CLP30-200B1 ASD (Application Specific Devices) Overvoltage and overcurrent protection for telecom line Features Dual bidirectional protection device High peak pulse current: - IPP = 40 A (5/310 s surge) - IPP = 30 A (10/1000 s surge) Max. voltage at switching-on: 290 V Min. current at switching-off: 150 mA SO-8 Description The CLP30-200B1 is designed to protect telecommunication equipment. It provides both a transient overvoltage protection and an overcurrent protection. The external components (balanced resistors, ring relays contact, ...) needed by the CLP30200B1 protection concept require very low power rating. This results in a very cost effective protection solution. Order code Part Number Marking CLP30-200B1RL CLP30 Figure 1. CLP30-200B1 schematic diagram TIPL Main applications Any telecom equipment submitted to transient overvoltages and lightning strikes such as : Analog and ISDN line cards PABX 1 TIPS GND GND GND GND RINGL RINGS Benefits Voltage and current controlled suppression Surface Mounting with SO-8 package Very low power rating of external components on line card: balanced resistors, ring relay, low voltage SLIC protection TRISILsTM are not subject to ageing and provide a fail safe mode in short circuit for a better level of protection. Trisils are used to ensure equipment meets various standards such as UL60950, IEC950 / CSA C22.2, UL1459 and FCC part 68. Trisils have UL94 V0 approved resin (Trisils are UL497B approved [file: E136224]). TM: TRISIL is a trademark of STMicroelectronics August 2006 Rev 1 1/15 15 CLP30-200B1 Figure 2. Block diagram TIPL TIPS Overcurrent detector Overvoltage detector OR Overvoltage reference (> 200 V) SW1 GND SW2 Overvoltage detector OR Overvoltage reference (> 200 V) Overcurrent detector RINGL 2/15 RINGS Pin Symbol Description 1 TIPL TIP (line side) 2/3/6/7 GND Groung 4 RINGL RING (line side) 5 RINGS RING ( SLIC side) 8 TIPS TIP (SLIC side CLP30-200B1 1 Characteristics Characteristics Table 1. Standards compliance Peak surge voltage (V) Voltage waveform Required peak current (A) Current waveform Minimum serial resistor to meet standard () GR-1089 Core First level 2500 1000 2/10 s 10/1000 s 500 100 2/10 s 10/1000 s 12 24 GR-1089 Core Second level 5000 2/10 s 500 2/10 s 24 GR-1089 Core Intra-building 1500 2/10 s 100 2/10 s 0 ITU-T-K20/K21 6000 1500 10/700 s 150 37.5 5/310 s 110 0 ITU-T-K20 (IEC 61000-4-2) 8000 15000 1/60 ns VDE0433 4000 2000 10/700 s 100 50 5/310 s 60 10 VDE0878 4000 2000 1.2/50 s 100 50 1/20 s 0 0 IEC61000-4-5 4000 4000 10/700 s 1.2/50 s 100 100 5/310 s 8/20 s 60 0 FCC Part 68, lightning surge type A 1500 800 10/160 s 10/560 s 200 100 10/160 s 10/560 s 22.5 15 FCC Part 68, lightning surge type B 1000 9/720 s 25 5/320 s 0 Standard Table 2. 0 0 Thermal resistance Symbol Rth(j-a) ESD contact discharge ESD air discharge Paramete Junction to ambient Value Unit 170 C/W 3/15 Characteristics CLP30-200B1 Table 3. Absolute maximum ratings (RSENSE = 3 , Tamb = 25 C) Symbol IPP Parameter Non repetitive surge peak on-state current F = 50 Hz Tstg Tj Storage temperature range Maximum junction temperature Table 4. Symbol Unit 30 40 A Line to GND peak pulse current - 10/1000 s (open circuit voltage wave shape 10/1000 s) - 5/310 s (open circuit voltage wave shape 10/700 s) ITSM TL Value tp = 10 ms tp = 200 ms tp = 1 s 8.5 4.5 3.5 A -40 to +150 150 C 260 C Lead temperature for soldering during 10 s. Electrical characteristics (RSENSE = 3 , Tamb = 25 C) Parameter Test condtions Min VLG = 200 V Measured between TIP (or RING) and GND Max Unit 10 A ILGL Line to GND leakage current VLG Line to GND operating voltage 200 V VSWON Line to GND voltage at SW1 or Measured at 50 Hz between TIPL SW2 switching-on (or RINGL) and GND,one cycle 290 V ISWOFF Line to GND negative current at SW1 or SW2 switching-off Refer to test circuit fig 9 150 ISWON Line current at SW1 or SW2 switching-on Positive surge Negative surge 220 280 Line to GND capacitance VLG = 0 V VOSC = 200 mVRMS F = 1MHz C Figure 3. mA 320 380 mA 100 pF Test circuit for ISWOFF parameter: GO-NO GO test TIPL or RINGL R -VP D.U.T VBAT = -48 V GND Surge generator This is a GO-NO GO test which allows to confirm the holding current (IH) level in a functional test circuit. TEST PROCEDURE: - Adjust the current level at the IH value by short circuiting the D.U.T. - Fire the D.U.T. with a surge current: IPP = 10A, 10/1000 s - The D.U.T. will come back to the off-state within a duration of 50 ms max. 4/15 CLP30-200B1 Figure 4. Characteristics Figure 5. Typical variation of switching-on current (positive or negative) versus RSENSE resistor and junction temperature (see test condition figure 6) Variation of switching-on current versus RSENSE at 25 C ISWON @ 25 C (mA) ISWON (mA) 500 600 500 ISWON @ 0 C ISWON @ 25 C ISWON min negative ISWON @ 70 C 400 ISWON max negative ISWON min positive ISWON max positive 300 300 200 200 100 RSENSE ( ) 100 2 3 4 RSENSE ( ) 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 Figure 7. Figure 6. ISWON MEASUREMENT: - ISWON = l1 when the CLP30-200B1 switches on (l1 is progressively increased using R) - Both TIP and RING sides of the CLP30200B1 are checked - RL = 10 RSENSE 1.4 I1 RL 5 7 9 11 Relative variation of switching-off current versus junction temperature (for RSENSE between 3 and 10 ) ISWOFF [Tj C] / ISWOFF [25 C] 1.2 48 V TIPL TIPS DUT GND 1 R 0.8 0.6 Temperature ( C) RINGL RINGS 0.4 0 20 40 60 80 5/15 Characteristics Figure 8. CLP30-200B1 Relative variation of switching-off current versus RSENSE (between 3 and 10 ) ISWOFF [RSENSE] / ISWOFF [4 ] Figure 9. Relative variation of switching-on voltage versus dV/dt with an external resistor of 3 VSWON / VREF 1.6 1.12 1.4 1.10 1.08 1.2 1.06 1.0 1.04 0.8 1.02 0.6 RSENSE ( ) 1.00 0.98 0.1 0.4 6 4 8 10 Figure 10. Relative variation of internal reference voltage versus junction temperature (ILG =1 mA) dV/dt (V/s) 0.3 1 3 10 30 100 300 1000 Figure 11. Capacitance (TIP/GND) versus applied voltage (typical values) C (pF) 70 VREF [Tj C] / VREF [25 C] 1.10 50 1.05 1.00 30 0.95 20 0.90 Tj ( C) 0.85 -40 -20 0 20 40 VR (V) 60 10 Figure 12. Surge peak current versus overload duration (maximum values) ITSM (A) 10 8 6 4 2 t (S) 0 0.01 6/15 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 100 CLP30-200B1 Technical information 2 Technical information 2.1 Introduction The aim of this section is to show the behavior of our new telecom line protection device. Figure 13. Suscriber line protection topology "PRIMARY PROTECTION" Telecommunication "SECONDARY PROTECTION" CLP30200B1 line MDF VOLTAGE REFERENCE SLIC LINE CARD EXCHANGE Figure 13. is a simplified block diagram of a subscriber line protection that is mainly used so far. This shows two different things: A "primary protection" located on the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) eliminates coarsely the high energy environmental disturbances (lightning transients and AC power mains disturbances) for which the ITU-T-K20 requires a 4 kV 10/700 s test. This can be assumed either by gas-tubes or silicon protection such as the TLPxxM. A "secondary protection" located on the line card eliminates finely the remaining transients that have not been totally suppressed by the first stage. The ITU-T-K20 requires a 1 kV 10/700 s test. At this stage, the protection is managed by the CLP30200B1. The explanations which follow are basically covering the line card application. 2.2 STMicroelectronics CLP30-200B1 concept 2.2.1 Evolution of the SLIC protection Over the years, the performances of the SLICs considerably increased and therefore the need of the protection has also evolved. The CLP30-200B1 is especially designed for the protection of this new generation of SLIC. For this, it is based on both overvoltage and overcurrent protection modes. 7/15 Technical information CLP30-200B1 Figure 14. Line card protection I Programmable thanks to any external voltage reference Programmable thanks to an external resistor + ISWON - VSWON V + VSWON - ISWON Line Card operating conditions Figure 14. summarises the performance of the CLP30-200B1 which basically holds the SLIC inside its correct voltage and current values. 2.2.2 Application circuit Figure 15. CLP30-200B1 in line card PTC I TIP RSENSE RS - VBAT 1 TIPS TIPL Rp Overcurrent detector 2 OR Overvoltage detector Overvoltage reference (> 200 V) OR Overvoltage detector Overvoltage reference (> 200 V) SW1 TIP - VBAT External voltage reference SLIC 1 GND SW2 Rp RING 2 Overcurrent detector RINGL RINGS Ring Generator PTC RSENSE RING RS The Figure 15. above shows the topology of a protected analog subscriber line at the line card side. 8/15 A first stage based on CLP30-200B1 manages the high power issued from the external surges. When used in ringing mode, the CLP30-200B1 operates in voltage mode and provides a symmetrical and bidirectional overvoltage protection above 200 V on both TIP and RING lines. When used in speech mode, the CLP30-200B1 operates in current mode and the activation current of the CLP30-200B1 is adjusted by RSENSE. CLP30-200B1 2.2.3 Technical information A second stage which is the external voltage reference device defines the firing threshold voltage during the speech mode and also assumes a residual power overvoltage suppression. This stage can be either a fixed or programmable device such as LCP1511D. Ringing mode Figure 16. Switching by voltage during ringing mode ILG A1 ILG TIP RSENSE TIPS TIPL 1 2 1/2 CLP200M Overcurrent detector 1 - 200 VLG 2 + 200 1 OR SW1 Overvoltage detector Overvoltage reference (> 200 V) VLG 3 GND In ringing mode (ring relay in position 2), the only protection device involved is the CLP30200B1. In normal conditions, the CLP30-200B1 operates in region 1 of A1 curve, and is idle. If an overvoltage occurring between TIP (or RING) and GND reaches the internal overvoltage reference (+/- 200 V), the CLP30-200B1 acts and the line is short-circuited to GND. At this time the operating point moves to region 2 for positive surges (region 3 for negative surges). Once the surge current disappears, the device returns to its initial state (region 1). For surges occurring between TIP and RING, the CLP30-200B1 acts in the same way. This means that the CLP30-200B1 ensures a tripolar protection. When used alone, the CLP30-200B1 acts at the internal overvoltage reference level (+/- 200V). Furthermore, it is possible to adjust this threshold level to a lower voltage by using up to 4 fixed external voltage reference (VZ1 to VZ4) (see Figure 17.). 9/15 Technical information CLP30-200B1 Figure 17. Method to adjust the reference voltage 1 TIP RSENSE 2 TIPS TIPL VZ1 Overcurrent detector VZ2 OR Overvoltage detector Overvoltage reference (> 200 V) OR Overvoltage detector Overvoltage reference (> 200 V) SW1 GND GND SW2 VZ3 Overcurrent detector RINGL VZ4 RINGS 1 RSENSE RING 2 2.2.4 Speech mode Figure 18. Switching by current during speech mode ILG TIP ILG RSENSE TIPS TIPL 1 Overcurrent detector 2 OR SW1 Overvoltage detector Overvoltage reference (> 200 V) Rp - VBAT 6 External voltage reference - VBAT 4 VLG VLG 5 GND In speech mode (ring relay in position 1), the protection is provided by the combination of both CLP30-200B1 and the external voltage reference device (for example LCP1511D). In normal conditions, the working point of this circuit is located in region 4 of A2 curve: the CLP30-200B1 is idle. When a surge occurs on the line, the external voltage reference device clamps at GND or VBAT respectively for positive and negative surges. This generates a current which is detected by RSENSE and causes the protection to act: the line is short-circuited to GND. The operating point moves to region 6 for positive surges or region 5 for negative surges. 10/15 CLP30-200B1 Technical information Once the surge current falls below the switching-off current ISWOFF, the CLP30-200B1 returns to its initial state (region 4). Furthermore, the CLP30-200B1 switches when an overvoltage, either positive or negative, occurs either: simultaneously on both TIP and RING lines versus GND between TIP and RING on TIP (or RING) versus GND The choice of the switching-on current is function of the RSENSE resistors. Figure 19. Switching-on current versus RSENSE: relative variation of ISWON versus RSENSE at various temperature Figure 20. Switching-on current versus RSENSE: relative variation of ISWON versus RSENSE at Tamb = 25 C ISWON @ 25 C (mA) ISWON (mA) 500 600 500 ISWON @ 0 C ISWON @ 25 C ISWON min negative ISWON @ 70 C 400 ISWON max negative ISWON min positive ISWON max positive 300 300 200 200 100 RSENSE ( ) 100 2 3 4 5 RSENSE ( ) 6 7 8 9 10 3 5 7 9 11 This current (typically above 150 mA) should not activate the protection device CLP30200B1. Therefore the level of activation is to be chosen just below this limit (typically 200 mA). This level is adjusted through RSENSE. Figures 7a and 7b enable the designers to choose the right RSENSE value. Example The choice of RSENSE = 3 ensures a negative triggering of -280 mA min and -380 mA maximum. In this case, the positive triggering will be 220 mA min and 320 mA max. Thanks to the CLP30-200B1 topology, the surge current in the line is reduced after it. Because the remaining surge energy is low, the power ratings of RP, the relay contacts and the external voltage reference device may be kept low. This results in a significant cost reduction for the whole system. 11/15 Ordering information scheme 3 CLP30-200B1 Ordering information scheme CLP Current Limiting Protection Peak Pulse Current 30 = 30 A Minimum operating voltage 200 = 200 V Package B1 = SO-8 Packing RL = Tape and reel 12/15 30 - 200 B1 RL CLP30-200B1 4 Package information Package information Table 5. SO-8 dimensions Dimensions Ref. Millimeters Min. Typ. A C (Seating Plane) ccc C A2 0.25mm (Gage Plane) C k D 5 E1 1 4 Min. Typ. 1.75 Max. 0.069 h x 45 L1 8 Max. A1 0.1 A2 1.25 0.25 0.004 0.010 0.049 L A1 e b A Inches E b 0.28 0.48 0.011 0.019 C 0.17 0.23 0.007 0.009 D 4.80 4.90 5.00 0.189 0.193 0.197 E 5.80 6.00 6.20 0.228 0.236 0.244 E1 3.80 3.90 4.00 0.150 0.154 0.157 e 1.27 0.050 h 0.25 0.50 0.010 0.020 L 0.40 1.27 0.016 0.050 8 0 L1 k ccc 1.04 0 0.041 0.10 8 0.004 Figure 21. SO-8 footprint (dimensions in mm) 13/15 Ordering information 5 6 14/15 CLP30-200B1 Ordering information Part Number Marking Package Weight Base qty Delivery mode CLP30-200B1RL CLP30 SO-8 0.11 g 2500 Tape and reel Revision history Date Revision 28-Aug-2006 1 Description of Changes First issue. CLP30-200B1 Please Read Carefully: Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries ("ST") reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice. 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Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST. ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries. Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners. (c) 2006 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America 15/15