Heat Shrink/Cable Markers
Wire and Harness ID Products
HX-SCE Low fire hazard heat-shrinkable wire identification sleeves
Catalog 1654227 Dimensions not italicized are Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 04-07 in millimeters while dimensions reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
in inches are italicized. Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
www.tycoelectronics.com to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967
Heat-Shrink/Cable Markers
Technical Information
PPrriinntt MMeetthhoodd//RRiibbbboonn::T312M-PRINTER with 1966-RIBBON or
T212M-PRINTER with T200-1966-RIBBON
SSeerrvviiccee TTeemmppeerraattuurree-30˚C to +105˚C (-22˚F to +221˚F)
MMiinniimmuumm SShhrriinnkk TTeemmppeerraattuurree136˚C (275˚F)
CCoolloorrss::White or yellow.
Other colors available on request.
FFllaammmmaabbiilliittyy::SSeellff--eexxttiinngguuiisshhiinngg --
(ASTM D2671 Procedure B).
OOxxyyggeenn IInnddeexx ((BBSS66885533:: PPaassss 3344%% MMiinn..)) --
(BS EN ISO 4589-2 [1999]).
(AFNOR NF F 16-101 Class 12).
DDrriippppiinngg CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiio
onn SSTT22 --
(DIN 5510-2)
SSmmookkee::AA00--00..001177 MMaaxx.. (BS 6853 [1999]
Annex D [D.8.3] Small scale test
SSmmookkee IInnddeexx DDeetteerrmmiinnaattiioonn ((IIFF))
MMaaxxiimmuumm 00,, SSmmookkee CCllaassss FF11 -
(AFRNOR NF F 16-101-1988 Smoke Index)
TTooxxiicciittyy::RR << 11- (BS 6853 [1999] Annex B -
AFNOR NF X 70-100 Determination of
weighted summation of toxic fume, mass
based method)
LLUULL TTooxxiidd FFuummee:: NNoo.. HHaallooggeennss,, NNoo.. PP,, SS oorr
NN ssoouurrcceess aabboovvee ttrraaccee lleevveell --
(LUL E1042: A6 [2002]) -
London Underground Standard 2-01001-002,
section 5.2.3 Chemical composition/toxicity)
tyy IInnddeexx == 00..3344-
(CEI 20-37-7-09-1997 Determination of
toxicity index of gasses from combustion of
organic material
DDiieelleeccttrriicc SSttrreennggtthh::15V/mm minimum.
WWaatteerr AAbbssoorrppttiioonn11% maximum after 24 hours at 23C (73˚F)
CCooppppeerr MMiirrrroorr CCoorrrroossiioonn::8% maximum after 16 hours of 150˚C (302˚F)
LLoonnggiittuuddiinnaall CChhaannggee::+5% to -10%.
TTeennssiillee SSttrreennggtthh::7MPa minimum.
UUllttiimmaattee EElloonnggaattiioonn::80% minimum.
SSeeccaanntt MMoodduulluuss::200MPa mimum at 2% elongation.
UULLRReessiissttaannccee::Tensile strength >90% & ultimate elongation
>40% or original value after 1000 hours
(ASTM G53: UVA [100% dry cycle]; UVB
[8 hours dry/4 hours wet cycle]).
PPrriinntt PPeerrmmaanneennccee::ADHERENCE - Meets the requirements of
SE AS81531 4.6.2 (50 rubs).
requirements of MIL-STD-202 method 215J.