Notes: 1. This pin should be used as CLKIN2
2. Must be pulled down or left floating
3. This pin should be asserted if the PCI function is desired or pulled up or left floating if
PCI is not desired
4. For information on how to use this pin, refer to MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Thermal
Resistor Guide available at www.motorola.com/semiconductors
Symbols used in Table 1 ar e described in Table 2.
I/O Power AG21, AG14, AG8, AJ1, AJ2, AH1, AH2,
AG3, AF4, AE5, AC27, Y27, T27, P27, K26,
G27, AE25, AF26, AG27, AH28, AH29, AJ28,
AJ29, C7, C14, C16, C20, C23, E10, A28,
A29, B28, B29, C27, D26, E25, H3, M4, T3,
AA4, A1, A2, B1, B2, C3, D4, E5
Core Power U28, U29, K28, K29, A9, A19, B19, M1, M2,
Y1, Y2, A C1, AC2, AH19, AJ19, AH10, AJ10,
Ground AA5, AF21, AF14, AF8, AE7, AF11, AE17,
AE23, AC26, AB25, Y26, V25, T26, R25, P26,
M25, K27, H25, G26, D7, D10, D14, D16,
D20, D23, C9, E11, E13, E15, E19, E22, B3,
G5, H4, K5, M3, P5, T4, Y5, AA2, AC3
Table 2. Symbol Legend
Symbol Meaning
OVERBAR Signals with overbars, such as TA, are active low
UTM Indicates that a signal is part of the UTOPIA master interface
UTS Indicates that a signa l is part of the UTOPIA slave interface
UT8 Indicates that a signal is part of the 8-bit UTOPIA interface
UT16 Indicates that a signa l is part of the 16-bit UTOPIA interface
MII Indicates that a sig na l is part of the media indep en den t inte rf ace
Table 1. Pinout List (Continued)
Pin Name Ball