AD9681 Data Sheet
Rev. C | Page 28 of 40
The PN sequence short pattern produces a pseudorandom bit
sequence that repeats itself every 29 − 1 or 511 bits. Refer to
Section 5.1 of the ITU-T 0.150 (05/96) standard for a descrip-
tion of the PN sequence and how it is generated. The seed value
is all 1s (see Table 12 for the initial values). The output is a parallel
representation of the serial PN9 sequence in MSB-first format.
The first output word is the first 14 bits of the PN9 sequence in
MSB aligned form.
Table 12. PN Sequence
Next Three Output Samples
(MSB First) Twos Complement
PN Sequence Short 0x7F80 0x77C4, 0xF320, 0xA538
PN Sequence Long 0x7FFC 0x7F80, 0x8004, 0x7000
The PN sequence long pattern produces a pseudorandom bit
sequence that repeats itself every 223 − 1 or 8,388,607 bits. Refer
to Section 5.6 of the ITU-T 0.150 (05/96) standard for a description
of the PN sequence and how it is generated. The seed value is all 1s
(see Table 12 for the initial values), and the AD9681 inverts the
bit stream with relation to the ITU standard. The output is a
parallel representation of the serial PN23 sequence in MSB-first
format. The first output word is the first 14 bits of the PN23
sequence in MSB aligned format.
Consult the Memory Map section for information on how to
change these additional digital output timing features through
the SPI.
For applications that do not require SPI mode operation, the CSB1
and CSB2 pins are tied to AVDD, and the SDIO/OLM pin controls
the output lane mode according to Table 13.
For applications where the SDIO/OLM pin is not used, tie CSB1
and CSB2 to AVDD. When using the one-lane mode, use an
encode rate of ≤62.5 MSPS to meet the maximum output rate of
1 Gbps.
Table 13. Output Lane Mode Pin Settings
Output Lane
Mode Voltage
(SDIO/OLM Pin) Output Mode
AVDD (Default) Two-lane. 1× frame, 16-bit serial output.
GND One-lane. 1× frame, 16-bit serial output.
The SCLK/DTP pin can enable a single digital test pattern if
it and the CSB1 and CSB2 pins are held high during device
power-up. When SCLK/DTP is tied to AVDD, the ADC channel
outputs shift out the following pattern: 1000 0000 0000 0000.
The FCO±1, FCO±2, DCO±1, and DCO±2 pins function
normally while all channels shift out the repeatable test pattern.
This pattern allows the user to perform timing alignment
adjustments among the FCO±1, FCO±2, DCO±1, DCO±2, and
output data. The SCLK/DTP pin has an internal 30 kΩ resistor
to GND and can be left unconnected for normal operation.
Table 14. Digital Test Pattern Pin Settings
Selected Digital
Test Pattern DTP Voltage
D0±xx and D1±xx
Normal Operation No connect Normal operation
DTP AVDD 1000 0000 0000 0000
Additional and custom test patterns can also be observed when
commanded from the SPI port. Consult the Memory Map
section for information about the options available.
CSB1 and CSB2 Pins
Tie the CSB1 and CSB2 pins to AVDD for applications that do
not require SPI mode operation. Tying CSB1 and CSB2 high
causes all SCLK and SDIO SPI communication information to
be ignored.
CSB1 selects/deselects SPI circuitry affecting the D0±x1/D1±x1
outputs (Bank 1). CSB2 selects/deselects SPI circuitry affecting
the D0±x2/D1±x2 (Bank 2) outputs.
It is recommended that CSB1 and CSB2 be controlled with the
same signal; that is, tie them together. In this way, whether tying
them to AVDD or selecting SPI functionality, both banks of
ADCs are controlled identically and are always in the same state.
RBIAS1 and RBIAS2 Pins
To set the internal core bias current of the ADC, place a 10.0 kΩ,
1% tolerance resistor to ground at each of the RBIAS1 and
RBIAS2 pins.
The AD9681 includes a built-in test feature designed to enable
verification of the integrity of each data output channel, as well
as to facilitate board level debugging. Various output test modes
are provided to place predictable values on the outputs of the
The output test modes are described in Table 11 and controlled by
the output test mode bits at Address 0x0D. When an output test
mode is enabled, the analog section of the ADC is disconnected
from the digital back-end blocks and the test pattern is run through
the output formatting block. Some of the test patterns are subject
to output formatting, and some are not. The PN generators from
the PN sequence tests can be reset by setting Bit 4 or Bit 5 of
Register 0x0D. These tests can be performed with or without an
analog signal (if present, the analog signal is ignored), but they do
require an encode clock. For more information, see the AN-877
Application Note, Interfacing to High Speed ADCs via SPI.