PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(9%2$5' nRF905 Evaluation board *(1(5$/'(6&5,37,21 This document describes the Q5)(9%2$5' and its use with the Nordic VLSI Q5) Single Chip 433/868/915MHz RF Transceiver. Q5)(9%2$5'V for operation at 433MHz and 868/915MHz are available. This document covers both versions. Figure 1: The Q5)(9%2$5' Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG ,1752'8&7,21 The Evaluation Board for the Q5) Single Chip 433/868/915MHz RF Transceiver has been developed to enable customers to test functionality, run communication and verify the performance parameters of the device. This document describes the usage of the Q5) (9%2$5' and suggests some test benches for performance tests. The Q5)(9%2$5' is intended for evaluation purposes only. It is not intended for incorporation into an end product. *(77,1*67$57(' The Q5)(9%2$5' is supplied with a configuration board, the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU %RDUG. The Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG enables you to configure and run ShockBurstTM communication with Q5) via the Q'31ordic 'evelopment 3latform) configuration and control software for PC. When the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG is removed, the full Q5) digital interface is available for any micro controller unit (MCU) through a flat cable connector. To test the Q5) device to its full extent, the following instrumentation should be at your disposal: * * * * * * * PC, running (supplied) the Q'31ordic 'evelopment 3latform) configuration and control software for PC Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG (supplied) or other micro controller board A +1.9 V to +3.6V DC voltage supply Logic analyzer Ampere meter RF signal generator with GFSK modulation capability RF spectrum analyzer Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG Q5)(9%2$5''(6&5,37,21 Appendix 1 shows the Q5)(9%2$5' circuit diagram. The PCB layout and component placement is shown in Appendix 2. The component list is given in Appendix 3. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the Q5)(9%2$5'. 1.9-3.6V GND J1 VDD Select S1 JP1 VDD_C TXEN TRX_CE PWR_UP CD AM Digital I/O J2 DR nRF905 RF I/O MISO MOSI SCK CSN uPCLK J3 Figure 2: Block diagram of the Q5)(9%2$5' 3RZHUVXSSO\ Power and ground can be applied to the Q5)(9%2$5' either by feed from the MCU board through the data interface JP1 or through a separate power connector J1. The "VDD Select" switch (S1) selects which connector to use. If VDD is not fed in through JP1 (pin 15), S1 functions as an ordinary ON/OFF switch. 127( When VDD is fed from the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUGthrough JP1, the supply voltage is fixed at +3V. 'LJLWDO,2 All digital I/O signals of the Q5) device can be accessed through connector JP1 for easy connection to the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG, MCU evaluation boards or other control circuitry. To operate the Q5) a MCU must be present for device configuration and control. The pin-out is listed in Table 1. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG Pin # Signal name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CSN GND SCK MOSI MISO DR AM CD Pull Up GND PWR_UP TRX_CE TXEN Not used VDD GND Table 1: Q5)(9%2$5', JP1 pin-out The microprocessor clock output PCLK is available on a separate connector J3. Please see the Q5) product specification for further details. 5HIHUHQFHFU\VWDO The Q5)(9%2$5'has a 16 MHz reference crystal fitted. The Q5) must hence be configured for 16 MHz crystal operation in order to work. 5),2 For convenient connection of the differential antenna output/input pins to a single ended antenna or 50 test equipment, a differential to single ended matching network is included. This network matches the 50VLQJOHHQGHGDQWHQQDRU test equipment impedance at the SMA connector J2 to the recommended differential load impedance at the Q5)'s RF I/O stage (pins ANT1 & ANT2). The employed matching network introduces an insertion loss of approximately 1-2dB at 433/868/915MHz. The components utilized in the single ended matching network on the Q5)(9%2$5'have the tightest tolerances available. This is done to minimize the influence of component variations in the matching network during Q5) RF performance tests. In a final application less accurate and hence lower cost components can be utilized if some variation in output power and sensitivity can be accepted. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG Q5)86%&21),*85$7,21%2$5''(6&5,37,21 The Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG is fitted "on-top" (Figure 3) of the Q5)(9%2$5' and controls the Q5) via the Q'3PC software. The Q'3 software is documented in the 1RUGLF'HYHORSPHQW3ODWIRUP8VHU*XLGH[1]. Figure 3: Q5)(9%2$5' with Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU %RDUG The Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG is meant as an aid in the early stages of evaluation and protocol testing. It facilitates device configuration and ShockBurstTM communication. 3RZHUVXSSO\ In normal use the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG is connected to the USB port of a PC. Main power supply to the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG is fed through the USB interface connector "USB" from the PC. The power supply is regulated on board to +3V. This voltage can also be fed to the Q5)(9%2$5' by setting the "RF-VDD" switch to ON. 127( The signal levels on the digital interface connector "DEVICE" to the Q5) (9%2$5' will follow the regulated +3V supply of the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG. If a separate power supply is fed to the Q5)(9%2$5' ("RF-VDD" switch must be OFF), verify that the supply level on the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG never exceeds the supply level on the Q5)(9%2$5' To be able to utilize the full power supply range of the Q5) a MCU with similar supply range must be utilized. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG 8VHU/('V The Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUGincludes 3 user LEDs (marked "1", "2" and "3" on the PCB silkscreen). The functionality of these LEDs is dynamic and will be described when used together with the Q'3. 8VHUVZLWFK The Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUGincludes one user switch (marked "FUNCTION 1" on the PCB silkscreen). The functionality of this switch is dynamic and will be described when used together with the Q'3. Q5)(9%2$5'LQWHUIDFH The pin-out of the digital interface connector "DEVICE" to the Q5)(9%2$5' can be found under the Q5)(9%2$5' description, Table 1. 86%LQWHUIDFH The interface to the PC is a standard USB interface. 86%DGGUHVVLQJ On the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG, switch "USB ADDRESS" can be set to USB address 1 or 2. This is used as an easy way to visually identify the two Q5)(9%2$5'V. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG Q5)(9$/8$7,210($685(0(176 ETSI document (1 describes the technical characteristics and test methods for radio equipment to be used in the 433MHz and 868MHz ISM bands (Europe). The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) standard &)5, 3DUW describes the technical characteristics and test methods for radio equipment to be used in the 260MHz - 470MHz band and the 902MHz - 928MHz band (North America). The parameters that are directly related to the approval of equipment operating in the above mentioned frequency bands are: * * * * * Carrier frequency and RF output power (conducted) Effective radiated power (radiated) Modulation bandwidth Spurious emissions (in transmit mode) Spurious radiation (in receive mode) In addition, the following measurements are of interest to the user: * * Bit Error Rate (BER) as a function of RF input level (receiver sensitivity) RX/TX peak current consumption When measuring performance related parameters, losses in differential to single ended matching network, connectors and cables must be taken into account. These losses are typically in the order of 2 - 4 dB @ 433/868/915MHz. In this document you can find test benches for measurements of some of the parameters mentioned above which is easily done with the Q5)(9%2$5' together with the Q5) 86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG and the Q'3 software. Also, the Q'3 has an in-built feature for easy range testing between twoQ5)(9%2$5'V. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG 5))5(48(1&<28738732:(5$1'7;3($.&855(17 The test bench for RF frequency and output power measurements is shown Figure 4. Q5)86% FRQILJXUDWLRQ ERDUG 63(&7580$1$/<=(5 Q5) (9%2$5' RF in/out 50 Ohm Figure 4 RF frequency and output power test bench 5)IUHTXHQF\DQGRXWSXWSRZHU Do the following arrangements: * * * * * * * Connect the RF I/O port (SMA connector J2) of a Q5)(9%2$5' to the input of a spectrum analyzer using a 50 coaxial cable Connect a Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG to the Q5)(9%2$5' Launch the Q'3 on a PC Connect the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG to the PC, using the USB cable The Q'3 should now launch a Q5) Configuration window Double click on the ")L[HG&DUULHU" in the Q'3 configuration database access list The Q'3 should now launch a Q5) Configuration ")L[HG&DUULHU" window as shown in Figure 4 In the Q5) Configuration ")L[HG&DUULHU" window, do the following settings: * * * * * Set 3:5B8375;B&(and 7;B(1 ON (green "LEDs" in the Q5) Configuration ")L[HG&DUULHU" window) Set &U\VWDOIUHTXHQF\ to 16 MHz (the Q5)(9%2$5'has a 16 MHz reference crystal fitted) Select )UHTXHQF\EDQG, 433 MHz or 868/915 MHz (the Q5)(9%2$5' is made for either 433 MHz or 868/915 MHz) Select wanted )UHTXHQF\FKDQQHO and 2XWSXWSRZHU Set $XWRUHWUDQVPLVVLRQ OFF (leave check box un-checked) Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG The Q5) will now transmit a fixed carrier on a frequency channel and with an output power according to the chosen settings, until 3:5B8375;B&(or 7;B(1 is set OFF (red "LEDs" in the Q5) Configuration window). 3HDNFXUUHQWFRQVXPSWLRQ7; If power supply is fed to J1 on the Q5)(9%2$5', the peak current consumption in transmit mode can also be measured while the device is active. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG 7;02'8/$7,21%$1':,'7+6385,286(0,66,21 The test bench for TX modulation bandwidth and spurious emission measurements is shown Figure 5. Q5)86% FRQILJXUDWLRQ ERDUG 63(&7580$1$/<=(5 Q5) (9%2$5' RF in/out 50 Ohm Figure 5 TX modulation bandwidth and spurious emission test bench 7;PRGXODWLRQEDQGZLGWK Do the following arrangements: * * * * * * * Connect the RF I/O port (SMA connector J2) of a Q5)(9%2$5' to the input of a spectrum analyzer using a 50 coaxial cable Connect a Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG to the Q5)(9%2$5' Launch the Q'3 on a PC Connect the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG to the PC, using the USB cable The Q'3 should now launch a Q5) Configuration window Double click on the "0RGXODWLRQ%:" in the Q'3 configuration database access list The Q'3 should now launch a Q5) Configuration "0RGXODWLRQ%:" window as shown in Figure 5 In the Q5) Configuration "0RGXODWLRQ%:" window, do the following settings: * * * * * Set 3:5B8375;B&(and 7;B(1 ON (green "LEDs" in the Q5) Configuration "0RGXODWLRQ%:" window) Set &U\VWDOIUHTXHQF\ to 16 MHz (the Q5)(9%2$5'has a 16 MHz reference crystal fitted) Select )UHTXHQF\EDQG, 433 MHz or 868/915 MHz (your Q5)(9%2$5' is made for either 433 MHz or 868/915 MHz) Select wanted )UHTXHQF\FKDQQHO and 2XWSXWSRZHU Set $XWRUHWUDQVPLVVLRQ ON (leave check box checked) Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG The Q5) is now put into TX ShockBurstTM mode and transmits a modulated carrier on a frequency channel and with an output power according to the chosen settings, until 3:5B8375;B&(or 7;B(1 is set OFF (red "LEDs" in the Q5) Configuration window). 7;VSXULRXVHPLVVLRQ To test spurious output level, utilize the TX modulation bandwidth procedure. Shift the center frequency and span of the spectrum analyzer to look at the frequency band of interest. Remember that actual spurious emission data is specified with an antenna included. Adding an antenna will change the conducted values measured in this procedure depending on the antenna gain and frequency response characteristics. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG &20081,&$7,215$1*( The Q'3 has an in-built feature for easy range testing between twoQ5)(9%2$5'V. RF in/out 50 Ohm RF in/out 50 Ohm Q5) Q5) (9%2$5' (9%2$5' Q5)86% Q5)86% FRQILJXUDWLRQ FRQILJXUDWLRQ ERDUG ERDUG Figure 6 Communication range test set-up )LJXUHQ5)(9%2$5' with Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG and battery connector Do the following arrangements: * * * Connect a 9V battery to the connector marked "+4.5-16V" on both Q5)86% &RQILJXUDWRU%RDUGV Connect both Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUGV to a Q5)(9%2$5' Launch the Q'3 on a PC Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG * * * * * * Connect one of the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUGV to the PC, using the USB cable The Q'3 should now launch a Q5) Configuration window In the Q5) Configuration window, do the following settings: * Select )UHTXHQF\EDQG, 433 MHz or 868/915 MHz (your Q5)(9%2$5' is made for either 433 MHz or 868/915 MHz) * Select wanted )UHTXHQF\FKDQQHO and 2XWSXWSRZHU * Select if you want to used 5HGXFHG5;FXUUHQW or not (check or un-check the check box) * When ready, press the ' button as shown in Figure 6 The settings you have chosen will be saved as "/DVW'HPR" in the Q'3 configuration database Disconnect the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUGfrom the PC This Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG together with the Q5)(9%2$5' should now be powered from the 9V battery Then: * * * * * * * Connect the other Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG to the PC, using the USB cable The Q'3 should now launch a Q5) Configuration window Double click on the "/DVW'HPR" in the Q'3 configuration database access list The same configuration as you used with the previous board should now be loaded Press the ' button in the Q5) Configuration window Disconnect the Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUGfrom the PC This Q5)86%&RQILJXUDWRU%RDUG together with the Q5)(9%2$5' should now be powered from the 9V battery Then: * * * Connect an antenna (e.g the supplied 1/4 wave monopole antenna) to both of the Q5)(9%2$5'V Put one Q5)(9%2$5' in TX ShockBurstTM mode by setting the "Function 1" switch to ON Put the other Q5)(9%2$5' in RX ShockBurstTM mode by setting the "Function 1" switch to OFF When the set-up and configuration as explained above is finished, the Q5)(9%2$5' in TX ShockBurstTM mode will transmit packets with 32 bits address (default address is used), one byte payload and 16 bits CRC. The payload is an incremented packet number that loops around from 0 to 99. The packet transmission rate is 500 packets/sec. LED 1 on this board will flash when the board is transmitting. The Q5)(9%2$5' in RX ShockBurstTM mode will receive the packets from the board in TX ShockBurstTM mode. The received payload is used to calculate the packet loss ratio, and the packet loss ratio is visualized with LED 1, LED 2 and LED 3 in the following manner: Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG * * * * When all LEDs are lit, the packet loss ratio is < 5% When two LEDs are lit, the packet loss ratio is < 25% When only one LED is lit, the packet loss ratio is < 50% When no LEDs are lit, the packet loss ratio is > 50% The LEDs are updated every hundredth packet received, five times/second. 127( The Q5)(9.,7 is NOT intended to be a reference on maximum range achievable with Q5) devices in a communication system. The gain of the antennas used together with the Q5)(9%2$5'V severely affects the achievable range in the described test. Be aware of that the performance of a 1/4 wave monopole antenna as contained in the Q5)(9.,7 is very dependent on size of the available ground plane, and that the loss of antenna gain because of an under-sized ground plane can be considerable. A 1/4 wave monopole antenna connected directly to connector J2 on the Q5)(9%2$5' has only the board itself as ground plane and this ground plane is also offset with respect to the antenna, and hence the antenna is not operating in ideal conditions. Also remember that environmental conditions like obstacles and objects in the path between the transmitter and receiver antennas will decrease the range. 5()(5(1&(6 [1] 1ordic 'evelopment 3latform User Guide, Nordic VLSI document, Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION $SSHQGL[Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG&LUFXLWGLDJUDP xxx J1 1.9-3.6V S1 2 1 GND VDD + C15 4.7uF/16V 3216 C14 100nF 0603 VDD Select 868/915MHz VDD_C VDD_C 433MHz C3 33pF, 5% C9 3.9pF, 0.25pF 18pF, 5% 180pF, 5% C10 3.9pF, 0.25pF 18pF, 5% C11 VDD VDD C7 10nF 0603 R4 10K 0603 R5 10K 0603 VDD_C TXEN TRX_CE PWR_UP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VDD Not fitted L1 12nH, 2% 12nH, 2% L2 12nH, 2% 39nH, 5% L3 12nH, 2% 39nH, 5% TRX_CE PWR_UP uPCLK VDD VSS CD AM DR 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 VSS IREF VSS ANT2 ANT1 VDD_PA VSS VDD nRF905 C9 0603 R2 22K 0603 C11 Not fitted 0603 CSN U1 nRF905 HEADER 16 L2 0603 C12 0603 C13 0603 50 ohm RF I/Oxxx J2 SMA L1 0603 L3 0603 VDD VSS MISO MOSI SCK CSN XC1 XC2 VSS CD AM DR MISO MOSI SCK C13 Not fitted C3 0603 C10 0603 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VDD_C TXEN DVDD_1V2 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD JP1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C6 4.7nF 0603 Not fitted 6.8pF, 5% 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 R3 10K 0603 C5 33pF 0603 Not fitted C12 33pF, 5% C8 33pF 0603 XC1 J3 uPCLK GND XC2 C4 3.3nF 0603 uPCLK 2 1 xxx X1 16 MHz R1 1M C1 15pF 0603 J4 GND 1 C2 15pF 0603 xxx Figure A.1.1 Q5)(9%2$5', Circuit diagram. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION $SSHQGL[Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG3&%OD\RXW No components in bottom layer Top silkscreen Top signal layer Bottom signal layer Figure A.2.1 Q5)(9%2$5' PCB layout The Q5)(9%2$5' is manufactured on a 1.6mm thick, 2 layer FR4 substrate. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION $SSHQGL[Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG&RPSRQHQWOLVW 'HVLJQDWRU C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 J1 J2 J3 J4 JP1 L1 L2 L3 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 S1 U1 X1 'HVFULSWLRQ Capacitor ceramic Capacitor ceramic Capacitor Ceramic @ 433MHz @ 868/915MHz Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor Ceramic @ 433MHz @ 868/915MHz Capacitor Ceramic @ 433MHz @ 868/915MHz 3DUW7\SH )RRWSULQW 15pF, 5%, 50V, NPO 15pF, 5%, 50V, NPO 0603 0603 0603 180pF, +/-5%, 50V, NP0 33pF, +/-5%, 50V, NP0 3.3nF, +/-10%, 50V, X7R 33pF, +/-5%, 50V, NP0 4.7nF, +/-10%, 50V, X7R 10nF, +/-10%, 50V, X7R 33pF, +/-5%, 50V, NP0 &RPPHQWV 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 18pF, +/-5%, 50V, NP0 3.9pF, 0.25pF, 50V, NP0 0603 18pF, +/-5%, 50V, NP0 3.9pF, 0.25pF, 50V, NP0 Capacitor Ceramic @ 433MHz @ 868/915MHz Capacitor Ceramic @ 433MHz @ 868/915MHz Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor Tantalum Power supply connector RF I/O PCLK output Test point Digital I/O Wire wound chip inductor @ 433MHz: SRF>433MHz @ 868/915MHz: SRF>915MHz Wire wound chip inductor @ 433MHz: SRF>433MHz @ 868/915MHz: SRF>915MHz Wire wound chip inductor @ 433MHz: SRF>433MHz @ 868/915MHz: SRF>915MHz Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Slide switch, VDD Select Nordic VLSI, 433/868/915MHz RF Transceiver Toyocom Devices, 16MHz crystal 0603 0603 Not fitted 6.8pF, +/-5%, 50V, NP0 33pF, +/-5%, 50V, NP0 0603 Not fitted Not fitted 100nF, +/-10%, 50V, X7R 4.7F, +/-20%, 16V 0603 3216 through-hole through-hole through-hole through-hole SMA 2 pin header Flat cable connector 16 pin GND for test equipment through-hole 0603 12nH, +/-2% 12nH, +/-2% 0603 39nH, +/-5% 12nH, +/-2% 0603 39nH, +/-5% 12nH, +/-2% 1M 22k 10k 10k 10k Q5) 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 through-hole QFN32L/5x5 TSX-10A SMD 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% LxWxH = 4.0x2.5x0.8mm, CL=9pF, ESR < 100, tolerance + temperature drift < +/- 30 ppm Table A.3.1 Q5)(9%2$5' Component list Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG '(),1,7,216 3URGXFWVSHFLILFDWLRQ This Evaluation Board documentation contains final product specifications. Nordic VLSI ASA reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. /LPLWLQJYDOXHV Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Specifications sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. $SSOLFDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQ Where application information is given, it is advisory and does not form part of the specification. Table 2: Definitions Nordic VLSI ASA reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic VLSI does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuits described herein. /,)(6833257$33/,&$7,216 These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Nordic VLSI ASA customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nordic VLSI ASA for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Product specification, revision date : 30.01.2004 All rights reserved (R). Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG <285127(6 Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(YDOXDWLRQ%RDUG 1RUGLF9/6,:RUOG:LGH'LVWULEXWRUV )RU<RXUQHDUHVWGHDOHUSOHDVHVHHKWWSZZZQYOVLQR 0DLQ2IILFH Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Phone: +47 72 89 89 00, Fax: +47 72 89 89 89 9LVLWWKH1RUGLF9/6,$6$ZHEVLWHDWKWWSZZZQYOVLQR Nordic VLSI ASA Revision: 1.0 - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway 3DJHRI - Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004