ---- = -- fe el me INT + 16] 0) FEATURES -f @ Output breakdown voltage to 20V nz + [2}[>o_ig] -- 02 @ 50mA output sink current capability _ @ Low output saturation voltage ins + [3}-[>o-14] + 03 @ Wide operating temperature range (Ta =20~+75C ) INPUTS 4 IN4 - [4}l>ofi3] -- 04 $ OUTPUTS APPLICATION wns ~ [5} P>>-f] = 5 LED or incandescent display digit driver ING fa p hal 66 FUNCTION in? ~ [7}{>efig] + 07 The M54514AP is comprised of seven NPN drivers. Each in- put has a voltage divider by 2.8k0 and 10k2 resistors. All GND [a] [3] NC emitters and the substrate are connected together to pin 8. Outline 16P4 The open collector outputs are capable of sinking 50mA and will withstand 20V in the OFF state. ood ie en eC ON CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC INPUT 16-pin molded plastic DIP Unit: & ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (12 =20~+75, unless otherwise noted) Symbol! Parameter Conditions Ratings Unit Vceo Output sustaining voltage Transistor OFF 0.5~+20 Vv fe Collector current Transistor ON 50 mA vi input voltage 40 Vv Pq Power dissipation Ta=25C 1. 47 WwW Topr Operating ambient temperature range 20~+75 Cc Tstq Storage temperature range 55~+125 Cc RECOMMENDED OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS (1a=20~+75, unless otherwise noted) * Symbot Parameter emis Unit Min Typ Max Vo Output voltage 0 20 Vv le Collector current 0 20 mA Vie H Input voltage c=50mA 2.4 8 Vv Vir L Input voltage 0 0.2 Vv MITSUBISHI 9-37 ELECTRICELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (ta =20~+75, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbo foo os Le Parameter es --? Test conditions -- - - Min Typ iam Unit loteaky | Output Jeakage current Vo=20V 20 uA lc=20mA 0. 04 0.17 Veersath | Output saturation voltage Vi=2. 4 i= 40mA 0.08 0.23 v in Input current Vi=2, 4V \ 0.7 1 mA hee OC jorward current gain Voe=4V, Io=40mA, Tg=25T 80 200 _ TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OUTPUT CURRENT COLLECTOR CURRENT I(mA) DC CURRENT GAIN hee CHARACTERISTICS Z 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 INPUT VOLTAGE V,(V) DC CURRENT GAIN CHARACTERISTICS 1 3 5 7 10 4 5 COLLECTOR CURRENT Ic(mA) COLLECTOR CURRENT Ic(mA) 7 100 OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS o 0.05 OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE Veetsaty(V) 0.10 0.15 0.20 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC