BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or specifi-
cations herein. BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited does not assume any responsibility fo r use of any its products for any
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- Wafer Fab
Shanghai SIM-BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited
800, Yi Shan Road, Shanghai 200233, China
Tel: +86-21-6485 1491, Fax: +86-21-5450 0008
BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited
Shenzhen Office
Shanghai SIM-BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Office
Advanced Analog Circuits (Shanghai) Corporation Shenzhen Office
27B, Tower C, 2070, Middle Shen Nan Road, Shenzhen 518031, China
Tel: +86-755-8368 3987, Fax: +86-755-8368 3166
Taiwan Office
BCD Semiconductor (Taiwan) Company Limited
4F, 298-1, Rui Guang Road, Nei-Hu District, Taipei,
Tel: +886-2-2656 2808, Fax: +886-2-2656 2806
USA Office
BCD Semiconductor Corporation
3170 De La Cruz Blvd., Su ite 105, Santa Clara,
CA 95054-2411, U.S.A
Tel: +1-408-988 6388, Fax: +1-408-988 6386
- IC Design Group
Advanced Analog Circuits (Shanghai) Corporation
8F, Zone B, 900, Yi Shan Road, Shanghai 200233, China
Tel: +86-21-6495 9539, Fax: +86-21-6485 9673
BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited