Application Note 1745
October 9, 2013
using the “Set Clock” function, and if polling is enabled, the new RTC
time/date are displayed in the right-hand margin.
The “buttons” on this screen perform the following functions:
•Write RTC Eval Board from PC Clock - Clicking this button reads
the PC’s time and date values, and writes them to the RTC’s
registers. This is a one button method to completely initialize the
RTC’s time/date registers.
•Set RTC Date and Time - Use this button to write the data from the
“Time and Date Selection” section into the RTC’s registers.
•Get RTC Date and Time - Clicking this button populates the “Time
and Date Selection” windows with the RTC’s current time/date.
These values can then be edited, and rewritten to the RTC.
•Set PC Time and Date from RTC Eval Board - This button writes
the RTC’s current time/date to the PC’s clock. Using this
button is not encouraged, as the current PC time and date are
This tab enables reading from, and writing to, any of the registers
in the selected RTC device. Pick a register - or register group -
from the drop-down box below the tabs, and the screen displays
those registers, but not their contents (cell’s gray shading
indicates an indeterminate value). Click on the “Page Operation”
“Read” button (below registers on the GUI’s left side), and the
registers’ contents are now displayed (white boxes represent
zeros, blue boxes represent ones). Initiating a page read is
always the recommended first step after selecting a register
group. The read populates the screen with current register
values, which helps prevent writing out of date data (e.g., a
previous time) into registers - or bits - that aren’t being actively
changed. The “Read” button at the right of each register row
(under the “Byte Operation” heading) reads that individual
register’s contents.
There are two ways to set the data when writing to a register:
1) Enter the hex value for the desired data into the “Hex” column
to the right of the register’s name. Note that the register’s
displayed data changes to match the hex code.
2) Enter the desired value bit-by-bit in the register cells. To
change an individual bit, click on it to toggle its value. Note that
clicking a bit in an unread register - i.e., the cell colors are gray -
does not cause a register read, so the data subsequently
displayed are not the register’s true contents. Clicking the
register’s write button, or the “Page Write” button causes this bad
data to be written to the register(s), so it is strongly
recommended that a register or page read be executed
immediately before changing any register bits.
After editing a register’s contents, click the “Byte Operation”
column “Write” button to write a single register, or click the “Page
Operation” “Write” button after updating multiple registers.
Operations initiated on screens under other function tabs may
change the RTC’s registers, and those results are only displayed
on the “Registers” screen after a subsequent read operation.
Also, changes made on the Registers screen are reflected on the
corresponding function’s screen only after clicking that
tab/function’s “Read” button. When reading the Status register,
note the “Polling Caveats” listed at the bottom of the previous
“Setup Tab” section.
Time/Date Register Interlocks
Nearly all Intersil RTC devices have an interlock feature that
requires special bits to be set before the time/date (“RTC”)
registers can be written. The majority of interlocked devices (e.g.,
the ISL1208) have a “WRTC” bit in the Status or INT register, and
this bit must be written to a “1” before the RTC registers can be
written. The evaluation software does NOT return an error if the
user attempts to write the RTC registers when WRTC=0, so you
must remember to check the state of the WRTC bit if the time
doesn’t update after the write cycle.
The ISL12024/25/26/27/28/29 use a two bit, Status register
WEL/RWEL interlock, where a special combination of writes is
required to unlock any register (RTC, Status, Control, Alarm, etc.)
for writing. To simplify register writes, this family’s Register
screens include an “Unlock” button, and an “Enable Auto Unlock”
check box. Checking the “Enable Auto Unlock” box (software’s
default setting) causes the software to automatically set the WEL
and RWEL bits during each write command, so the user doesn’t
have to worry about unlocking the registers. Clicking the “Unlock”
button causes the evaluation software to properly set the WEL
and RWEL bits, so a subsequent write command executes as
desired. Note that the RWEL bit resets after every register write
cycle (WEL stays set), so click the “Unlock” button before every
register write command (byte or page), or use the “Enable Auto
Unlock” function. A few devices (ISL12008, ISL12057,
ISL12058, ISL12059) have no interlock, so the time registers
can be written without being unlocked.
This tab allows the user access to the on-chip general purpose
memory, if the RTC has it. The memory is battery backed SRAM
on some devices (ISL12020M/22/22AM/22M/32), and
EEPROM on others (ISL12024-29).
To read or write an individual memory byte, click on the cell in the
displayed matrix, and the address appears in the “Byte R/W”
section. Click the “Read” button to see the cell’s contents, or
enter the hex data in the box next to the “Write-Adr” box, and
click the “Write” button to change the byte. Click the “Read” or
“Read All” button to display what was just written.
To show all the memory bytes’ contents in the display matrix,
click the “Read All” button, noting that the memory may contain
random data if it has not been written previously. If desired, all of
the memory bytes may be written simultaneously using the
“Write All” button. First, select one of the “Fill Options” by clicking
one of the four “radio” buttons under that heading. “Data=Adr”
writes the cell’s address into its memory location, while
“Checkerboard” writes the two user defined data bytes to
adjacent memory bytes. “Explicit1” and “Explicit2” allow the user
to define two different data bytes that may be written to the
entire memory array. After choosing the desired fill option, click
the “Write All” button to write the memory array. Remember to
click “Read All” to display what was just written.
The RTC evaluation software records continuous measurements
of the RTC time to PC reference clock deviation, and of the board
temperature. The Graph tab then allows the user to display the
results vs. elapsed time, for times extending from a few minutes
to thirty days.