ii Datasheet
Revision History
Revision Date Revision Description
Oct 2003 3.0 • Initial draft for release (non-classifie d).
Sep 2004 3.1 • Added references to the MDI/MDI-X feature.
• Added lead-free information.
• Removed EEPROM Map bit d escriptions. These description s can now be found in
the 82551QM/ER/IT EE PROM Map and Programming Informati on.
• Added 82551IT Test Port Functionality (Chapter 10).
• Added new values for RBI AS100 and RBIAS10. RBIAS100 = 649 and RBIAS10
= 619 .
• Removed all refe rences to th e 8 2551 ER and 8 2551 QM con trollers. 82 551ER an d
82551QM information can now be found in their respective datasheets.
Nov 2004 3.2 • Updated the section describing “Multiple Priority Transmit Queu es”.
• Updated the section describing “VLAN Support”.
• Added information a bout migrating f rom a 2-layer 0. 36 mm wide-trace substra te to
a 2-layer 0.32 mm wide-trace substrate. Refer to the section on Package and Pin-
out Informati on.
• Added statement that no changes to existing soldering processes are needed for
the 2-layer 0.32 mm wide-trace substrate change in the section describing “Pack-
age Information”.
Jan 2005 3. 3 • Added a note for PHY signals RBIAS1 00 and RBIAS10 to Table 8.
April 2005 3.4 • Corrected the not e i n sect ion 11stati ng t hat the maximum rating fo r t he Ca se Tem-
perature under Stress for the 82551QM/ ER is 70° C instead of 85° C.
July 2005 3.5 • Corrected the X1 Clock Specifications for symbol Tx1_pr from ±50 ppm to ±30
Oct 2006 3.6 • Added Figure 28 “196 PB GA P ackage Pa d Detail”. The figure sh ows solder r esist
opening and metal diameter dimensions.
Feb 2007 3.7 • Updated section 11.1 “Absolute Maximum Ratings”.
Sept 2007 3.8 • Added Section 13 “Ref erence Schematics”, u pdated Section 11.1 (changed Tcase
to ambient) and added ordering information to Section 1.4.
Sept 2007 3. 9 • Updat ed Figur es 31 and 32. Added Digital I/O and Crystal Input One (X1) Charac-
teristics (Tables 52 and 53). Updated Section 5.6.4.
March 2008 4.0 • Updated Figure 32: changed TEST pull down resistor value (62 K to 1 K).
Nov 2008 4.1 • Updated Table 12 (changed words 30h:33h to reserved).
• Updated Table 8 (X1 and X2 pin descriptions).
• Updated Tables 52 and 53 (Digital I/O and crystal input one (X1) characteristics).
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