Intel StrataFlash® Wireless Memory (L18)
Datasheet Intel Strata F l as h® Wireless Memory (L18) Augu st 2005
Order Num ber: 2519 02, Revi si on: 010 49
0x40 Word Program
First cycle of a 2-cycle programming command; prepares the CUI for a write operation.
On the next write cycle, the address and data are latched and the WSM executes the
programming algorithm at the addr essed location. During program operations, the
partition responds only to Read Status Register and Program Suspend commands. CE#
or OE# must be toggled to update the Status Register in asynchronous read. CE# or
ADV# must be toggled to update the Status Register Data for synchronous Non-array
read. The Read Array com mand must be issued to read array data af ter progr amming has
0x10 Alternate Word
Setup Equivalent to the Word Program Setup command, 0x40.
0xE8 Buffered
Program This comm and loa ds a variable number of bytes up to the buf fer s ize of 32 w ords onto the
program buffer.
0xD0 Buffered
The confirm command is Iss ued a fter the data streaming for writing into the buffer is done.
This instructs the WSM to perform the Buffered Program algorithm, writing the data from
the buffer to the flash memory array.
First cycle of a 2-cycle command; initiates Buffered Enhanced Factory Program mode
(Buffered EFP). The CUI then waits for the Buffered EFP Confirm command, 0xD0, that
initiates the Buffered E FP algori thm. All other comm ands are ignor ed when B uffered EFP
mode begins.
0xD0 Buffered EFP
Confirm If the previous command was Buffered EFP Setup (0x80), the CUI latches the address
and data, and prepares the device for Buffered EFP mode.
0x20 Block Erase
First cycle of a 2-cycle command; prepares the CUI for a block-erase operation. The
WSM performs the erase algorithm on the block addressed by the Erase Confirm
command. If the next command is not the Erase Confirm (0xD0) command, the CUI sets
Status Register bits SR[4] and SR[5], and places the addressed partition in read status
register mode.
0xD0 Block Erase
If the first command was Block Eras e Setup ( 0x20), the CUI latches the address and dat a,
and the WSM erases the addressed block. During block-erase operations, the partition
respo nds only to Read S tatus Register an d Erase Suspend commands. CE# or OE# must
be toggled to update the Status Register in asynchronous read. CE# or ADV# must be
toggled to update the Status Register Data for synchronous Non-array read.
Suspend 0xB0 Program or
This command issued to any device address initiates a suspend of the currently-
executing program or block erase operation. The Status Register indicates successful
suspend operation by setting either SR[2] (program suspended) or SR[6] (erase
suspended), along with SR[7] (ready). The Write State Machine remains in the suspend
mode regardless of control signal states (except for RST# asserted).
0xD0 Suspend
Resume This command issued to any device address resumes the suspended program or block-
erase operation.
Block Locking/
0x60 Lock Block
First cycle of a 2-cycle command; prepares the CUI for block lock configuration changes.
If the next command is not Block Lock (0x01), Block Unlock (0xD0), or Block Lock-Down
(0x2F), the CUI sets Status Register bits SR[4] and SR[5], indicating a command
sequence error.
0x01 Lock Block If the previous command was Block Lock Setup (0x60), the addressed block is locked.
0xD0 Unl ock Bloc k If the previous command was Block Lock Setup (0x60), the addressed block is unlocked.
If the addressed block is in a lock-down state, the operation has no effect.
0x2F Lock-Down
Block If the previous command was Block Lock Setup (0x60), the addressed block is locked
Protection 0xC0 Program
First cycle of a 2-cycle command; prepares the device for a Protection Register or Lock
Register p rog ram operation. The second cyc le latc hes the regi ster addres s and dat a, and
starts the programming algorithm.
First cycle of a 2-cycle command; prepares the CUI for device read configuration. If the
Set Read Configura tion Register command ( 0x03) is not the nex t command, the CUI sets
Status Register bits SR[4] and SR[5], indicating a command sequence error.
0x03 Read
If the previous command was Read Confi guration Reg ister Setup (0x60), the CUI latches
the address and writes A[15: 0] to the Read Configuration Register. Following a Configur e
Read Configuration Register command, subsequent read operations access array data.
Table 9. Command Code s and Definitions (Shee t 2 of 2)
Mode Code Device Mode Description