Replacement: FM28V100
FM20L08 - Extended Temp.
Rev. 1.91
Aug. 2009 Page 4 of 12
The FM20L08 is a bytewide FRAM memory
logically organized as 131,072 x 8 and is accessed
using an industry standard parallel interface. All data
written to the part is immediately nonvolatile with no
delay. The device offers page mode operation which
provides higher speed access to addresses within a
page (row). An access to a different page requires that
either /CE transitions low or the upper address
A(16:3) changes.
Memory Operation
Users access 131,072 memory locations with 8 data
bits each through a parallel interface. The FRAM
array is internally organized as 16K rows of 64 bits
each. Within each row (page) there are 8 column
locations, which allow fast access in page mode
opera tion. Once an initial ad dr ess has been latched by
the falling edge of /CE, subsequent column locations
may be accessed without the need to toggle /CE.
When /CE is deasserted high, a precharge operation
begins. Writes occur immediately at the end of the
access with no delay. The /WE pin must be toggled
for each write operation.
Read Operation
A read operation begins on the falling edge of /CE.
The falling edge of /CE causes the address to be
latched and starts a memory read cycle if /WE is high.
Data becomes available on the bus after the access
time has been satisfied. Once the address has been
latched and the access completed, a new access to a
random lo cation (different row) may begin while /CE
is still low. The minimum cycle time for random
addresses is t
. Note that unlike SRAMs, the
FM20L08’s /CE-initiated access time is faster than
the address cycle time.
The FM20L08 will drive the da ta bus only when /OE
is asserted low and the memory access time has been
satisfied. If /OE is asserted prio r to completion of the
memory access, the data bus will not be driven until
valid data is available. This feature minimizes supply
current in the system by eliminating transients caused
by invalid data being driven onto the bus. When /OE
is inactive, the data bus will remain hi-Z.
Write Operation
Writes occur in the FM20L08 in the same time
interval as reads. The FM20L08 supports both /CE-
and /WE-controlled write cycles. In both cases, the
address is latched on the falling edge of /CE.
In a /CE-controlled write, the /WE signal is asserted
prior to beginning the memory cycle. That is, /WE is
low when /CE falls. In this case, the de vice begins the
memory cycle as a write. The FM20L08 will not
drive the data bus regardless of the state of /OE as
long as /WE is low. Input data must be valid when
/CE is d easserted high. I n a /WE-controlled write, the
memory cycle begins on the falling edge of /CE. The
/WE signal falls some time later. Therefore, the
memory cycle begins as a read. The data bus will be
driven if /OE is low, however it will hi-Z once /WE is
asserted low. The /CE- and /WE-controlled write
timing cases are shown on page 9. In the Write Cycle
Timing 2 diagram, the data bus is shown as a hi-Z
condition while the chip is write-enabled and before
the required setup time. Although this is drawn to
look like a mid-level voltage, it is recommended that
all DQ pins comply with the minimum V
oper a ting levels.
Write access to the array begins on the falling edge of
/WE after the memory cycle is initiated. The write
access terminates on the rising edge of /WE or /CE,
whichever comes first. A valid write operation
requires the user to meet the access time specification
prior to deasserting /WE or /CE. Data setup time
indicates the interval during which data cannot
change prior to the end of the write access (/WE or
/CE high).
Unlike other nonvolatile memory technologies, there
is no write delay with FRAM. Since the read and
write access times of the underlying memory are the
same, the user experiences no delay through the bus.
The entire memory operation occurs in a single bus
cycle. Data polling, a technique used with EEP ROMs
to determine if a wr ite is complete, is unnecessary.
Page Mode Operation
The FM20L08 provides the user fast access to any
data within a row element. Each row has eight
column locations. An access can start anywhere
within a row and other column locations may be
accessed without the need to toggle the /CE pin. For
page mode reads, once the first data byte is driven
onto the bus, the column address inputs A(2:0) may
be changed to a new value. A new data byte is then
driven to the DQ pins. For page mode writes, the
first write pulse defines the first write access. While
/CE is low, a subsequent write pulse along with a new
column address provides a page mode write access.
Precharge Operation
The precharge operation is an internal condition in
which the state of the memory is prepared for a new
access. Precharge is user-initiated by driving the /CE
signal high. It must remain high for at least the
minimum precharge time t