values dominate the noise of the system. Although formance of the THS4631. Resistors should be athe THS4631 JFET input stage is ideal for very low reactance type. Surface-mount resistorshigh-source impedance because of the low-bias cur- work best and allow a tighter overall layout.rents, the system noise and bandwidth is limited by a Again, keep their leads and PC board tracehigh-source (R
) impedance. length as short as possible. Never use wireboundtype resistors in a high frequency application.Since the output pin and inverting input pins arethe most sensitive to parasitic capacitance,INPUT STEP AMPLITUDE AND RISE/FALL
always position the feedback and series outputTIME
resistors, if any, as close as possible to theSome FET input amplifiers exhibit the peculiar
inverting input pins and output pins. Other net-behavior of having a larger slew rate when presented
work components, such as input termination re-with smaller input voltage steps and slower edge
sistors, should be placed close to the gain-settingrates due to a change in bias conditions in the input
resistors. Even with a low parasitic capacitancestage of the amplifier under these circumstances.
shunting the external resistors, excessively highThis phenomena is most commonly seen when FET
resistor values can create significant time con-input amplifiers are used as voltage followers. As this
stants that can degrade performance. Good axialbehavior is typically undesirable, the THS4631 has
metal-film or surface-mount resistors have ap-been designed to avoid these issues. Larger ampli-
proximately 0.2 pF in shunt with the resistor. Fortudes lead to higher slew rates, as would be antici-
resistor values > 2.0 k Ω, this parasitic capaci-pated, and fast edges do not degrade the slew rate of
tance can add a pole and/or a zero that canthe device. The high slew rate of the THS4631 allows
effect circuit operation. Keep resistor values asimproved SFDR and THD performance, especially
low as possible, consistent with load drivingnoticeable above 5 MHz.
•Connections to other wideband devices on theboard may be made with short direct traces orTECHNIQUES FOR OPTIMAL
through onboard transmission lines. For shortPERFORMANCE
connections, consider the trace and the input tothe next device as a lumped capacitive load.Achieving optimum performance with high frequency
Relatively wide traces (50 mils to 100 mils)amplifier-like devices in the THS4631 requires careful
should be used, preferably with ground andattention to board layout parasitic and external
power planes opened up around them. Estimatecomponent types.
the total capacitive load and determine if isolationRecommendations that optimize performance include:
resistors on the outputs are necessary. Low•Minimize parasitic capacitance to any ac ground
parasitic capacitive loads (< 4 pF) may not needfor all of the signal I/O pins. Parasitic capacitance
an RS since the THS4631 is nominally compen-on the output and input pins can cause instability.
sated to operate with a 2-pF parasitic load.To reduce unwanted capacitance, a window
Higher parasitic capacitive loads without an RSaround the signal I/O pins should be opened in all
are allowed as the signal gain increasesof the ground and power planes around those
(increasing the unloaded phase margin). If a longpins. Otherwise, ground and power planes should
trace is required, and the 6-dB signal loss intrin-be unbroken elsewhere on the board.
sic to a doubly-terminated transmission line isacceptable, implement a matched impedance•Minimize the distance (< 0.25”) from the power
transmission line using microstrip or striplinesupply pins to high frequency 0.1-µF and 100-pF
techniques (consult an ECL design handbook forde-coupling capacitors. At the device pins, the
microstrip and stripline layout techniques). Aground and power plane layout should not be in
50- Ωenvironment is not necessary onboard, andclose proximity to the signal I/O pins. Avoid
in fact, a higher impedance environment im-narrow power and ground traces to minimize
proves distortion as shown in the distortion ver-inductance between the pins and the de-coupling
sus load plots. With a characteristic board tracecapacitors. The power supply connections should
impedance based on board material and tracealways be de-coupled with these capacitors.
dimensions, a matching series resistor into theLarger (6.8 µF or more) tantalum de-coupling
trace from the output of the THS4631 is used ascapacitors, effective at lower frequency, should
well as a terminating shunt resistor at the input ofalso be used on the main supply pins. These may
the destination device. Remember also that thebe placed somewhat farther from the device and
terminating impedance is the parallel combinationmay be shared among several devices in the
of the shunt resistor and the input impedance ofsame area of the PC board.
the destination device: this total effective im-•Careful selection and placement of external
pedance should be set to match the trace im-components preserve the high frequency per-