Datasheet August 2008
20 306666-12
RFU — Reserved for Future Use: Reserved by Numonyx for future device functionality and enhancement.
These should be treated in the same way as a Do Not Use (DU) signal.
DU — Do Not Use : Do not connect to a ny other signal, or power supply; must be left floating.
NC — No Connect: No internal connection; can be driven or floated .
Table 8: TSOP and Easy BGA Signal Descriptions (Sheet 2 of 2)
Symbol Type Name and Function
Table 9: QUAD+ SCSP Signal Descriptions (Sheet 1 of 2)
Symbol Type Name and Function
A[MAX:0] Input ADD RES S INPUTS: Device address inputs. 64-Mbit: A[21:0]; 128-Mbit: A[22:0]; 256-Mbit:
A[23:0]; 512-Mbit: A[24:0]. Note: The virtual selection of the 256-Mbit “Top parameter” die in the
dual-die 512-Mbit configuration is accomplished by setting A[25] high (VIH).
DQ[15:0] Input/
DATA INPUT/O U TPUT S: Inputs data and commands during write cycles; outputs data during
memory , Status Register, Protection Register, and Read Configuration Register reads. Data balls float
when the CE# or OE# are deasserted. Data is internally latched during writes.
ADV# Input
ADDRES S VAL ID: Active low input. During synchronous read operations, addresses are latched on
the rising edge of ADV#, or on the next valid CLK edge with ADV# low, whichever occurs first.
In asynchronous mode, the address is latched when ADV# going high or continuously flows through
if ADV# is held low.
WARNING: Designs not using ADV# must tie it to VSS to allow addresses to flow through.
F1-CE# Input
FLASH CHIP ENABLE: Active low input. CE# low selects the associated flash memory die. When
asserted, flash internal control logic, input buffers, decoders, and sense amplifie rs are active. When
deasserted, the associated flash die is deselected, power is reduced to standby levels, data and
WAIT outputs are placed in high-Z state.
WARNING: Chip enable must be d riven high when device is not in use.
CLK Input
CLOCK: S ynchronizes the device with the system’ s bus frequency in synchronous-read mode. During
synchronous read oper ati ons, addres ses are latc hed on the risi ng edge of ADV#, or o n the next v alid
CLK edge with ADV# low, whichever occurs first.
WARNING: Designs not using CLK for synchronous read mode must tie it to VCCQ or VSS.
F1-OE# Input OUTPUT ENABLE: Active low input. OE# low enables the device’s output data buffers during read
cycles. OE# high places the data outputs and WAIT in High-Z.
RST# Input RESET: Active low input. RST# res ets internal aut omation and inhibits write operations. This
provides data protectio n during power transitions. RST# high enable s normal operation. Exit from
reset places the device in asynchronous read array mode.
WAIT Output
WAIT: Indicates data valid in synchronous array or non-array burst reads. Read Configuration
Register bit 10 (RCR [10], WT) dete rmines its polarity when asserted. WAIT’s active output is VOL or
VOH when CE# and OE# are VIL. WAIT is high-Z if CE# or OE# is VIH.
• In synchronous array or non-array read modes, WAIT indicates invalid data when asserted and
valid data when deasserted.
• In asynchronou s page mode, and all write modes, WAIT is deasserted.
WE# Input WRITE ENABLE: Ac tive low input. WE# controls writes to the device. Address and data are latched
on the rising edge of WE#.
WP# Input WRITE PROTECT: Active low input. WP# low enables the lock-down mechanism. Blocks in lock-
down cannot be unlocked with the Unlock command. WP# high overrides the lock-down function
enabling blocks to be erased or pr ogrammed using software comma nds.
VPP Power/
Erase and Program Power: A valid voltage on this pin allows erasing or programming. Memory
contents cannot be alt ere d whe n V PP ≤ VPPLK. Block erase and program at invalid VPP voltages should
not be attempted.
Set V PP = VPPL for in-sy stem progr am and era se oper ation s. To a ccommodate resistor or diode drops
from the system supply, the VIH level of VPP can be as low as VPPL min. VPP must remain above VPPL
min to perform in-system flash modification. VPP may be 0 V during read operations.
VPPH can be applied to main blocks for 1000 cycles maximum and to parameter blocks for 2500
cycles. VPP can be connected to 9 V for a cumulative total not to exceed 80 hours. Extended use of
this pin at 9 V may reduce block cycling capability.