CHARACTERISTICS Vp = 3 V; f = 1 kHz; RL = 32 0., Tamb = 25 °C; unless otherwise specified
Supply voltage Vp 1,6 -6,0 V
Total quiescent current Itot -3,2 4mA
Bridge-tied load application (BTL); see Fig.4
Output power; note 1
Vp = 3,0 V; diet = 10% PO-140 -mW
Vp = 4,5 V; diet = 10% (RL = 64 Q) PO-150 -mW
Voltage gain GV-32 -dB
Noise output voltage (r.m.s. value)
RS = 5 kQ.-, f = 1 kHz Vno(rms) -140 -mV
RS = 0 Q; f = 500 kHz; B =5 kHz Vno(rms) -tbf -mV
D.C. output offset voltage (at Rs = 5 kΩ)l∆VI - - 70 mV
Input impedance (at Rs =∞)IZiI 1- - MΩ
Input bias current Ii -40 -nA
Stereo application;
Output power; note 1
Vp=3,OV;dtot=10% PO-35 -mW
Vp=4,5V;dtot=10% PO-75 -mW
Voltage gain GV24.5 26 27.5 dB
Noise output voltage (r.m.s. value)
RS = 5 kΩ; f = 1 kHz Vno(rms) -100 -mV
RS = 0 Ω; f = 500 kHz; B =5 kHz Vno(rms) -tbf -mV
Channel separation
RS = 0 Ω; f = 1 kHz K30 40 -dB
Input impedance (at Rs = ∞)IZjl 2- - MΩ
Input bias current Ii -20 -nA
1. Output power is measured directly at the output pins of the IC. It is shown as a function of the supply voltage in Fig.2
(BTL application) and Fig.3 (stereo application).
Àpplication diagram (BTL) Àpplication diagram (stereo)