FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR pS04-27200-5E PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUIT PUSH-PULL/SINGLE-ENDED OUTPUT MODE The Fujitsu MB3759 is complete pulse-width modulation control system on a single mono- lithic chip. The MB3759 consists of an internal 5.00V reference, two or-connected ampli- fiers, externally timed (or synchronized) oscillator and control ramp generator. The MB3759 provides for either push-pull or single-ended mode of operation with external control of PLASTIC PACKAGE DIP-16P-M04 The two NPN output transistors have uncommitted emitters and collectors that can be used to either sink or source up to 200mA each. * Complete pulse-width-modulation system with power control circui * Either push-pull or single-ended mode of operation * Internal circuitry prohibits double pulse at either output * On-chip voltage reference (5V) CERAMIC PACKAGE + Uncommitted output drivers DIP-16C-C01 + Master or slave oscillator control Dual error amplifiers Under voltage lockout function + Dead time adjustable SG * Package: 16-pin Plastic DIP Package (Suffix -P) PLASTIC PACKAGE 16-pin Ceramic DIP Package (Suffix -Z) FPT-16P-M06 16-pin Plastic FPT Package (Suffix -PF) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) PIN ASSIGNMENT TOP VIEW Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Power Supply Voltage Vec 41 V +IN1 Cy 45 t 16] tIN2 Collector Output Voltage VcE 41 Vv -IN1 [2 . +115] -IN2 Collector Output Current IcE 250 mA P F.B. [3] +114] VR Amplifier Input Voltage VIN Vec +0.3 Vv Plastic DIP 1000 (TA < 25C) D.T Lt exe Co 7 < B08 Power Dissipation Ceramic DIP Pb 800 (TA < 60C) mw Cr a La] Voc Plastic FPT 620 (TA < 25C)* Osa Operating Tempera- DIP TA 720 to 85 C Rr [e- ce ce ture FPT -20 to 75 GND [7] Fo] E2 Storage Temperature TSTG -55 to 125 S TR1 TR2 * PFT package is mountedon the epoxy board. (4cm x 4cm x 0.15cm) C1 [8] [9] Et NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid appli- cation of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit.MB3759 DEAD TIME CONTROL +IN FEED BACK Fig. 1 - MB3759 BLOCK DIAGRAM OUTPUT CONTROL ERROR AMP2 PULSE STEERING F/F PWM COMPARATOR REFERENCE REGULATOR (4) (7) GNDMB3759 m= RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS DIP-package FPT-package , Parameter Symbol - - Unit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Power Supply Voltage Vec 7 15 32 7 15 24 Vv Collector Output Voltage VCE - - 40 - - 40 Vv Collector Output Current ICE 5 100 200 5 50 100 mA Amplifier Input Voltage VIN 03 | VP | Vvoc2| 03 | Vi |voc-2] v FB Sink Current ISINK - - 0.3 - - 0.3 mA FB Source Current ISOURCE - - 2 - - 2 mA Reference Section Output Current IREF - 5 10 - 3 10 mA Timing Resistor RT 1.8 30 500 1.8 30 500 kQ Timing Capacitor CT 470 1000 10 470 1000 10 pF Oscillator Frequency fosc 1 40 300 1 40 300 kHz Operating Temperature TA -20 25 85 -20 25 75 C Note: These recommended operating conditions are based on the standard condition. When used at higher supply voltage, careful consideration for the ambient temperature, power consump- tion and so on is necessary. m ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25C, Voc=15V) _. Value ; Parameter Symbol Condition - Unit Min | Typ | Max Reference Section Output Voltage AVREF lo=1mA 4.75 5.0 5.25 Vv Input Regulation AVRIN 7V J @ 100k 3 10 fr BOK O LL oO 20 & 20k < fe 10k > 30 _i bE 5 x a 40 4A 6 2k XK 1k 50 2k 5k10k 20k 100k200k500k 0 1 2 3 TIMING RESISTANCE Rt (Q) DEAD TIME CONTROL VOLTAGE Vp (V) Fig. 8 - OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE Fig. 9 - OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. OUTPUT AMPLIFICATION vs. FREQUENCY 100 0.8 90 Vcc=15V 80 AVo=3V 06 70 , a 60 2 50 > < 40 nm w oo ho co) o5 LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE V ot (V) BK OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE AMPLIFACTION 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY f (Hz) CURRENT (FEED BACK TERMINAL) 5 lu 2 3 4 > xe } gs mi \ s 55 by. do VOL Z 5C > 2 lw l lol r Voc=15V loH O l { 0.5 1.0 1.5 oo 5 10 15 OUTPUT CURRENT IOL, IOH (mA)MB3759 mg TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CURVES (Continued) Fig. 10 - COLLECTOR SATURATION VOLTAGE vs. COLLECTOR OUTPUT CURRENT 1.2 Vcc=1 5V 1.0 7] | 25C TA=0C : | 10C ea N 0.6 0.4 COLLECTOR SATURATIONVOLTAGE Vsatc (V) O 00 0 5 0 100 150 200 COLLECTOR OUTPUT CURRENT Ic (mA) Fig. 12 - OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. REFERENCE VOLTAGE OUTPUT VOLTAGE V our (V) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 REFERENCE VOLTAGE VreF (V) Fig. 14 - POWER DISSIPATION vs. POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE 1000 | TA=25C (lo, IR) 800 600 400 200 POWER DISSIPATION Pp (mW) co) 0 10 20 POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE Vcc (V) Note: lo is collector output current at emitter grounded mode. Fig. 11 - EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE vs. EMITTER OUTPUT CURRENT wy (18 < Vcc=15V Ta=0C l = = eens 3 ak Do Le B a ce 1.2 Lu kK FE = we =1.0 0 50 100 150 200 EMITTER OUTPUT CURRENT IE (mA) Fig. 13 - POWER SUPPLY CURRENT vs. POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE 10 bE Icc Zz cr ac 7.5 a at [i loca & = I eg 5 > - O cc = 2.5 Oo ao 0 0 10 20 30 40 POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE Vcc (V) Fig. 15 - AVAILABLE POWER DISSIPATION vs. TEMPERATURE 1000 = = 800 2 NIP C Zz NQ. 600 ~~ E PF NIN D ae B 400 = QO J im 200 = Oo 7 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE TA (C) Note: C (Ceramic DIP) P (Plastic DIP) PF (Plastic FPT)m TYPICAL APPLICATION MB3759 10 oo~-0_4 AC 100V T oo~0 10kQ 16kQ 5.1kQ Fig. 16 - Chopper 2200pF 0.12 24V 2.5A 2200UFMB3759 m TYPICAL APPLICATION (continued) OO~--0- Fig. 17 - Inverter T AC 100V rt I jh {t+ twp 2802427 fi 2802427 20kQ. | teh tt} REF | 2200pF 10 Zi 2200\UFMB3759 m PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16 pin, Plastic DIP (DIP-16P-M04) 19.55 050 +.008 SAAAAAAA INDEX-2 6.20+0.25 Peryvvrvrd INDEX-1 4.36(.172)MAX / 0.51(.020)MIN_ 0.25+0.05 (010.002) 3.00(.118)MIN 0.46+0.08 (.018+.003) L 4 1,52 3% Lsecson TH (.0600"7) TYP 1.27(.050) 2.54(.100 MAX TYP 1994 FUJITSU LIMITED D16038S-20-3 Dimensions in mm{inches). 11MB3759 m PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (continued) 16 pin, Plastic SOP (FPT-16P-M06) 2.25(.089)MAX 10.15%920 (.400o8) -0.20 =.003 0.05(.002)MIN "(STAND OFF) +040 INDEX 5.3040.30 7.80+0.40 6.80 320 (.2094.012) (.307+.016) ( 268728) 1.27(.050) 0.45+0. 10 @ | G0.15(.005) @ 0.15 002 0.50+0.20 TYP [oss 004) (006-32) (020.008) rc r Details of "A" part | Details of "B" part t FFF ; EFS - | | ! ! | fh 40.20(.008) | | | 0.18(.007)MAX | | 0.68(.027)MAX 1994 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S-20-4 Dimensions in mm(inches). {7[0.10(.004) 8.89(.350)REF 12m PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (continued) MB3759 16 pin, Ceramic DIP (DIP-16C-C01) 19.3005 +.028, (.760 *00s) Poy fo) fe) 0,641,026 6.30 22 (248 *o04) LIC JUS Ey EI EJ CI LU 5.08(.200)MAX 0.81+0.30 3.4040.36 (134501 4) 1.52 1398 0.81(.032) (ogots) TYP 2.5420.25 | 0.46 os (.100+.010) (01822) 1.27(.050) 17.78(.700)REF MAX 1994 FUJITSU LIMITED D1601180-2-3 y (-032+.012) 7.90 338 (.3112006) } 40.10 {I 0.25 08 i (010 002) iI Il II u u 7.62(.300) o~15 TYP Dimensions in mm(inches). 13FUJITSU LIMITED For further information please contact: Japan FUJITSU LIMITED Corporate Global Business Support Division Electronic Devices KAWASAKI PLANT, 4-1-1, Kamikodanaka Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi Kanagawa 211-88, Japan Tel: (044) 754-3763 Fax: (044) 754-3329 North and South America FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. Semiconductor Division 3545 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134-1804, U.S.A. Tel: (408) 922-9000 Fax: (408) 432-9044/9045 Europe FUJITSU MIKROELEKTRONIK GmbH Am Siebenstein 6-10 63303 Dreieich-Buchschlag Germany Tel: (06103) 690-0 Fax: (06103) 690-122 Asia Pacific FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS ASIA PTE. LIMITED #05-08, 151 Lorong Chuan New Tech Park Singapore 556741 Tel: (65) 281-0770 Fax: (65) 281-0220 F9703 FUJITSU LIMITED Printed in Japan All Rights Reserved. The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Customers are advised to consult with FUJITSU sales representatives before ordering. The information and circuit diagrams in this document presented as examples of semiconductor device applications, and are not intended to be incorporated in devices for actual use. Also, FUJITSU is unable to assume responsibility for infringement of any patent rights or other rights of third parties arising from the use of this information or circuit diagrams. FUJITSU semiconductor devices are intended for use in standard applications (computers, office automation and other office equipment, industrial, communications, and measurement equipment, personal or household devices, etc.). CAUTION: Customers considering the use of our products in special applications where failure or abnormal operation may directly affect human lives or cause physical injury or property damage, or where extremely high levels of reliability are demanded (such as aerospace systems, atomic energy controls, sea floor repeaters, vehicle operating controls, medical devices for life support, etc.) are requested to consult with FUJITSU sales representatives before such use. The company will not be responsible for damages arising from such use without prior approval. Any semiconductor devices have inherently a certain rate of failure. You must protect against injury, damage or loss from such failures by incorporating safety design measures into your facility and equipment such as redundancy, fire protection, and prevention of over-current levels and other abnormal operating conditions. If any products described in this document represent goods or technologies subject to certain restrictions on export under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan, the prior authorization by Japanese government should be required for export of those products from Japan.