ADuCM330/ADuCM331 Data Sheet
Rev. C | Page 4 of 16
VDD = 3.6 V to 18 V, fCORE = 16.384 MHz, CD = 0, normal mode, VREF = 1.2 V (internal), unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted
reflect the approximate parameter mean at TA = 25°C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise stated.
Parameters not specified in the 115°C to 125°C temperature range of operation are functional within this range but with degraded performance
Table 1.
A = −40°C to +115°C
TA = +115°C to
Parameter Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max Typ Unit
Conversion Rate1 ADC normal operating mode 4 8000 Hz
ADC low power mode, chop on 1 656 Hz
Current Channel (IIN+/IIN− Only)
No Missing Codes1 Valid for all ADC update rates and
ADC modes
20 Bits
Integral Nonlinearity1, 2 ±10 ±200 ±80 ppm of FSR
Positive Integral
Nonlinearity (INL)1, 2, 3
±200 ±80 ppm of FSR
Negative INL1, 2, 3 ±200 ±80 ppm of FSR
Offset Error1, 4, 5 Chop off, gain = 4, 8, or 16, external
short, after user system calibration at
25°C, 1 LSB = (2.28/gain) μV
−100 ±24 +100 LSBs
Chop off, gain = 32 or 64, external
short, after user system calibration at
25°C, 1 LSB = (2.28/gain) μV
−160 ±48 +160 LSBs
Chop off, gain = 512, external short,
after user system calibration at 25°C,
1 LSB = (2.28/gain) μV
−1400 ±60 +1400 LSBs
Chop on, external short, low power
mode, gain = 64 or 512, processor
powered down
−300 ±50 +250 ±250 nV
Chop on, external short, after user
system calibration at 25°C, VDD = 18 V
−1.5 +1.5 ±0.1 μV
Offset Error Drift1, 2, 6 Chop off, gains of 4 to 64, normal mode ±0.48 LSB/°C
Chop on ±5 ±5 nV/°C
Total Gain Error1, 4, 5, 7 Factory calibrated at a gain of 8,
normal mode
−0.5 ±0.1 +0.5 ±0.15 %
Low power mode −1 ±0.2 +1 ±0.2 %
Gain Drift1, 8 ±3 ±3 ppm/°C
PGA Gain Mismatch Error ±0.1 ±0.1 %
Output Noise1 ADC0CON[11:10], PGASCALE = 0x3
Gain = 64, ADCFLT = 0x08101 0.80 1.3 1.2 μV rms
Gain = 64, ADCFLT = 0x00007 0.75 1.1 μV rms
Gain = 32, ADCFLT = 0x08101 1.00 1.5 1.3 μV rms
Gain = 32, ADCFLT = 0x00007 0.80 1.2 μV rms
Gain = 16, ADCFLT = 0x08101 1.50 2.6 2.0 μV rms
Gain = 16, ADCFLT = 0x00007 1.10 1.9 μV rms
Gain = 8, ADCFLT = 0x08101 2.10 4.1 2.5 μV rms
Gain = 8, ADCFLT = 0x00007 1.60 2.4 μV rms
Gain = 4, ADCFLT = 0x08101 3.40 5.1 4.0 μV rms
Gain = 4, ADCFLT = 0x00007 2.60 3.9 μV rms
Gain = 64, ADCFLT = 0x10001 1.60 3 2.0 μV rms
Gain = 32, ADCFLT = 0x10001 1.70 3.45 2.1 μV rms
Gain = 16, ADCFLT = 0x10001 2.00 4.2 2.2 μV rms
Gain = 8, ADCFLT = 0x10001 2.40 5.1 3.2 μV rms
Gain = 4, ADCFLT = 0x10001 4.35 9.6 5.5 μV rms
ADC low power mode, 221 Hz update
rate, chop enabled, gain = 64
0.6 0.9 0.8 μV rms