Test Description Requir ement Procedur e
Rev B 3 of 7
Open circ uit inductance. OCL 350 µH minimum. ANSI X3.263, ref IEEE 802.3.
Measure and record mutual
induc tance of mated and mounted
specimens at 100 kHz , 100 mV, 8
m A DC bias, and 25
Random vi br ati on, operat ional . No discont inuities of 1 mi c r osecond
or l onger dur ati on.
See Note.
Test Condition VIIA .
Subj ec t specimens to 1.0 G r ms
between 3-500 Hz. P S D of .003. 45
m inut es i n eac h of 3 mutual ly
perpendi c ular planes.
Random vi br ati on, non-operational. See Note. EIA - 364- 28D,
Test Condition VIIA .
Subj ec t specimens to 1.0 G r ms
between 3-500 Hz. P S D of .003. 45
m inut es i n eac h of 3 mutual ly
perpendi c ular planes.
Durability, 500 cycles. See Note. EIA-364-9C.
Manual ly mate and unmate
specimens with t he plug locking t ab
inoperable for 500 cycles at a
m aximum rate of 300 cycl es per
Durability, 2000 cycles. See Not e. EIA-364-9C.
Manual ly mate and unmate
specimens with t he plug locking t ab
inoperable for 2000 cycles at a
m aximum rate of 300 cycl es per
Mating for c e. 20.02 N [ 4.5 l bf] maximum.
See Note. EIA-364-13B.
Measure force nec essary to mate
specimens at a maximum rat e of
12.7 mm [ .5 i n] per minute.
Unm ati ng force. 20.02 N [ 4.5 l bf] maximum.
See Note. EIA-364-13B.
Measure force nec essary to
unm ate specimens at a maximum
rate of 12.7 mm [.5 in] per minute.
Normal force. 100 gram forc e [3.53 oz f] m inimum
per FCC P ar t 68, S ubpar t F
Connector Requirements.
Measure and record nor mal for c e
generated at any given def lect ion
level withi n the normal oper ati ng
range with an FCC compli ant
m odular plug.
Modul ar plug retention t o modular
jack. 57.83 N [13 l bf] mi nimum.
Pl ug shal l not disengage from jack. EIA-364-98.
Subj ec t mounted specimens to
specified for c e applied for 1 minut e
in 4 direc ti ons with plug mat ed in
jac k and lat c h engaged.
Figure 1 (c ont)