4 - 8
For price, delivery, and to place orders, please contact Hittite Microwave Corporation:
20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373
Order On-line at www.hittite.com
HMC287MS8 / 287MS8E
with AGC, 2.3 - 2.5 GHz
General Description
Functional Diagram
The HMC287MS8 & HMC287MS8E are low cost
Low Noise Ampli ers (LNA) offering 21 dB of gain
and a 2.5 dB noise gure from a single positive +3V
supply that requires only 9 mA. The HMC287MS8 &
HMC287MS8E can be used as variable gain LNAs,
offering 30 dB of gain control, which is controlled
with 0 to 3V analog voltages. The typical output 1 dB
compression point is +3 dBm and OIP3 is +7 dBm
when in the maximum gain state. The compact LNA
design utilizes on-chip matching for repeatable gain
and noise gure performance and eliminates the need
for external matching circuitry to reduce the overall
size of the LNA function.
Gain: 21 dB
Noise Figure: 2.5 dB
Gain Adjustment: 30 dB
Single Positive Supply: +3V
No External Components
Ultra Small Package: MSOP8G
Electrical Speci cations, TA = +25° C, Vdd= +3V
Typical Applications
LNA for Spread Spectrum Applications:
• HomeRF
• 802.11 WLAN
• 2.5 GHz Radios
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
Frequency Range 2.3 - 2.5 GHz
Gain 15 21 27 dB
Gain Variation Over Temperature 0.03 0.04 dB/°C
Gain Adjustment Range (Vctl 0 to +3V) 30 dB
Noise Figure (Vctl = 0V) 2.5 3.0 dB
Input Return Loss 5 10 dB
Output Return Loss 3 6 dB
Output 1 dB Compression (P1dB) -2 3 dBm
Output Third Order Intercept (IP3) 3 7 dBm
Control Voltage (Vctl) 0 Vdd Vdc
Supply Current (Idd)(Vdd = +3.0 Vdc) 9 15 mA
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other
rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No
license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
For price, delivery, and to place orders: Analog Devices, Inc.,
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106
Phone: 781-329-4700 • Order online at www.analog.com
Application Support: Phone: 1-800-ANALOG-D