Da t as heet AS1528/AS1529 M i c r o - P o w e r, 1 0 - B i t , 1 5 0 k s ps , A D C , S i n g l e E n d e d or Differential 1 General Description 2 Key Features The AS1528/AS1529 are low-power, 10-bit analog-todigital converters (ADCs) designed to operate with a single +2.7V to +5.25V supply. Excellent dynamic performance, low power consumption, and simplicity make these devices perfect for portable battery-powered dataacquisition applications. ! Single-Supply Operation: +2.7V to +5.25V ! Automatic Shutdown Between Conversions ! Low Power Consumption - 350A @ 150ksps The devices are available as the standard products listed in Table 1. - 245A @ 100ksps - 24A @ 10ksps Table 1. Standard Products Model Input Type Input Voltage AS1528 1-Channel, Pseudo / True-Differential 0 to VREF / -VREF/2 to VREF/2 AS1529 2-Channel, SingleEnded 0 to VREF The devices feature a successive-approximation register (SAR), automatic shutdown, fast wakeup (1.4s), and low-power consumption at the maximum sampling rate of 150ksps. Automatic shutdown (0.2A) between conversions results in reduced power consumption (at slower throughput rates). Data access are made via an external clock through the SPI-/QSPI-/MICROWIRE-compatible 3-wire high-speed serial interface. The AS1529/AS1528 are available in a 8-pin TDFN (3x3mm) package. - 2.5A @ 1ksps - 200nA in Automatic Shutdown Mode ! True-Differential Track/Hold, 150kHz Sampling Rate Software-Configurable Unipolar/Bipolar Conversion (AS1528) ! Input Common Mode Range from GND to VDD ! 3-Wire SPI-/QSPI-/MICROWIRE-Compatible Serial Interface ! Internal Conversion Clock ! 8-pin TDFN (3x3mm) Package 3 Applications The devices are ideal for remote sensors, data-acquisition, data logging devices, lab instruments, or for any other space-limited A/D devices with low power consumption and single-supply requirements. Figure 1. AS1528/AS1529 - Block Diagram 1 AS1528/AS1529 VDD 7 CNVST 8 Osc Input Shift Register SCLK Control Logic 2 AIN1/AIN+ 2 Track/ Hold 10-Bit SAR 6 DOUT AIN2/AIN4 5 REF www.austriamicrosystems.com GND Revision 1.02 1 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet Contents 1 General Description ............................................................................................................................. 1 2 Key Features ........................................................................................................................................ 1 3 Applications .......................................................................................................................................... 1 4 Pinout ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Pin Assignment ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Pin Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings 6 Electrical Characteristics Timing Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 4 ...................................................................................................................... 5 ......................................................................................................................................... 7 7 Typical Operating Characteristics 8 Detailed Description ........................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................... 11 True Differential Analog Input Track/Hold Selecting AIN1 or AIN2 (AS1529) .......................................................................................................... 11 ...................................................................................................................... 11 Selecting Unipolar or Bipolar Conversions (AS1528) Input Bandwidth Analog Input Protection Internal Clock .........................................................................................12 ..................................................................................................................................................13 ......................................................................................................................................13 ......................................................................................................................................................13 Output Data Format Transfer Function ............................................................................................................................................13 ................................................................................................................................................13 9 Application Information ....................................................................................................................... 15 Automatic Shutdown Mode External Reference .................................................................................................................................15 .............................................................................................................................................15 Performing a Conversion ....................................................................................................................................15 Standard Interface Connections ..........................................................................................................................15 SPI and Microwire Interface ........................................................................................................................... 15 QSPI Interface ................................................................................................................................................16 PIC16 and SSP Module and PIC17 Interface ................................................................................................17 Layout and Grounding Considerations 10 Package Drawings and Markings 11 Ordering Information .............................................................................................................. 19 .................................................................................................... 20 ........................................................................................................................ 21 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 2 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - P i n o u t 4 Pinout Pin Assignment Figure 2. Pin Assignments (Top View) VDD 1 AIN1/AIN+ 2 AIN2/AIN- 3 8 SCLK AS1528/ AS1529 GND 4 7 DOUT 6 CNVST 5 REF Pin Description Table 2. Pin Description Pin Number Pin Name Description Positive Supply Voltage. +2.7V to +5.25V. Note: Bypass with a 0.1F capacitor to GND. 1 VDD 2 AIN1/AIN+ Analog Input Channel 1 (AS1529) or Positive Analog Input (AS1528) 3 AIN2/AIN- Analog Input Channel 2 (AS1529) or Negative Analog Input (AS1528) 4 GND Ground 5 REF External Reference Voltage Input. Sets the analog voltage range. Note: Bypass with a 4.7F capacitor to GND. CNVST Conversion Start. A rising edge powers up the device and puts the track/ hold circuitry in track mode. At the falling edge of this pin, the device enters hold mode and begins a conversion. Note: This pin also selects the input channel (AS1529) or input polarity (AS1528). 7 DOUT Serial Data Output. This pin transitions the falling edge of SCLK and goes low at the start of a conversion and delivers the MSB at the completion of a conversion. Note: This pin goes high impedance once data has been fully clocked out. 8 SCLK Serial Clock Input. Clocks out data at DOUT with the MSB first. 6 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 3 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - A b s o l u t e M a x i m u m R a t i n g s 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed in Table 3 may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in Electrical Characteristics on page 5 is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min Max Units VDD to GND -0.3 +6 V CNVST, SCLK, DOUT, REF, AIN1/ AIN+, AIN2/AIN- to GND -0.3 VDD + 0.3 V Current into Any Pin 50 mA Continuous Power Dissipation 1491 Operating Temperature Range -40 +85 C Storage Temperature Range -60 +150 C Package Body Temperature www.austriamicrosystems.com mW +260 Comments C Revision 1.02 TAMB = +70C; derate 19.5mW/C above +70C The reflow peak soldering temperature (body temperature) specified is in accordance with IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D "Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-Hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices". The lead finish for Pb-free leaded packages is matte tin (100% Sn). 4 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6 Electrical Characteristics VDD = +2.7 to +5.25V, VREF = +2.5V, 4.7F Capacitor at REF; fSCLK = 8MHz (50% Duty Cycle); AIN- = GND (AS1528) TAMB = TMIN to TMAX (unless otherwise specified). Typical Values at TAMB = +25C. Unipolar Mode (AS1528). Table 4. Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit DC Accuracy Resolution INL Relative Accuracy DNL Differential Non-Lineraity 10 Bits No Missing Codes Over Temperature 0.275 LSB 0.275 LSB Offset Error 0.25 2 LSB 1 0.25 2 LSB Gain Error Gain Temp Coefficient 0.3 ppm/C Offset Temp Coefficient 0.3 ppm/C Channel-to-Channel Offset Match 0.025 LSB Channel-to-Channel Gain Match 0.025 LSB Dynamic Specifications - (fIN (sinewave) = 10kHz, VIN = 2.5VP-P, 150ksps, fSCLK = 8MHz (50% duty cycle), AIN- = GND (AS1528) SINAD Signal-to-Noise Plus Distortion 61.5 dB THD Total Harmonic Distortion (to the 5th Harmonic) -79.5 dB SFDR Spurious-Free Dynamic Range 84 dB Full Power Bandwidth -3dB Point 20 MHz Full Linear Bandwidth -0.1dB Point 400 kHz Exclusive of tACQ 3.3 Conversion Rate tCONV Conversion Time tACQ Track/Hold Acquisition Time Aperture Delay fSCLK 3.7 s 1.4 s 30 Max Serial Clock Frequency ns 8 MHz 30 70 % Unipolar 0 VREF Bipolar -VREF/2 VREF/2 Serial Clock Duty Cycle Analog Input VIN Range 2 Input Leakage Current Input Capacitance V No Channel Selected or Conversion Halted 0.01 Track Mode 20 pF Hold Mode 5 pF 1 A External Reference Input VREF VIN Range IREF Input Current VREF = +2.5V @ 150ksps 11 VREF = +4.096V @ 150ksps 19 Acquisition Between Conversions www.austriamicrosystems.com VDD + 50mV 1.0 Revision 1.02 0 +2 V 25 A +5 5 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Table 4. Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit 0.3VDD V Digital Inputs/Outputs (CNVST, SCLK, DOUT) VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage ILEAK Input Leakage Current 0.01 CIN Input Capacitance 15 VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage ISOURCE = 1.5mA Tri-State Leakage Current CNVST = GND 0.05 Tri-State Output Capacitance CNVST = GND 15 0.7VDD V 1.0 A pF ISINK = 2mA 0.4 ISINK = 4mA 0.8 0.7VDD V V 5 A pF Power Requirements VDD IDD PSR Positive Supply Voltage Positive Supply Current Power Supply Rejection 2.7 5.25 VDD = +3V, fSAMPLE = 150ksps 350 VDD = +3V, fSAMPLE = 100ksps 245 VDD = +3V, fSAMPLE = 10ksps 24 VDD = +3V, fSAMPLE = 1ksps 2.5 VDD = +5V, fSAMPLE = 150ksps 485 VDD = +5V, fSAMPLE = 100ksps 330 VDD = +5V, fSAMPLE = 10ksps 33 VDD = +5V, fSAMPLE = 1ksps 3.7 Automatic Shutdown Mode 0.2 VDD = +5V 5%, Full Scale Input 0.3 VDD = +2.7V to 3.6V, Full Scale Input 0.4 V 400 550 A 1 mV 1. Offset nulled. 2. The absolute input voltage range for the analog inputs is from GND to VDD. www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 6 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Timing Characteristics VDD = +2.7 to +5.25V, VREF = +2.5V, 4.7F Capacitor at REF; fSCLK = 8MHz (50% Duty Cycle); AIN- = GND (AS1528) TAMB = TMIN to TMAX (unless otherwise specified). Typical Values at TAMB = +25C. Table 5. Timing Characteristics Parameter Symbol SCLK Pulse Width High tCH 38 ns SCLK Pulse Width Low tCL 38 ns SCLK Falling-to-DOUT Transition tDOT CLOAD = 30pF (see Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 18 on page 11, Figure 19 on page 11) tDOD CLOAD = 30pF (see Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 18 on page 11, Figure 19 on page 11) CNVST Falling-to-MSB Vlid tCONV CLOAD = 30pF (see Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 18 on page 11, Figure 19 on page 11) CNVST Pulse Width tCSW SCLK Rising-to-DOUT Disable 1 Conditions Min Typ 100 Max Units 28 60 ns 200 500 ns 3.3 3.7 s 30 ns 1. Guaranteed by Design and Characterisation. Figure 3. DOUT Enable/Disable Time Load Circuits VDD DOUT 6k 6k CLOAD DOUT GND GND CLOAD High-impedance to VOH, VOL to VOH, and VOH to High-impedance GND Figure 4. Detailed Serial Interface Timing Diagram CNVST tCL tCH tCSW SCLK tDOT High Z DOUT www.austriamicrosystems.com tDOD Revision 1.02 7 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - Ty p i c a l O p e r a t i n g C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 7 Typical Operating Characteristics VDD = 5V; VREF = 2.5V, fSCLK = 8MHz(50% duty), CREF = 4.7F, TAMB = +25C (unless otherwise specified). Figure 5. Integral Nonlinearity vs. Digital Output Code Figure 6. Differential Nonlinearity vs. Digital Output Code 0.25 fSAMPLE = 150ksps 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 DNL (LSB) . INL (LSB) . 0.25 0.05 0 -0.05 fSAMPLE = 150ksps 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.1 -0.15 -0.15 -0.2 -0.2 -0.25 -0.25 0 256 512 768 0 1024 Figure 7. Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage 512 768 1024 Figure 8. Supply Current vs. Temperature 600 500 450 500 fSAMPLE = 150ksps Supply Current (A) . Supply Current (A) . 256 Digital Output Code Digital Output Code 400 300 200 100 150ksps 400 350 300 100ksps 250 200 150 100 50 10ksps 1ksps 0 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.7 0 -45 -30 -15 0 5.2 Supply Voltage (V) 15 30 45 60 75 90 Temperature (C) Figure 9. Supply Current vs. Temperature, VDD = 3V Figure 10. Supply Current vs. Sampling Rate 360 1000 150ksps 280 240 100ksps 200 160 120 80 Supply Current (A) . Supply Current (A) . 320 100 10 1 0.1 10ksps 40 1ksps 0 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0.01 0.01 Temperature (C) www.austriamicrosystems.com 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Sampling Rate (ksps) Revision 1.02 8 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - Ty p i c a l O p e r a t i n g C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Figure 11. Shutdown Current vs. Supply Voltage 100 9 90 . . 8 Shutdown Current (nA) Shutdown Current (nA) Figure 12. Shutdown Current vs. Temperature 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.7 0 -45 -30 -15 0 5.2 Supply Voltage (V) Figure 13. Offset Error vs. Supply Voltage Figure 14. Offset Error vs. Temperature 1 Gain Error (LSB) . Offset Error (LSB) . 1 0.5 0 -0.5 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.7 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -45 -30 -15 -1 5.2 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 Temperature (C) Supply Voltage (V) Figure 15. Gain Error vs. Supply Voltage Figure 16. Gain Error vs. Temperature 1 Gain Error (LSB) . 1 Gain Error (LSB) . 15 30 45 60 75 90 Temperature (C) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.7 5.2 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -45 -30 -15 Supply Voltage (V) www.austriamicrosystems.com 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 Temperature (C) Revision 1.02 9 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8 Detailed Description The AS1528/AS1529 employ a successive approximation conversion (SAR) technique and integrated track/hold circuitry to convert analog signals into 10-bit digital output. The serial interface provides easy interfacing to microprocessors. Figure 17 shows the simplified internal structure for the AS1529 (2-channels, single ended) and the AS1528 (1-channel, true differential). True Differential Analog Input Track/Hold The equivalent circuit of Figure 17 shows the device input architecture which is composed of track/hold circuitry, input multiplexer, comparator, and switched-capacitor DAC. The track/hold circuitry enters its tracking mode on the rising edge of CNVST. The positive input capacitor is connected to AIN1 or AIN2 (AS1529) or AIN+ (AS1528). The negative input capacitor is connected to GND (AS1529) or AIN- (AS1528). Figure 17. Equivalent Input Circuit REF 10-Bit Capacitive DAC GND AIN2 AIN1/AIN+ CIN+ + Hold CIN- GND/AIN- RIN- RIN+ Hold VDD/2 Comparator Hold Track The track/hold circuitry enters its hold mode on the falling edge of CNVST and the difference between the sampled positive and negative input voltages is converted. The time required for the track/hold to acquire an input signal is determined by how quickly its input capacitance is charged. If the input signal's source impedance is high, the acquisition time lengthens, and CNVST must be held high for a longer period of time. The acquisition time (tACQ) is the maximum time needed for the signal to be acquired, plus the power-up time. tACQ is calculated by: tACQ = 9 x (RS + RIN) x 20pF + tPWR (EQ 1) Where: RS is the source impedance of the input signal; RIN = 1.5k; tPWR of 1s is the power-up time of the device. Note: tACQ is never less than 1.4s and any source impedance below 300. does not significantly affect the AS1528/ AS1529 AC performance. A high-impedance source can be accommodated either by lengthening tACQ or by placing a 1F capacitor between the positive and negative analog inputs. Selecting AIN1 or AIN2 (AS1529) Select one of the AS1529 two positive input channels using the CNVST pin (see page 3). If AIN1 is selected (see Figure 18), drive CNVST high to power up the AS1529 and place the track/hold circuitry in track mode with AIN1 connected to the positive input capacitor. Hold CNVST high for tACQ to fully acquire the signal. Drive CNVST low to place the track/hold circuitry in hold mode. The AS1529 then performs a conversion and shutdown automatically. The MSB is available at DOUT after 3.7s. Data can then be clocked out using SCLK. Clock out all 12 bits of data before driving CNVST high for the next conversion. If all 12 bits of data are not clocked out before CNVST is driven high, AIN2 is selected for the next conversion. www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 10 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 18. Single Conversion - AIN1 vs. GND (AS1529), Unipolar Mode AIN+ vs. AIN- (AS1528) Sampling Instant tCONV tACQ CNVST SCLK DOUT 1 High Z B9 MSB 4 B8 B7 B6 8 B5 B4 B3 B2 12 B1 B0 LSB ZERO ZERO High Z If AIN2 is selected (see Figure 19), drive CNVST high for at least 30ns. Next, drive CNVST low for at least 30ns, and then high again. This powers up the AS1529 and places the track/hold circuitry in track mode with AIN2 connected to the positive input capacitor. Next hold CNVST high for tACQ to fully acquire the signal. Drive CNVST low to place the track/hold circuitry in hold mode. The AS1529 then performs a conversion and shuts down automatically. The MSB is available at DOUT after 3.7s. Data can then be clocked out using SCLK. Note: If all 12 bits of data are not clocked out before CNVST is driven high, AIN2 is selected for the next conversion. Selecting Unipolar or Bipolar Conversions (AS1528) True-differential conversion (with the AS1528 unipolar and bipolar modes) is selected using pin CNVST (see page 3). AIN+ and AIN- are sampled at the falling edge of CNVST. In unipolar mode, AIN+ can exceed AIN- by up to VREF. The output format is straight binary. In bipolar mode, either input can exceed the other by up to VREF/2. The output format is two's complement. In both modes, the input common mode range can go from GND to VDD. Figure 19. Single Conversion - AIN2 vs. GND (AS1529), Bipolar Mode AIN+ vs. AIN- (AS1528) Sampling Instant tCONV tACQ CNVST SCLK DOUT 1 High Z B9 MSB 4 B8 B7 B6 8 B5 B4 B3 B2 12 B1 B0 LSB ZERO ZERO High Z Note: In unipolar and bipolar modes, AIN+ and AIN- must not exceed VDD by more than 50mV or be lower than GND by more than 50mV. If unipolar mode is selected (see Figure 18), drive CNVST high to power up the AS1528 and place the track/hold circuitry in track mode with AIN+ and AIN- connected to the input capacitors. Hold CNVST high for tACQ to fully acquire the signal. Drive CNVST low to place the track/hold circuitry in hold mode. The AS1528 then performs a conversion and shutdown automatically. The MSB is available at DOUT after 3.7s. Data can then be clocked out using SCLK. Clock out all 12 bits of data before driving CNVST high for the next conversion. If all 12 bits of data are not clocked out before CNVST is driven high, bipolar mode is selected for the next conversion. If bipolar mode is selected (see Figure 19), drive CNVST high for at least 30ns. Next, drive CNVST low for at least 30ns and then high again. This places the track/hold circuitry in track mode with AIN+ and AIN- connected to the input capacitors. Next hold CNVST high for tACQ to fully acquire the signal. Drive CNVST low to place the track/hold circuitry in hold mode. The AS1528 then performs a conversion and shuts down automatically. The MSB is available at DOUT after 3.7s. Data can then be clocked out using SCLK. Note: If all 12 bits of data are not clocked out before CNVST is driven high, bipolar mode is selected for the next conversion. www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 11 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Input Bandwidth The AS1528/AS1529 input tracking circuitry has a 20MHz small signal bandwidth, so it is possible to digitize highspeed transient events and measure periodic signals with bandwidths exceeding the AS1528/AS1529 sampling rate by using undersampling techniques. Note: To avoid high-frequency signals being aliased into the frequency band of interest, anti-alias filtering is recommended. Analog Input Protection Internal protection diodes that clamp the analog input to VDD and GND allow the analog input pins to swing from GND - 0.3V to VDD + 0.3V without damage. Both inputs must not exceed VDD by more than 50mV or be lower than GND by more than 50mV for accurate conversions. Note: If an off-channel analog input voltage exceeds the supply voltages, the input current should be limited to 2mA. Internal Clock The AS1528/AS1529 operate from an internal clock, which is accurate within 5% of the 4MHz clock rate. This results in a worst-case conversion time of 3.7s. The internal clock releases the system microprocessor from running the SAR conversion clock and allows the conversion results to be read back at the processor's convenience, at any clock rate from 0 to 8MHz. Output Data Format Figure 18 on page 11 and Figure 19 on page 11 illustrate the conversion timing for the AS1528/AS1529. The 10-bit conversion result is output in MSB-first format. Data on DOUT transitions on the falling edge of SCLK. All 10 bits must be clocked out before CNVST transitions again. For the AS1528, data is straight binary for unipolar mode and two's complement for bipolar mode. For the AS1529, data is always straight binary. Transfer Function Figure 20 on page 12 shows the unipolar transfer function for the AS1528/AS1529. Figure 21 on page 13 shows the bipolar transfer function for the AS1528. Code transitions occur halfway between successive-integer LSB values. Figure 20. AS1528/AS1529 Unipolar Transfer Function Full Scale = VREF Zero Scale = GND 1 LSB = VREF/4096 Full-Scale Transition 11...111 11...110 Output Code 11....101 00...011 00...010 00...001 00...000 0 1 2 3 FS-3/2 LSB FS Input Voltage (LSB) www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 12 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 21. AS1528 Bipolar Transfer Function Full Scale = VREF/2 -Full Scale = -VREF/2 Zero Scale = 0 1 LSB = VREF/4096 011...111 011...110 Output Code 000...010 000...001 000...000 111...111 111...110 111...101 100...001 100...000 -FS 0 +FS-1 LSB Input Voltage (LSB) VCOM VREF /2 VIN = AIN+ - AIN- www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 13 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n 9 Application Information Automatic Shutdown Mode With CNVST low, the AS1528/AS1529 default to automatic shutdown (< 0.2A) mode after power-up and between conversions. After detecting a rising edge of CNVST, the AS1528/AS1529 powers up, sets DOUT low, and enters track mode. After detecting a falling edge of CNVST, the device enters hold mode and begins the conversion. A maximum of 3.7s later, the device completes conversion, enters shutdown, and MSB is available at DOUT. External Reference An external reference is required for the AS1528/AS1529. Use a 4.7F bypass capacitor for best performance. The reference input structure allows a voltage range of +1V to VDD + 50mV. Performing a Conversion 1. Use a general-purpose I/O line on the CPU to hold CNVST low between conversions. 2. Drive CNVST high to acquire AIN1(AS1529) or unipolar mode (AS1528). To acquire AIN2 (AS1529) or bipolar mode (AS1528), drive CNVST low and high again. 3. Hold CNVST high for 1.4s. 4. Drive CNVST low and wait approximately 3.7s for conversion to complete. After 3.7s, the MSB is available at DOUT. 5. Activate SCLK for a minimum of 12 rising clock edges. DOUT transitions on SCLK's falling edge and is available in MSB-first format. Observe the SCLK to DOUT valid timing characteristic. Clock data into the P on SCLK's rising edge. Standard Interface Connections The AS1528/AS1529 serial interface is fully compatible with SPI, QSPI, and MICROWIRE. If a serial interface is available, establish the processor's serial interface as a master so that the CPU generates the serial clock for the AS1528/ AS1529 and select a clock frequency up to 8MHz. SPI and Microwire Interface When using an SPI (Figure 22) or Microwire interface (Figure 23), set CPOL = CPHA = 0. Two 8-bit readings are necessary to obtain the entire 10-bit result from the AS1528/AS1529. DOUT data transitions on the serial clock's falling edge and is clocked into the processor on SCLK's rising edge. The first 8-bit data stream contains the first 8-bits of DOUT starting with the MSB. The second 8-bit data stream contains the remaining four result bits. DOUT then goes high impedance. Figure 22. SPI Serial Interface Connections 8 SCK SSM CPU SCLK 6 I/O CNVST AS1528/ AS1529 7 MISO www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 DOUT 14 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n Figure 23. Microwire Serial Interface Connections 8 SK SCLK I/O CNVST AS1528/ AS1529 6 CPU 7 SI DOUT Figure 24. SPI/Microwire Interface Timing Diagram (CPOL = CPHA = 0) Sampling Instant 1st Byte Read CNVST SCLK 1 DOUT B9 MSB 2nd Byte Read 4 B8 B7 B6 8 B5 B4 B3 12 B2 B0 LSB B1 ZERO ZERO 16 High Z QSPI Interface Using the high-speed QSPI interface (Figure 25) with CPOL = 0 and CPHA = 0, the AS1528/AS1529 support a maximum fSCLK of 8MHz. One 12- to 16-bit reads are necessary to obtain the entire 10-bit result from the AS1528/AS1529. DOUT data transitions on the serial clock's falling edge and is clocked into the processor on SCLK's rising edge. The first 10 bits are the data. DOUT then goes high impedance (see Figure 23). Figure 25. QSPI Serial Interface Connections 8 SSM CPU SCK SCLK CSM CNVST MISO DOUT 6 AS1528/ AS1529 7 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 15 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n Figure 26. QSPI Serial Interface Timing (CPOL = CPHA = 0) Sampling Instant CNVST SCLK 1 DOUT B9 MSB 4 B8 B7 8 B6 B5 B4 B3 12 B2 B1 B0 LSB ZERO ZERO 16 High Z PIC16 and SSP Module and PIC17 Interface The AS1528/AS1529 are compatible with a PIC16/PIC17 controllers, using the synchronous serial port (SSP) module To establish SPI communication, connect the PIC16/PIC17 controllers as shown in Figure 27 and configure the PIC16/ PIC17 as system master. This is done by initializing its synchronous serial port control register (SSPCON) and synchronous serial port status register (SSPSTAT) to the bit patterns shown in Table 6 on page 17 and Table 7 on page 17. Figure 27. SPI Interface Connections for PIC16/PIC17 Controller 8 SCLK PIC16/ PIC17 SCLK 6 CNVST CNVST AS1528/ AS1529 7 DOUT DOUT In SPI mode, the PIC16/PIC17 processor allow 8 bits of data to be synchronously transmitted and received simultaneously. Two consecutive 8-bit readings (see Figure 28) are necessary to obtain the entire 10-bit result from the AS1528/ AS1529. DOUT data transitions on the serial clock's falling edge and is clocked into the processor on SCLK's rising edge. The first 8-bit data stream contains the first 8 data bits starting with the MSB. The second data stream contains the remaining bits, D3 through D0. Figure 28. SPI Interface Timing with PIC16/PIC17 in Master Mode (CKE = 1. CKP = 0. SMP = 0, SSPM3:SSPM0 = 0001) Sampling Instant 1st Byte Read CNVST SCLK 1 DOUT B9 MSB 2nd Byte Read 4 B8 www.austriamicrosystems.com B7 B6 8 B5 B4 B3 B2 Revision 1.02 12 B1 B0 LSB ZERO ZERO 16 High Z 16 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n Table 6. SSPCON Register Settings Control Bit AS1528/AS1529 Setting Synchronous Serial Port Control Register (SSPCON) WCOL Bit 7 X Write Collision Detection Bit SSPOV Bit 6 X Receive Overflow Detect Bit SSPEN Bit 5 1 Synchronous Serial Port Enable 0: Disables serial port and configures these pins as I/O port pins. 1: Enables serial port and configures SCK, SDO, and SCI pins as serial port pins. CKP Bit 4 0 Clock Polarity Select Bit. CKP = 0 for SPI master mode selection. SSPM3:1 Bit 3:1 0 SSPM0 Bit 0 1 Synchronous Serial Port Mode Select Bit. Sets SPI master mode and selects FCLK = fOSC / 16. Table 7. SSPSTAT Register Settings Control Bit AS1528/AS1529 Setting Synchronous Serial Status Register (SSPSTAT) SMP Bit 7 0 SPI Data Input Sample Phase. Input data is sampled at the middle of the data output time. CKE Bit 6 1 SPI Clock Edge Select Bit. Data is transmitted on the rising edge of the serial clock. D/A Bit 5 X Data Address Bit P Bit 4 X Stop Bit S Bit 3 X Start Bit R/W Bit 2 X Read/Write Bit Information UA Bit 1 X Update Address BF Bit 0 X Buffer Full Status Bit www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 17 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n Layout and Grounding Considerations The AS1528/AS1529 require proper layout and design procedures for optimum performance. ! Use printed circuit boards; wirewrap boards should not be used. ! Separate analog and digital traces from each other. Analog and digital traces should not run parallel to each other (especially clock traces). ! Digital traces should not run beneath the AS1528/AS1529. ! Use a single-point analog ground at GND, separate from the digital ground (see Figure 29). Connect all other analog grounds and DGND to this star ground point for further noise reduction. No other digital system ground should be connected to this single-point analog ground. The ground return to the power supply for this ground should be low impedance and as short as possible for noise-free operation. ! High-frequency noise in the VDD power supply may affect the AS1528/AS1529 high-speed comparator. Bypass this supply to the single-point analog ground with 0.1F and 4.7F bypass capacitors (see Figure 29). The bypass capacitors should be placed as close to the device as possible for optimum power supply noise-rejection. If the power supply is very noisy, a 10 resistor can be connected as a low-pass filter to attenuate supply noise ! Power components such as the inductor, converter IC, filter capacitors, and output diode should be placed as close together as possible, and their traces should be kept short, direct, and wide. ! Keep the voltage feedback network very close to the device, within 5mm (0.2") of the pin. ! Keep noisy traces, such as those from the pin LX, away from the voltage feedback network and guarded from them using grounded copper traces. Figure 29. Recommended Ground Design +5 or +3V Power Supplies +5 or +3V GND DGND GND GND 4 5 (Optional) 0.1F +5 or +3V www.austriamicrosystems.com Digital Circuitry AS1528/ AS1529 1 VDD Revision 1.02 18 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - P a c k a g e D r a w i n g s a n d M a r k i n g s 10 Package Drawings and Markings The devices are available in a 8-pin TDFN (3x3mm) package. Figure 30. 8-pin TDFN (3x3mm) Packagee D2 SEE DETAIL B A D D2/2 B aaa C 2x E E2 E2/2 L PIN 1 INDEX AREA (D/2 xE/2) K PIN 1 INDEX AREA (D/2 xE/2) aaa C N N-1 2x b e TOP VIEW (ND-1) X e e BTM VIEW Terminal Tip ddd bbb C C A B DETAIL B e/2 A3 ccc C A C SIDE VIEW A1 0.08 C SEATING PLANE Datum A or B EVEN TERMINAL SIDE Symbol A A1 A3 L1 L2 aaa bbb ccc ddd eee ggg Min 0.70 0.00 Typ 0.75 0.02 0.20 REF Max 0.80 0.05 0.15 0.13 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.08 0.10 Notes 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Symbol D BSC E BSC D2 E2 L K b e N ND Min 1.60 1.35 0.30 0 0.20 0.25 Typ 3.00 3.00 0.40 0.30 0.65 8 4 Max 2.50 1.75 0.50 14 0.35 Notes 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2, 5 1, 2 1, 2, 5 Notes: 1. Figure 30 is shown for illustration only. 2. All dimensions are in millimeters; angles in degrees. 3. Dimensioning and tolerancing conform to ASME Y14.5 M-1994. 4. N is the total number of terminals. 5. The terminal #1 identifier and terminal numbering convention shall conform to JEDEC 95-1, SPP-012. Details of terminal #1 identifier are optional, but must be located within the zone indicated. The terminal #1 identifier may be either a mold or marked feature. 6. Dimension b applies to metallized terminal and is measured between 0.15mm and 0.30mm from the terminal tip. 7. ND refers to the maximum number of terminals on side D. 8. Unilateral coplanarity zone applies to the exposed heat sink slug as well as the terminals www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 19 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet - O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n 11 Ordering Information The devices are available as the standard products shown in Table 8. Table 8. Ordering Information Ordering Code Description Delivery Form Package AS1528-BTDT 150ksps, 10-Bit, 1-Channel True-Differential ADC Tape & Reel 8-pin TDFN (3x3mm) AS1528-BTDR 150ksps, 10-Bit, 1-Channel True-Differential ADC Tray 8-pin TDFN (3x3mm) AS1529-BTDT 150ksps, 10-Bit, 2-Channel Single-Ended ADC Tape & Reel 8-pin TDFN (3x3mm) AS1529-BTDR 150ksps, 10-Bit, 2-Channel Single-Ended ADC Tray 8-pin TDFN (3x3mm) Note: All products are RoHS compliant and Pb-free. Buy our products or get free samples online at ICdirect: http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/ICdirect For further information and requests, please contact us mailto:sales@austriamicrosystems.com or find your local distributor at http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/distributor www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 20 - 21 AS1528/AS1529 Datasheet Copyrights Copyright (c) 1997-2009, austriamicrosystems AG, Tobelbaderstrasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered (R). All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer Devices sold by austriamicrosystems AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. austriamicrosystems AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. austriamicrosystems AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with austriamicrosystems AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by austriamicrosystems AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might show deviations from the standard production flow, such as test flow or test location. The information furnished here by austriamicrosystems AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, austriamicrosystems AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of austriamicrosystems AG rendering of technical or other services. Contact Information Headquarters austriamicrosystems AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 A-8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0 Fax: +43 (0) 3136 525 01 For Sales Offices, Distributors and Representatives, please visit: http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/contact www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.02 21 - 21