SR5312-H /SR5312-H(B)
The contents of this data sheet are subject to change without advance notice for the purpose of improvement.
When using this product, would you please refer to the latest specifications.
Rev.Odate:08-AUG-11 AUK-LDM-001(A)
4. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit
Power dissipation PD 75 mW
Forward current IF 30 mA
*1Peak forward current IFP 50 mA
Reverse voltage VR 4 V
Operating temperature range Topr -20 85∼ ℃
Storage temperature range Tstg -30 100∼ ℃
*2Soldering temperature Tsol 260 for ℃10 seconds
*1.Duty ratio = 1/16, Pulse width = 0.1ms
*2.Keep the distance more than 2.0mm from PCB to the bottom of LED package
5. Electrical / Optical Characteristics
Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Forward voltage VF I
F= 20mA - 1.8 2.5 V
Luminous intensity IV IF= 20mA 230 - 780 mcd
Peak wavelength λP IF= 20mA - 660 - nm
Spectrum bandwidth ∆λ IF= 20mA - 20 - nm
Reverse current IR VR=4V - - 10 uA
*3Half angle θ1/2 IF= 20mA - ±8 - deg
*3. θ1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the peak intensity
*4. Luminous intensity maximum tolerance for each grade classification limit is ±18%
*4. Luminous Intensity Classification
230 ~ 350 350 ~ 520 520 ~ 780