Maxim Integrated
71M6545T/71M6545HT Energy Meter ICs
The 71M6545T/HT includes a UART (UART0) that can
be programmed to communicate with a variety of AMR
modules and other external devices.
SPI Slave Port
The SPI slave port communicates directly with the MPU
data bus and is able to read and write Data RAM and
I/O RAM locations. It is also able to send commands to
the MPU. The interface to the slave port consists of the
Additionally, the SPI interface allows flash memory to
be read and to be programmed. To facilitate flash pro-
gramming, cycling power or asserting RESET causes
the SPI port pins to default to SPI mode. The SPI port is
disabled by clearing the SPI_E bit.
Possible applications for the SPI interface are:
• An external host reads data from CE locations to
obtain metering information. This can be used in
applications where the 71M654xT function as a smart
front-end with preprocessing capability. Since the
addresses are in 16-bit format, any type of XRAM data
can be accessed: CE, MPU, I/O RAM, but not SFRs or
the 80515-internal register bank.
• A communication link can be established via the SPI
interface: By writing into MPU memory locations, the
external host can initiate and control processes in the
71M654xT MPU. Writing to a CE or MPU location
normally generates an interrupt, a function that can be
used to signal to the MPU that the byte that had just
been written by the external host must be read and
processed. Data can also be inserted by the external
host without generating an interrupt.
• An external DSP can access front-end data gener-
ated by the ADC. This mode of operation uses the
71M654xT as an analog front-end (AFE).
• Flash programming by the external host (SPI Flash
SPI Safe Mode
Sometimes it is desirable to prevent the SPI interface
from writing to arbitrary RAM locations and thus disturb-
ing MPU and CE operation. This is especially true in AFE
applications. For this reason, the SPI SAFE mode was
created. In SPI SAFE mode, SPI write operations are
disabled except for a 16 byte transfer region at address
0x400 to 0x40F. If the SPI host needs to write to other
addresses, it must use the SPI_CMD register to request
the write operation from the MPU. SPI SAFE mode is
enabled by the SPI_SAFE bit.
SPI Flash Mode (SFM)
In normal operation, the SPI slave interface cannot read
or write the flash memory. However, the 71M6545T/HT
supports an SPI Flash Mode (SFM) which facilitates initial
programming of the flash memory. When in SFM mode,
the SPI can erase, read, and write the flash memory.
Other memory elements such as XRAM and I/O RAM are
not accessible in this mode. In order to protect the flash
contents, several operations are required before the SFM
mode is successfully invoked.
In SFM mode, n byte reads and dual-byte writes to flash
memory are supported. Since the flash write operation is
always based on a two-byte word, the initial address must
always be even. Data is written to the 16-bit flash memory
bus after the odd word is written.
In SFM mode, the MPU is completely halted. The
71M6545T/HT must be reset by the WD timer or by the
RESET pin in order to exit SFM mode.
If the SPI port is used for code updates (in lieu of a
programmer that uses the ICE port), then a code that
disables the flash access through SPI can potentially lock
out flash program updates.
Hardware Watchdog Timer
An independent, robust, fixed-duration, watchdog timer
(WDT) is included in the 71M6545T/HT. It uses the RTC
crystal oscillator as its time base and must be refreshed
by the MPU firmware at least every 1.5 seconds. When
not re freshed on time, the WDT overflows and the part is
reset as if the RESET pin were pulled high, except that
the I/O RAM bits are in the same state as after a wake-up
from SLP or LCD modes. After 4100 CK32 cycles (or 125
ms) following the WDT overflow, the MPU is launched
from program address 0x0000.
The watchdog timer is also reset when the internal signal
WAKE = 0.
Test Ports
Two independent multiplexers allow the selection of
internal analog and digital signals for the TMUXOUT and
TMUX2OUT pins (Table 10).
The TMUXOUT and TMUX2OUT pins may be used for
diagnostics purposes during the product development
cycle or in the production test. The RTC 1-second output
may be used to calibrate the crystal oscillator. The RTC
4-second output provides higher precision for RTC cali-
bration. RTCLK may also be used to calibrate the RTC.