Rev. 0
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event. Connect OV1 and OV2 to a resistive divider between
the respective V1, V2 and ground to set the overvoltage
threshold. See Applications Information section for con-
necting unused OV1 and OV2 pins.
QUAL: OV, UV Qualification Timer. Connect a capacitor
CQUAL from this pin to ground to set an OV, UV qualifica-
tion time of 16ms/nF. Alternatively, connect this pin to
INTVCC to set a default time of 3.5µs. Do not leave open.
RETRY: Digital Input for Retry after Current Limit Fault.
When this pin is above 1V, after a current limit fault dis-
connect occurs, the LTC4421 reconnects the input to the
output up to 6 additional times, waiting for a cool down
period between each reconnection. If current limit faults
occur in each of 6 additional reconnections, the LTC4421
keeps the input disconnected until the input’s DISABLE
pin is toggled. See the Applications section for more
details. Connect to ground if unused. Do not leave open.
SENSE1, SENSE2: Current Sense Non-Inverting Inputs.
The current limit regulation circuits control the GATE pins
to limit the sense voltages between SENSE and OUT to
25mV. If the OUT1 voltage drops below 0.45V, the regula-
tion voltage is reduced from 25mV to 12.5mV. Connect
SENSE1, SENSE2 directly to the input sides of the sense
resistors with Kelvin connections.
SHDN: Digital Input Shutdown to Disconnect Output and
Set Low Current Mode. Voltages below 1V turn off all
external MOSFETs, invalidate both channels and cause
the LTC4421 to enter a low current mode. CASOUT is
pulled high to allow a lower priority LTC4421 in a cas-
caded system to provide power to the output. All circuitry
is debiased, except for the shutdown comparator and low
voltage rail generators, and total device current is reduced
to 6µA. When SHDN is driven back above 1V, the external
MOSFETs are held off until the OV and UV comparators
revalidate. Connect to INTVCC if unused.
SOURCE1, SOURCE2: Connections to Common Sources
of External Back-to-Back N-Channel MOSFETs. Leave
open or connect to the sources of the external MOSFETs.
To minimize channel switchover time, a 5µA pull-down
current biases the MOSFETs on the edge of conduction
when their input supply is not connected to the output.
Add resistors from the MOSFET sources to ground to
increase the MOSFET VGS bias voltage and reduce swi-
tchover time.
TMR1, TMR2: Current Limit Fault Timers. Connect a capaci-
tor between each TMR pin and ground to set a 83ms/µF
duration for current limit before an overcurrent fault occurs.
When a fault occurs, the external N-Channel MOSFETs are
turned off and the corresponding FAULT pin is pulled low.
The LTC4421 can be configured to latch-off, auto-retry
indefinitely or auto-retry 6 additional times after an overcur-
rent fault. See the Applications Information for more details.
UVR1, UVR2: Undervoltage Comparator Inputs for Rising
Voltages. Rising input voltages that cross above 0.5V
are considered valid, provided that the OV pin voltage
is below 0.5V. Connect UVR1 and UVR2 to a resistive
divider between the respective V1, V2 and ground to set
the rising undervoltage threshold. Set the UVR threshold
voltage above the corresponding UVF threshold voltage
to ensure proper operation. See Applications Information
section for connecting unused UVR1 and UVR2 pins.
UVF1, UVF2: Undervoltage Comparator Inputs for
Falling Voltages. Falling input voltages that cross below
0.5V cause an undervoltage event. Connect UVF1 and
UVF2 to a resistive divider between the respective V1,
V2 and ground to set the falling undervoltage threshold.
Set the UVR threshold voltage above the corresponding
UVF threshold voltage to ensure proper operation. See
Applications Information section for connecting unused
UVF1 and UVF2 pins.
V1, V2: Input Power Supply Voltages. Typically V1 and V2
are connected to input supply voltages ranging from 3.0V
to 36V, but each supply can operate down to 0V, provided
another supply voltage ≥3.0V powers the LTC4421. In
normal operation, V1 is the higher priority supply and V2
is the lower priority supply.
VALID1, VALID2: Voltage Valid Indicator Outputs. These
open-drain outputs pull low when their corresponding V1,
V2 inputs are within their OV, UV window for the required
qualification time. Connect pull-up resistors to a supply
voltage less than or equal to 36V to provide the pull-up.
Connect to ground or leave open if unused.
Exposed Pad (Pin 37, UHE Package only): Exposed Pad
may be left open or connected to device ground.