ANALOG DEVICES Ultralow Offset Voltage Operational Amplifier FEATURES @ LOW Vog .. 6. ec cece cee eee cree ene e rene 25uV Max Low Vog Drift ........ 0.0... cece eee 0.6uV/C Max Ultra-Stable vs Time ............... 1.0, V/Month Max @ Low Noise ............. cc eee eee eee ees 0.6uVp-p Max @ Wide Input Voltage Range ...................... +14V Wide Supply Voltage Range ............. +3V to +18V @ Fits 725, 108A/308A, 741, AD510 Sockets 125C Temperature-Tested Dice ORDERING INFORMATION ' T= +25C PACKAGE OPERATING Vg MAX CERDIP PLASTIC LCC TEMPERATURE (xv) TO-99 8-PIN 8-PIN 20-CONTACT RANGE 25. OPO7AJ* OPO7AZ* MIL 75 OPO7EJ OPO7EZ OPO7EP COM 75 OPO7J* = OPO7Z* OPO07RC/883 MIL 150. OPO7GJ OPO7CZ OPO7CP XIND 150 OPO7CSstt XIND 150 OPO7DJ OPO7DP XIND * Fordevices processed in total compliance to MIL-STD-883, add /883 after part number. Consult factory for 883 data sheet. tT Burn-in is available on commercial and industrial temperature range parts in CerDIP, plastic DIP, and TO-can packages. tt For availability and burn-in information on SO and PLCC packages, contact your local sales office. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OP-07 has very low input offset voltage (254V max for OP-07A) which is obtained by trimming at the wafer stage. These low offset voltages generally eliminate any need for external nulling. The OP-07 also features low input bias cur- rent (+2nA for OP-07A) and high open-loop gain (300V/mV for OP-07A). The low offsets and high open-loop gain make the OP-07 particularly useful for high-gain instrumentation applications. The wide input voltage range of +13V minimum combined with high CMRR of 110dB (OP-07A) and high input impedace provides high accuracy in the noninverting circuit configura- tion. Excellent linearity and gain accuracy can be maintained SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC even at high closed-loop gains. Stability of offsets and gain with time or variations in temper- ture is excellent. The accuracy and stability of the OP-07, even at high gain, combined with the freedom from external nulling have made the OP-07 a new industry standard for instrumentation and military applications. The OP-07 is available in five standard performance grades. The OP-07A and the OP-07 are specified for operation over the full mili- tary range of -55C to+125C; the OP-07E is specified for operation over the 0C to +70C range, and OP-07C and D over the 40C to +85C temperature range. The OP-07 is available in hermetically-sealed TO-99 metal can or ceramic 8-pin Mini-DIP, and in epoxy 8-pin Mini-DIP. It is a direct replacement for 725, 108A, and OP-05 amplifiers; 741-types may be directly replaced by removing the 741's nulling potentiometer. The OP-207, a dual OP-07, is available for applications requiring close matching of two OP-07 amplifiers. For improved specifications, see the OP-77/OP-177. PIN CONNECTIONS g Vos TRIM Vos TRIM 1 7 Vt -IN2 6 OUT nna 5 NC. EPOXY MINI-DIP (P-Suffix) ove tease) 8-PIN HERMETIC DIP TO-99 (J-Suffix) (Z-Suffix) 8-PIN SO z = (S-Suffix) g $e $e ERE ERIE OP-07RC/883 Lec (RC-Suffix) [e] [3] gga 7 R2A* R2B* (OPTIONAL NULL) *NOTE: 1 8 R2A AND R2B ARE SRA s R1B ELECTRONICALLY to I ADJUSTED ON CHIP AT FACTORY FOR MINIMUM INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE. NON- INVERTING INPUT INVERTING INPUTOP07 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) PACKAGE TYPE @,, (Note 3) 8 UNITS Supply Voltage .. 22V JA Ie Differential Input Voltage... ccc +30V 10-99 (J) 150 18 CW Input Voltage (Note 2)... sees Secenaeeaceauereeaesaesceeaseseeses +22V 8-Pin Hermetic DIP (2) 148 16 CW Output Short-Circuit Duration... ce ccceseeseeeeseeeees Indefinite 8-Pin Plastic DIP (P) 103 43 er] Storage Temperature Range 20-Contact LCC 98 38 C/W J, RC and Z Packages ... . -65C to +150C 8-Pin SO (8) 158 43 C/W P Package se sesanvasesceesovsonsesnessessassscousssessonss ~65C to +125C NOTES: Operating Temperature Range 1. Absolute maximum ratings apply to both DICE and packaged parts, unless OP-07A, OP-07, OP-07RC oo. eeeeees 55C to +125C otherwise noted. OP-O7E coccccccccccccccecccccececsescceuceeccestecesecuscescesees 0C to +70C 2. For supply voltages less than +22V, the absolute maximum input voltage is . _ equal to the supply voltage. OP-07C, OP-07D 40C to +85C 3. @,, is specified for worst case mounting conditions, i.., @, is specified for Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 S@C) .......c cece +300C device in socket for TO, CerDIP, P-DIP, and LCC packages; , is specified Junction Temperature (T) bea cevee se seeseeeeeecaeeaeeseeenuesenaees +150C for device soldered to printed circuit board for SO package. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vs = + 15V, Ta = 25C, unless otherwise noted. OP-07A OP-07 PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) _ 10 25 _ 30 75 uv Long-Term Input Offset . Voltage Stability AVos/Time (Note 2) 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0 nV/Mo input Offset Current log - 0.3 2.0 - 0.4 28 nA input Bias Current lp +407 +20 +10 +30 nA input Noise Voltage np-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz (Note 3) _ 0.35 0.6 _- 0.35 06 BVp-p fo = 10Hz (Note 3) 103 18.0 103 18.0 Input Noise Voltage Density en fo = 100Hz (Note 3) 100 13.0 100 13.0 nV/V Hz fo = 1000Hz (Note 3) _ 9.6 11.0 _ 9.6 11.0 Input Noise Current inp-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz (Note 3) _ 14 30 _ 14 30 PAp-p fo = 10Hz (Note 3) 0632 0.80 032 0.80 Input Noise Current Density in fo = 100Hz (Note 3) _ 0.14 0.23 _ 0.14 0.23 pA/V/ Hz fo = 1000Hz (Note 3) _ 0.12 0.17 _ 0.12 0.17 Input Resistance Differential-Mode Rin (Note 4) so U8 2: 66 MO Input Resistance Common-Mode Rinom ~ 200 ~ ~ 200 ~ Ga Input Voltage Range IVR +13 +14 _ +18 +14 _ Vv Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR Vom = 13V 110 126 _ 110 126 _ dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR Vg = +38V to 18V - 4 10 - 4 10 BIN R, 2 2kQ, Vo = 10V 300 500 - 200 500 _ Si i =+ Large-Signal Voltage Gain Avo Ry 2 5000, Vo = 0.5V, 150 400 _ 450 400 _ v/mv = 3V (Note 4) R, 2 10k +12.5 +13.0 - 12.55 413.0 _ Output Voltage Swing Vo RL 2 2kn +120 +128 _ +120 +128 Vv RL= 1k +10.5 +12.0 _ +10.5 +12.0 _ Slew Rate SR R, = 2k (Note 3) 0.1 0.3 _ 0.1 0.3 _ Vins Closed-Loop Bandwidth BW Avci= +1 (Note 3) 0.4 0.6 - 0.4 0.6 _ MHz Open-Loop Output Resistance Ro Vo=0,1o=0 _ 60 _ _ 60 _ 2 . Vg = 15V, No Load _ 75 120 - 75 120 Ww Power Consumption Pg Vg = +3V, No Load _ 4 6 _. 4 6 m Offset Adjustment Range _ +4 _ _ +4 _ mV Rp=20kn NOTES: 1. OP-07A grade Vog is measured approximately one minute after applica- tion of power. For all other grades Vog is measured approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. 2. Long-Term Input Offset Voltage Stability refers to the averaged trend line of Vog vs. Time over extended periods after the first 30 days of operation. Excluding the initial hour of operation, changes in Vog during the first 30 operating days are typically 2.5uV Parameter is sample tested. 3. Sample tested. 4. Guaranteed by design. refer to typical performance curves.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vs = + 15V, -55C < Ta < + 125C, unless ot herwise noted. OP-07 OP-07A PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) - 26 60 _ 60 200 uv Average Input Offset : Voltage Drift With- out External Trim TCVog (Note 2) = 0.2 0.6 = 0.3 1.3 vie With External Trim TCVosn Rp = 20kQ (Note 3) - 0.2 0.6 ~ 0.3 1.3 LVS Input Offset Current los _ 0.8 4 - 1.2 5.6 nA Avera vi ge Input Offset Current TClos (Note 2) _ 5 25 _ 8 50 pAPC Drift Input Bias Current lp ~ 1 +4 - +2 +6 nA KN . verage input Bias Current Cle (Note 2) _ 8 25 _ 13 50 parC Drift Input Voltage Range IVR ; 13 135 _ +13 +135 _ Vv Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR Vom = 13V 106 123 - 106 123 - dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR Vg = 3V to +18V _ 5 20 - 5 20 uVN Large-Signai Voltage Gain Avo R, = 2k, Vo = 10V 200 400 _ 150 400 _ V/mv Output Voltage Swing Vo R, 22k #12 412.6 _ 12 +126 ~ v NOTES: 1. OP-O7A grade Vog is measured approximately one minute after applica- tion of power. For all other grades Vos is measured approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. 2. Sample tested. 3. Guaranteed by design. TYPICAL OFFSET VOLTAGE TEST CIRCUIT TYPICAL LOW-FREQUENCY NOISE TEST CIRCUIT AA. 10082 > 3.3k92 OUTPUT 502 10082 3 , vv" 4.7uF *_0 Vo I vos = 495 = = (~10Hz FILTER] INPUT REFERRED NOISE =o See = 200nV/em = (SEE SCOPE PHOTO IN TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES) PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGES OPTIONAL OFFSET NULLING CIRCUIT BURN-IN CIRCUIT PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGES OUTPUT +18V L PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGESOPO7 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vs = + 15V, Ta = 25C, unless otherwise noted. OP-07E OP-07C OP-07D PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) - 30 75 _ 60 150 _ 60 150 pV Long-Term Vog . Vv Note 2 _ 0.3 1, _ 0.4 2.0 _ 0.5 3.0 Stability og/Time (Note 2) 5 V/Mo Input Offset Current log ~ 0.5 3.8 _ 0.8 6.0 0.8 6.0 nA (nput Bias Current lg +12 +40 +18 +7.0 - +2.0 +12 nA . 0.1Hz to 10Hz input Noise Voltage enp-p (Note 3) ~ 0.35 0.6 _ 0.38 0.65 _ 0.38 0.65 BVp-p Input Noise fo = 10Hz _ 10.3 18.0 _ 10.5 20.0 od 10.5 20.0 Vota e Densit en fo = 100Hz (Note 3) - 10.0 13.0 od 10,2 13.5 _- 10.3 13.5 nV/V/ Hz 9 fo = 1000Hz _ 96 11.0 _ 98 11.5 98 611.5 0.1Hz to 10Hz Input Noise Current inp- - 14 30 _ 15 35 _ 15 35 An. P np-p (Note 3) PAp-p Input Noise fo = 10Hz _ 0.32 0.80 _ 0.35 0.90 = 0.35 0.90 curren Densit in fo = 100Hz (Note 3) - 0,14 0.23 - 0.15 0.27 _ 0.15 0.27 pA/V/ Hz y fo = 1000Hz _ 0.12 0.17 - 0.13 0.18 _ 0.13 0.18 Input Resistance _ 8 _ 7 _ Differential-Mode RIN (Note 4) 6 80 38 3 Mo Input Resistance ~ _ 120 _ _ Common-Mode Rincm 160 120 Ga Input Voltage Range IVR +13 +14 - +13 +14 _ +13 +14 Vv Com -M : mon ode CMRR Vom = 18V 106 123 _ 100 120 _ 94 110 _ dB Rejection Ratio P ! =t ower Supply PSRR Vs = #8V _ 5-20 - 7 32 - 7 32 v/v Rejection Ratio to +18V > Ry = 2k0, 200 500 = 120. 400 - 120 400 , Vo =+10V Large-Signal S . Avo R_ = 5000 Vimv Voltage Gain Vo = +0.5V 150 400 _ 100 400 ad ad 400 _ Vg = 3V (Note 4) = +12. +13. _- +12.0 +13.0 ad +12. 13. _ Output Voltage R, 2 10k 12.5 13.0 12.0 13.0 swing Vo R, 2 2k0 412.00 +128 _ *115 +128 _ +115 +128 _ Vv R, = 1k. +10.5 +12.0 _ . 120 _ +120 = Slew Rate SR RL > 2k (Note 3) 01 08 01 08: a Vius losed-L Avo, =+ Closed-Loop BW vel = *1 04 0.6 - 04 06 - 04 0.6 MHz Bandwidth (Note 5) Open-Loop Output ~ R =0,lo= _ 60 - - 60 - 60 _ Oo Resistance Yo=0.lo=0 Vg = +15V, No Load - 75 120 _ 80 150 _ 80 150 Power Consumption P, mw wer pe q Vg = +3V, No Load - 4 6 _ 4 8 _ 4 8 Offset Adjustment Rp = 20k _ +4 _ _ +4 _ _ +4 _ mV Range NOTES: 1. Input Offset Voltage measurements are performed by automated test equipment approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. 2. Long-Term Input Offset Voltage Stability refers to the averaged trend line of Vog vs. Time over extended periods after the first 30 days of operation. Excluding the initial hour of operation, changes in Vog during the first 30 operating days are typically 2.5uV refer to typical performance curves. Parameter is sample tested. ~ Sample tested. 4. Guaranteed by design. 5. Guaranteed but not tested.OP07 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at V, =+15V, 0C sT, s +70C for OP-07E, and40C = T, = +85C for OP-07C/D, unless otherwise noted. | OP-07E OP-07C OP-07D PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) - 45 130 -_ 85 250 _ 85 250 nV Average Input Offset Voltage Drift With- out External Trim TCVos (Note 3) - 03 1.3 - 05 18 - 07 25 BV? S With Externai Trim TCVosn Rp = 20k2 (Note 3) _ 03 1.3 _ 0.4 16 - 07 25 wi input Offset Current los - 09 5.3 - 16 8.0 - 16 80 nA Average Input Offset Tel - 8 35 _ 12 50 _ 12 50 Current Drift Clos (Note 2) pac Input Bias Current Ip 15 +655 +22 +9. +30 14 nA Average Input Bias TC Note 2 ~ aX} 35 - 18 50 _ 18 50 ASC Current Drift Cle (Note 2) P tnput Voltage Range IvR +13.0 +135 _ 413.0 +135 _- 13.0 1413.5 _ v ~M Common-Mode CMAR Vom=13V 403123 _ o7 120 _ 04 106 _ aB Rejection Ratio Power Supply a . PSRR Vg = +3V to + 18V ~ 7 32 _ 10 51 _ 10 61 BV/V Rejection Ratio -Si 1 2 targe-Signa Avo AL = 2k0 10 45000 100 400 100 = 400 V/mv Voltage Gain Vo = +10V Output Vortage Vo RL > 2k +2 4126 +1 412600 i 21260 V Swing NOTES: 1. Input offset voltage measurements are performed by automated test equipment approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. 2. Sample tested. 3. Guaranteed by design.OP07 DICE CHARACTERISTICS (125C TESTED DICE AVAILABLE) 1. BALANCE 2. INVERTING INPUT 3. NONINVERTING INPUT 4. V- ' 6. OUTPUT 7. V+ 8. BALANCE DIE SIZE 0.100 < 0.055 inch, 5500 sq. mils (2.54 X 1.40 mm, 3.56 sq. mm) WAFER TEST LIMITS at V5= + 15V, Ta = 25C for OP-07N, OP-07G and OP-07GR devices; Ta = 125C for OP-O7NT and OP-07GT devices, unless otherwise noted. OP-07NT OP-07N OP-07GT OP-07G OP-07GR PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos 140 40 210 80 150 pV MAX Input Offset Current log 4.0 2.0 5.6 2.8 6.0 nA MAX Input Bias Current Ip +4 +2 +6 +3 +7 nA MAX Input Resistance _ 2 - 20 Ditferential-Mode IN (Note 2) 0 8 MOMIN Input Voltage Range IVR +13 +13 +13 13 +13 V MIN Common-Mode CMRR Voy =218V 100 110 100 110 100 dB MIN Rejection Ratio Power Supply H+ 2 1 Rejection Ratio PSRR Vg = $3V to +18V 0 0 20 10 30 uWV MAX Ry = 10k0 _ +12.5 _- +12.0 +12.0 Output Voltage Swing Vo R, = 2k +12.0 +12.0 +12.0 11.5 11.65 V MIN Rp =1ka _ 105 - +10.5 _ Large-Signal Ry = 2ka 200 200 1 120 Voltage Gain Avo Vo=+10V 50 120 wmv MIN Differential Input +30 +30 +30 30 +30 Vv MAX Voltage Power Consumption = Py Vout = OV =_ 120 _ 120 150 mW MAX NOTES: : > a 1. For 25C characteristics of OP-O7NT and OP-07GT, see OP-O7N and 2. Guaranteed by design. OP-07G characteristics, respectively. _ ee . Electrical tests are performed at wafer probe to the limits shown. Due to variations in assembly methods and normal yield loss, yield after packaging is not guaranteed for standard product dice. Consult factory to negotiate specifications based on dice lot qualification through sample lot assembly and testing. TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vs = +15V, T,=+25C, unless otherwise noted. OP-07NT OP-07N OP-07GT OP-07G OP-07GR PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL UNITS Oiect Voltage Drit TCV Fg=500 02 02 03 03 07 wee eet Voltage pritt TCosn Re= 500, Rp=20k0 02 0.2 03 0.3 07 aPC Otest Curent pritt Clos 5 5 8 . 8 12 parC SlewRate $$ SR Rp22ekO Of 08 0.3 03 "08 Wis Cota Bw Ayo =+1 0.6 0.6 06 06 06 MHzOP07 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OPEN-LOOP GAIN vs OFFSET VOLTAGE CHANGE DUE TEMPERATURE TO THERMAL SHOCK WARM-UP DRIFT 1000 25 Vg = 15V s Ta = 25C 20 | Vs = +15V 2 S Ta =28C Ty =70C 3 3 15 OP-O7C | oP.o7E OPEN-LOOP GAIN (V/mV) o 8 xX 3 Oo OP-074 DEVICE IMMERSED IN 70C OIL BATH 0 ABSOLUTE CHANGE IN INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (xV) ABSOLUTE CHANGE IN INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (uV) -50 0 50 100 20 o 20 40 60 80 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 TEMPERATURE (C) TIME (SEC) TIME AFTER POWER SUPPLY TURN-ON (MINUTES) MAXIMUM ERROR vs MAXIMUM ERROR vs MAXIMUM ERROR vs SOURCE RESISTANCE SOURCE RESISTANCE SOURCE RESISTANCE 1.0 = 10 | 1.2 > Ta = 28C > ere<T< 70C g vA 2 2ee : SeesT< 125C E - Vg = #15V > 08 Eos 2 2 2 2 5 2 os 8 os a a6 9 a vad a w 06 oe 04 cc 0.4 / Fd o 5 04 Fe 5 Fa = 0.2 5 a2 om = 3" = S 02 = 8 OP.07A _ 2 = OP-07A = 0 = 5 100 1k 10k 100k 100 1k 10k 100k 100 1k 10k 100! MATCHED OR UNMATCHED SOURCE RESISTANCE (9) MATCHED OR UNMATCHED SOURCE RESISTANCE (2) MATCHED OR UNMATCHED SOURCE RESISTANCE (Q INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs INPUT OFFSET CURRENT vs DIFFERENTIAL INPUT VOLTAGE TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE 30 AT IVDIFF 1 <1.0V,/ Ig | < 2nA (OP-07A) < 3nA (OP-07} < 7nA (OP-07C) Vg = =18V Vs = +15V eq = Z 5 20 20 _ a bE zg <q ra c oc ira) 3 x Ee 5 3 10 -10 z2 a 2 o x & = a cc [oa] zt 2 3 E a 2 a g bi Zz > < n = a a aw 9g z t & 2-10 0 @ 5 E z 2 z Ww e = a Z i . z vg=#t5v | 20 3 8 Ta = 25C 30 30 30-20 10 0 10 20 (30 50 0 50 100 50 0 50 100 TEMPERATURE (C) DIFFERENTIAL INPUT VALUE (VOLTS) TEMPERATURE (C)OPO7 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TOTAL INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE OP-07 LOW FREQUENCY NOISE vs FREQUENCY ee es 5 200 aviem Rg1 = Rg2= 200k2 THERMAL NOISE OF SOURCE RESISTORS INCLUDED EXCLUDED INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE (nV./Hz) Vg = =16V Ta = 25C a - la a a 1.0 10 100 1k FREQUENCY {Hz} PSRR vs FREQUENCY TTT ne TM 11 CMRR vs FREQUENCY 130 3 o 420 OP.07 = 25C 110 IA as 110 100 | op-07 3 100 @ 90 NN a ~ NN wc c a o Oo 90 a 3 8 SS Li 1.0 10 100 1k 10k 100k 0.1 1.0 10 700 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz) CLOSED-LOOP RESPONSE OPEN-LOOP FOR VARIOUS FREQUENCY RESPONSE GAIN CONFIGURATIONS 120 100 | | Vg = +15V - Ta = 425C 8 -~ vs ~ oe 20 . \ g a z < a oO 2 40 40 = 9 a 3 B 0 5 0 3 0 40 ~20 01 1 10 100 tk 10k 100k iM 10M 10 100 ik 10k 100kss1M~s10M FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz} INPUT WIDEBAND NOISE vs BANDWIDTH (0.1Hz TO FREQUENCY INDICATED) Vg =+15V Ta =+25C RMS NOISE (zV} 100 1k 10k 100k BANDWIDTH (Hz) OPEN-LOOP GAIN vs POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE Ty =+25C OFEN-LOOP GAIN (V/mv) 0 +6 +10 15 +20 POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MAXIMUM OUTPUT SWING vs FREQUENCY 3 yy a Vg = +15V Ta= +25C = Ny a oS = N PEAK-TO-PEAK AMPLITUEDE {VOLTS} 2 > = x 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz)OPO? TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE POWER CONSUMPTION OUTPUT SHORT-CIRCUIT vs LOAD RESISTANCE vs POWER SUPPLY CURRENT vs TIME 1000 Ta = 425C Ta = +25C Vs 7 +15V VIN = 210mV POSITIVE SWING 1. VIN (PIN 3} = 10mV, Vo = +15V 2. VIN (PIN 3) = +10mV, Vo = -15V NEGATIVE SWING MAXIMUM OUTPUT (VOLTS) POWER CONSUMPTION (mW) Vg =+15V Ta = +25C OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (mA) 100 1k 10k 65 20 40 60 a 1 2 3 4 LOAD RESISTANCE TO GROUND (2) TOTAL SUPPLY VOLTAGE, V+ TO V (VOLTS) TIME FROM OUTPUT BEING SHORTED (MINUTES) UNTRIMMED OFFSET VOLTAGE TRIMMED OFFSET VOLTAGE OFFSET VOLTAGE STABILITY vs TEMPERATURE vs TEMPERATURE vs TIME Vos TRIMMED TO <5uV AT 25C Vg = 15V NULLING POT = 20k Rg = 1002 . OP-07A . OP-O7E . OP-07 . OP-O76 LINE Vimo.TREND . INE 7-0.24V/mo. V/mo.TREND LIN TREND LINE Vimo, TREND 0.2uVi/mo. TREND LINE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF OFFSET VOLTAGE (uV) TOTAL DRIFT WITH TIME (:V) ABSOLUTE VALUE OF OFFSET VOLTAGE (zV} ~50 0 50 100 50 0 50 100 123456789 DN TEMPERATURE (C) TEMPERATURE (C) TIME (MONTHS) TYPICAL APPLICATIONS HIGH SPEED, LOW Vos, COMPOSITE AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT-FREE PRECISION SUMMING AMPLIFIER RF WW R4 EIN Ri NODE wwe O R1 Wk Et q R2 TOKS 2 E20 A R3 10k&2. E3 3 RS 2.5kQ PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGES PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGESOPO7 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS HIGH-STABILITY THERMOCOUPLE AMPLIFIER PRECISION ABSOLUTE-VALUE CIRCUIT R1 SENSING JUNCTION REFERENCE JUNCTION R2 PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGES RI Ein 10k 10V PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGES APPLICATIONS INFORMATION OP-07 series units may be substituted directly into 725, 108A/308A* and OP-05 sockets with or without removal of external compensation or nulling components. Additionally, the OP-07 may be used in unnulled 741-type sockets. How- ever, if conventional 741 nulling circuitry is in use, it should be modified or removed to enable proper OP-07 operation. OP-07 offset voltage may be nulled to zero through use of a potentiometer (see offset nulling circuit diagram). *TO-99 Package only ~10- The OP-07 provides stable operation with load capacitance of up to 500pF and + 10V swings; larger capacitances should be decoupled with a 500 decoupling resistor. Stray thermoelectric voltages generated by dissimilar metals at the contacts to the input terminals can degrade drift per- formance. Therefore, best operation will be obtained when both input contacts are maintained at the same temperature, preferably close to the package temperature.