FLAT PAK /G MODULE SELECTION GUIDE 3 Veh Logic Yoltage Oniy AC INPUT 12-32 VAG 96 - 140 VAC AC OUTPUT 12-140 VAG pC INPUT 10-32 VDC $0 - 146 VOG OC OUTPUT 5 - 60 VBC 18461 Springdale St., Huntington Beach, GA 92649-1968 IDCSP iAGSP OACEP IDCSP IACSP ODCSP Opto 22 6-45&O INPUT MODULES 12-32 VAG PLAT PAK, PLUG-IN SO - 140 VAC The Flat Pak AC input modules are used for sensing ON/OFF alternating current (AC) voltage levels. Ail AC input modules are designed with filtering on the input and a hysteresis amplifier for high noise rejection and transient free clean switching. Each module provides up to 4000 Vine of optical isolation between the field inputs and the logic side of the circuit. The Flat Pak module are typical used on user-designed printed clreull boards where the atandard single channel or Quad Pak module de not provide an exact iit. The Flal Pak modules are also ideal for circuit boards designed for computer chassis (Le., iIniels MultiBus, STD bus, etc.) because of fis low profile. Typical uses and applications include sensing the presence or absence of vollage or sensing comiact soe ures from sources such as: Proximity Switcnes Lint Switches Selector Switches Push Button And Toagie Switches Trhermosiais eT bru ee Cn vad ff We industry standard plug-in module 4600 VAC optical isolation UL recognized #E58169 GSA ceriified #35852 Operating temperature: -30 to 70 C Built-in fering for transient suppression and noise rejection 12-32 5 1605S 80 - 140 5 ACS Opto 22 8-44 15461 Springdale St., Huntingion Beach, CA 92649-1368One erating Ambient Isolation input-To-Out tout: Output Voliage Drop: Ouiput Current: Outout Leakage With No Input: Output Transistor: input Voltage Range: input Current @ Maximum Line: Turn-on Time: Turn-off Time: input Allowed For No Output: Logic Supply Voltage-Neminal: Logic Supoly Voltage F Logic Supply Current: @ Nomingl Loaic Voltage* ingut Resistance: (Ai in Schematic Diagram) Control Resistance: (Re in Schematic Diagram) mperaiure: aie Si, Huntington Beach, CA @2649-1968 ws. = Ha) om ie = i fy a 20 0 70C 4000 Viens oon ee @ eos 30 Vo its f prec ahciow i a= Fa pe FS Unis FOCEeE IACSEP VAG 12-32 TA as msec 5 msec 5 mA, 1,3 YoC 5 YDG 45-6 mA 42 Ohms 7.8K 14k Ohms 220 220 Opie 22 & r= 8-48AC INPUT MODULES PLAT PAK, PLUG-IN jm 41 MAK em t2+ 22 VAG $0 - 146 VAC i -375 MAX IT 4.400 ~| | ct i 30 te 025 SQ. B 4 ae OE PIN I= 150 r 150 1 1.200 J ~~ 150 DINENSIONS 1.57 MAX SCHEMATIC VV Ri O----- O~ VAG OR VDG Lk on --- o V Re LOGIC GND (COMMON 5) ee END CMON) eee ge PT 3.3K < : @Ki- ~~ - LED EQUIVALENT GIRGUIT ONLY NEGATIVE TRUE LOGIG Opte 22 15461 Springdale St., Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1368AG OUTPUT MODULES 12-146 VAC FLAT PAK, PLUG-IN DESCRIPTION The Fiat Pak AC output modules are used fer controlling or switching AC loads. Each module provides up to 4000 Ving of optical isolation between the field devices and the control logic. With the exception of the GACSAS module, all AC outout modules are equivalent io a single pole, single threw, normally open contact (FORM A, SPST-NO, Make). The OACSAS is equivalent to a single pole, single throw, normally closed ceniact (FORM 8, SPST-NC, Break). Al AG ouiput modules feature zero voltage turn-on and zere current turn-off. The Flat Pak module are typical used on user-designed printed circuit boards where the standard single channe! or Quad Pak module de not provide an exact fit. The Flat Pak modules are also ideal for circull boards designed for computer chassis (Le., Intel's MultiBus, STO bus, etc.) because of its low profile. Typical uses and applications for AC output modules include switching ihe following loads: Relays solenoids And Contactors Motor Siarters reaters Lamps Or Indicators FEATURES industry siandard plug-in module 4000 VAC optical isolation Current rating: 8 amperes @ 45 C Withsiands one cycle surge of 80 amperes UL recognized #E58169 CSA certified #35852 Operating temperature: -30 to 70 C Zero voltage iurn-on Zero current turn-off CADERING GUIDE Line Voltage VAC Logic Voltage Part Number DACSP oi 12-140 Opie 22 15481 Springdaie St., Huntington Beach, CA 92649-13968 6 - Be aflPes SUTPUT MGDULES Ber, ay eh 2 pond SLAY PAR, PLUG-IN SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL - Applies To All Modeis Current Railing: @ 45 G Ambient @ 70 C Ambient One Cycle Surge: reek Repetitive Voltage: Operating Ambient Temperature: Isolation Inpui-To-Outout: Minimum Load Current: Gperating Frequency: Turn-on Time: Turn-otf Time: BYV/DT - Off-state: DV/DT - Commutatina: Output Voltage Drop Maximum Peak: Off-state Leakage: Line Voltage - Nominal: Ooerating Voliage Range: Voltage - Nominal: Logis VoRkage Renge (Vee): ose Pickup Voltage: Ogle proper Voliage: oe input Current: @ Nermal Logic Vollege Gout in Schernatic Diagram) Contre! Resisiance: (Re in Schematic Diagram) @- 48 3 amperes 2 amperes 80 amperes peak 500 Volts -80 to 70 GC 4006 Ving 20 millamperes 25 - 65 Hz i/ cycle maximum - Zero Voltage 1/2 cycle maximum - Zero Current 200 Volts/microsecond Snubbed for rated 0.5 power factor load 1.8 Voits 5 mililamperes, rms DACSEP 120 VAG 12-7140 VAC Opte 22 154671 Springdale St, Huntingion Beach, CA 92649-1368Wis f TT ap omy AG OUTPUT MODULES 12-140 rid PAK, PLUG-IN OIMENSIONS ome AE MAK t 375 MAX i y il [TT een NN it OF [ 1.790 | be 489 ; r -150 > 7 ft P 4.81 MAK 4.200 4 Se doo ke | go =| base SCHEMATIC AC GUTPUT + | LED ne Ot po @--4-kR EO C- -[ toa ~~ -G} > | , > | Rc > 2 1 7 BSR V LL ~ ZERO mK *> C)}- Sigan -g)-- | VOLTAGE oy 7 eae \ 2) SIRCLAT Ay AZ | Sa car a | e A POUT oes @ - 4- O if 4 EQUIVALENT CARCUIT ONLY REGATIVE TRUE LOGIC Goto 22 15461 Springdale St, Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1568 &- 49OC INPUT MODULES 16-32 VOC FLAT PAK, PLUG-IN 90 - 140 YDC DESCRIPTION The Flat Pak OC ingut modules are used for sensing QN/OFP DC voltage leve els. AI DC input modulas with ihe exception of the IDCSB and the IDGSD are desi igned ith filtering on ihe input and a hysieresis amp pie for i igh noise rejection and wansient free "clean" switching. The IDC5B moduie is a fast switching input module for : Sionals produced by photoelectric switches, encoders, BC proxi imity switches or TTL level devices. The IDCSD is a low cosi, DC only, input rnodule for use in data acquisition applications. Each module provides up to 4000 Vims of optical isolation between the field inputs and the logic side of the circuit. The Flat Pak module are typical used on user-designed printed circult boards where the standard single channel or Quad Pak module do not provide an exact me The Flat Pak modules are also ideal for circuit boards designed for compuier chassis (.., Intel's MultiBus, TD bus, etc.) because of iis iow profile. Typical uses and applications include sensing the presence or absence of voliage or sensing contact closures from sources such as: Proximity Switches Link: Switches Selector Switcnes Push Bution And Toagle Switches ae slectric Switches TL Compatible Devices Industry j standard plug-in moduie 4000 VAS optical isolation UL recognized #58158 CSA ceritied #55852 Operating temperaiure: -30 to 70C GRBERING GUIDE imput Vollage VDC Logic Vettage Part Number 10-32 5 IDCSP SO - 140 5 IACSP Opto 22 Soringdale St., Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1368 a a on 2 on a swall, on oi 3t- 32 VOC $0 - 146 VDC SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL - Applies To All Model Operating Ambient Temperature: isolation Input-To-Output: Outout Voliage Drop: Output Current: Output Leakage With No Input: Transistor: Input Voltage Range: Input Current @ Maximum Line: Turn-on Time: Turn-off Time: Input Allowed For No Output: Logic Supply Voltage - Nominal: Logic Supply Voltage Range: Logic Supply Current: @ Nominal Logic Valtage* Inout Resistance: (Ai in Schematic Diagram) Gontrol Resistarice: (Re in Scnematic Diagram) op -30 to 70 A006 Virns 0.4 Volis @ 50 milliamperes 50 milliamperes 100 microamperes maximum @ 30 VDC 30 Volis breakdown go em Par a Units pICSP YDC 10-92 mA 25 msec 5 msec 5 mA, V i,3 DC 5 YDS 45-6 mA !2 Ohms ik Onms 220 Opie 22 15461 Springdale St, Huntington Beach, CA 92648-1388 oD t cn wah,1.67 MAX. 1.49 MAX = =| 10-32 VBC SO - 146 VDC | 375 MAX i -30 MIN a ns ~ 025 SG. PIN ~ AOD me | . 2 ra 186 rr 186 1.290 VAC OR VDC EQUIVALENT GIAGUIT ORLY NEGATIVE TRUE LOGIC Opte 22 15461 Springdale Si, Huntington Beach, GA 62649-1268ts) ee a to Oe DC OUTPUT MODULES | 5 - 60 FLAT PAK, PLUG-IN DESCAIPTION The Flat Pek DC cuiput modules are used for controlling or switching OC loads. Each module provides up te 4600 Vime of optical isolation between the field devices and the contra: logic. The Fiat Pak module are typical used on user-designed orinied circuit boards where the standard single channel or Quad Pak module do net provide an exact fit. The Flat Pak madules are also ideal for circuli boards designed for computer chassis (Le., Imels Muiiius, STD bus, ste.) because of its low profile 4 Typical uses and applications for DG outout modules include switching the following loads: DG Relays OG Solenoids DC Motor Staners DCG Lamps Or Indicators Industry stancard plug-in moduie 4000 VAC oplical isolation Withstancs one second surge at & amperes UL recognized #258159 GSA certified #35852 Operating temperature: -20 te 70 C OARBERING GUIDE Line Vortage VDC Logic Vonage Fart Number Dota 22 15461 Springdale St, Huntington Beash, CA 92649-1968 6-55PAK, PLUG-IN SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL - Apotlies To All Models One Second Surge: Onerating Ambient Temperature: isclation Input-To-Ourput: Turn-on Time: Tur-of Time: Qutput Voltage Drop Maximum: Line Voltage - Maximum: Operating Volilage Range: Current Rating: @ 45 C Ambient @ 70 C Ambient Of-staie Leakage: @ Maximum Vollage Logic Voltage - Nominal: Logic Vollage Range (Ver): Logic Pickup Voltage: Logic Dropout Voitage: Logie input Current: @ Nominal Logic Voltage* Control Resistance: (Re in Schematic Diagram) 5 - 54 15461. Springdale St, Huntington Beach, GA .92649-1 PC GUTPUT MGDULES FLAT 5 amperes -20 to 70 G 4000 Vims 106 microseconds 750 microseconds 1.6 Volis ODCSP 60 VBC 5 - 60 YDG 3 Amps 2 Amos 1mA 5 VDG 2.5-8VDC 2.5 VBC 1 VDC 12 mA 220 Chims Opie 22 36SDC OUTPUT MODULE S- 60 VOC FLAT PAK, PLUG-IN DIMENSIONS mmm AY MAK em ee en 375 MAX | [ | | | 1 30 MIN NN .025 SQ. PIN perme GG eee TO C .160 1.51 MAX 1.200 Ho 800 J 180 SCHEMATIC BG OUTPUT * COMMUTATING DIODE ro _ Oss + V7 . AMPLIFIER EQUIVALENT aA CIRCUIT ONLY fe NEGATIVE TRUE LOGIC = * Must be used on inductive loads. Note: Also compatible with Totem Pole or 3-Slate Output. Opto 22 15461 Springdale Si., Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1368 8 - 55