0 1 Normal Mode
0 0 Offset Calibration, Analog inputs shorted
to ground internally.
1 0 Full-Scale Calibration, Analog inputs are
referenced to VREF internally.
TABLE III. Calibration Enable.
supply, VREF, or temperature. The amount of change which
could cause a re-calibration is dependent on the application
and effective resolution of the system.
The results of the calibration calculations are stored in two
registers in the processor chip (see Figure 1). These two
calibration results can then be used to calibrate the input
signal results with one of the following formulas:
Equivalent Calibrated Output Code = FSC (FO1 – FO2)/(FO3 – FO2)
where FO1 = Filter output code of an applied input voltage
FO2 = Filter output code of the offset calibration
FO3 = Filter output code of the gain calibration
FSC = Desired full-scale output
With a simple sinc filter, the calibrated A/D conversion
would equal:
Equivalent Calibrated Input Voltage = (N1 – N2) • VREF/(N3 – N2)
where N1 = number of ones counted (or digital equivalent
after filtering) over given time (tM) with an applied input voltage
N2 = number of ones counted (or digital equivalent after filtering)
during offset calibration where t12 = tM
N3 = number of ones counted (or digital equivalent after filtering)
during gain calibration where t13 = tM
A system calibration can be performed by applying two
known voltage levels to the input of the converter. In this
situation, the GAIN/OFFSET and CALEN pins are not used.
Rather, the digital output of these two known voltages are
accumulated by the processor. With this data, the processor
can determine the calibration register values that are appro-
priate for the application.
The ADS1201 requires the digital supply (DVDD) to be no
greater than the analog supply (AVDD). Failure to observe
this condition could cause permanent damage to the
ADS1201. The best scheme is to power the analog section of
the design and AVDD from one +5V line and the digital
section and DVDD from a separate +5V line (from the same
supply). If there are separate analog and digital power
supplies for the ADS1201, a good design approach would be
to have the analog supply come up first, followed by the
digital supply. Another approach that can be used to control
the analog and digital power supply differences is shown in
Figure 10. In this circuit, a connection has been made
between the ADS1201 supply pins via a 10Ω resistor. The
combination of this resistor and the decoupling capacitors
provides some filtering between DVDD and AVDD.
The analog supply should be well regulated and low noise.
For designs requiring very high resolution from the ADS1201,
power supply rejection will be a concern. The requirements
for the digital supply are not strict. However, high frequency
noise on DVDD can capacitively couple into the analog
portion of the ADS1201. This noise can originate from
switching power supplies, microprocessors or digital signal
For either supply, high frequency noise will generally be
rejected by the external digital filter at integer multiples of
MCLK. Just below and above these frequencies, noise will
alias back into the pass-band of the digital filter, affecting
the conversion result.
Inputs to the ADS1201, such as AIN, REFIN, and MCLK,
should not be present before the analog and digital supplies
are on. Violating this condition could cause latch-up. If
these signals are present before the supplies are on, series
resistors should be used to limit the input current.
If one supply must be used to power the ADS1201, the
system’s analog supply should be used to power both AVDD
and DVDD. Experimentation may be the best way to deter-
mine the appropriate connection between AVDD and DVDD.
The analog and digital sections of the design should be
carefully and cleanly partitioned. Each section should have
its own ground plane with no overlap between them. AGND
should be connected to the analog ground plane as well as
all other analog grounds. DGND should be connected to the
digital ground plane and all digital signals referenced to this
The ADS1201 pinout is such that the converter is cleanly
separated into an analog and digital portion. This should
allow simple layout of the analog and digital sections of the
For a signal converter system, AGND and DGND of the
ADS1201 can be connected together. Do not join the ground
planes, but connect the two with a moderate signal trace
underneath the converter. For multiple converters, connect
the two ground planes at one location as central to all of the
converters as possible. In some cases, experimentation may
be required to find the best point to connect the two planes
together. Experimentation may be the best way to determine
the appropriate connection between AGND and DGND.
Good decoupling practices should be used for the ADS1201
and for all components in the design. All decoupling capaci-
tors, specifically the 0.1µF ceramic capacitors, should be
placed as close as possible to the pin being decoupled. A
1µF and 10µF capacitor, in parallel with the 0.1µF ceramic
capacitor, should be used to decouple AVDD to AGND. At
a minimum, a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor should be used to
decouple DVDD to DGND, as well as for the digital supply
on each digital component.