October 2000 1/4
This is preliminary information on a new product in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notic e.
Rev. 2.0
Hard ware Features
Real time emulation
32 Kbytes of emulation m emory
Breakpoint on a single address or on an address
Break events can be defined in Program Space
or Data space combined with up to 4 external
2 fully programmable signal outputs for hardware
trigge ring or timing measurem ents
Register read/write on-the-fly (without wait
Selec tive trace in Addres s Range or S tart/Stop
Break on stack overflow
1 Kbytes of real trace memory
Tracing of up to 32 bits including 4 external
Software Features
Raisonance IDE and C Compiler (optionally
IDE I nterface (Ride) for W indows 95, Wi ndows
98 and Windows NT
C or assembler source-level debuggi ng
W GDB6 (Included wi th ST62xx-EM U2)
WGDB6 (Windows GNU Debugger for ST6)
Assembler source-level debugging
On-line assembler/disassembler
Log files capable of storing any displayed screen
Batch executi on of debugger commands
Software breakpoints definable on source or
disassembled code, to stop execution when a
chosen instruc tion is reached.
Memory breakpoints to stop execution when a
pre-defined area of memory is accessed and
optionally when a h ardware-related condition is
Step-by-Step execution on source code and
machine co de. A function call can optionally b e
considered as a single instruction, depending
on the level of detail required.
Keeps a trace of memory access during
program exec ution.
Enables you to view the stack contents.
Enables you to view and modify the
simulated/emulated ST6 memory and register
Enables you to view and modify data symbol
values in real time, that is as your program is
Automatically executes GDB6 command batch
files, with or without the WGDB6 graphical
interface, at start-up.
The ST6 Real Time Development System is an
advanced hardware development system de-
signed and configured to provide comprehensive
support for the ST6 family of MCUs.
The ST6-HDS2 emulator is a modular system
made up of 2 boards:
a main boa rd com mon to al l ST6-HDS 2 emula-
tors and
a dedication board (DBE ) that is specific to a set
of devices.
The ST6GP-DBE offers some additional features
not suppor ted by the other dedication boards:
You can configure the ST6GP-DBE to emulate
any of 22 ST6 devices simply by selecti ng it from
a menu
The entire configuration (device selection, op-
tions, clock rate...) i s restored automat ical ly each
time you load the .HEX file in the debugger.
LVD emulation
OSG em ulation
This emulator can be driven by the WGDB6 De-
bugger or by the new Raisonance ID E (Ride) with
assembler or C source level debugging. The fol-
lowing functions are not available: time stamp,
profiling, code coverage.
3.1 Package Con tents
ST6-HDS2 Emulator
A set of probes (including SOP adapters)
Power supply
Parallel interface cable
User manual
3.2 EPROM/OTP programming board (to be
purchased separately)
When the c ode has been debugged using the em-
ulator, a separate programming tool such as the
ST6Exx-EPB, ST62xxx-KIT or a third-party pro-
grammer i s needed to program t he device with the
INTEL hex format file produced by the linker.
Note: Th e em ulat or power supply op erates at 220V or 110V
Sales Type Description
Complete emulator package for including dedication board, all probes and “MCU ON CD”
software package).
Supported devices: ST620x, ST621x, ST622x, ST6230/32, ST6218/28, ST625x, and
All packages supported
Adapters required for SSOP devices:
16-pin SSOP adapter: DB381 (ST626x-P/SSOP16)
28-pin SSOP adapter: DB388 (ST626x-P/SSOP28)
ST62GP-DBE Separate dedication board for ST620x, ST621x, ST622x, ST6230/32, ST6218/28, ST625x,
and ST626x devices with probes.
ST6240B-EMU2 Complete emulator package for ST6240 devices
(including dedication board, ST6240 QFP probe and “MCU ON CD” software package)
ST6242B-EMU2 Complete emulator package for ST6242 devices
(including dedication board, ST6242 QFP probe and “MCU ON CD” software package)
ST624XB-EMU2 Complete emulator package for ST6246 devices
(including dedication board, ST6246 SDIP probe and “MCU ON CD” software package)
ST624XB-DBE Separate dedication board for ST624x devices
ST6240-P/QFP Probe for ST6240
ST6242-P/QFP Probe for ST6242
ST6246-P/QFP Probe for ST6246
ST6280-EMU2 Complete emulator package for ST6280 devices (including dedication board, ST6280 QFP
probe and “MCU ON CD” software package)
ST6285-EMU2 Complete emulator package for ST6285 devices (including dedication board, ST6285 QFP
probe and “MCU ON CD” software package)
ST628X-EMU2 Emulator package for ST628X devices, without probes
ST628X-DBE Separate dedication board for ST628X devices
ST6280-P/QFP Probe for ST6280
ST6285-P/QFP Probe for ST6285
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