T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS T6M74A, JT6M74A-AS CMOS Single-Chip LSI for LCD Calculator The T6M74A, JT6M74A-AS is a CMOS single-chip microcomputer for 16-digit 1-memory calculator. T6M74A, JT6M74A-AS is the complete single-chip CMOS LSI for calculator with single power supply operation. Wide operating voltage range and low-power consumption make it suitable for 1.5 V solar battery operated. Besides T6M74A, JT6M74A-AS can selectable with a pin-programmable to function of Power timer and Memory hold. With the following features. Features Weight: 1.52 g (typ.) * Display: 16 digits of data, 1 digit of sign, error symbol, memory load symbol. * Algebraic mode. * Standard 4 functions (+, -, x, /) * Automatic percentage operation with add-on, discount. * Automatic delta percentage, mark-up and mark-down operations. * Square root. * Constant calculation. * Chain calculation. * Change sign. * Floating point or momentary mode (selectable with a switch). * Fixed point ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4" or "6" places) or floating point (selectable with a switch). * Adding point mode (selectable with a switch). * Rounding switches (rounding up, down and off). * Leading zero suppression. * Trailing zero suppression. * Punctuation on display, commas for thousands. * Memory contents indicator, turned on with non-zero in the memory. * Registration overflow, indicating that too many digits are entered (the most significant digit are protected). * Result overflow, indicating during calculation (most function key are locked as it happened). * Memory overflow indicating to flashing of memory load mark. * Key roll over function. * Floating minus. 1 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Pin Assignment (top view) 2 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS System Block Diagram Battery Type 3 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Dual Type 4 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Solar Type 5 2003-02-28 Common Segment Connection of LCD 6 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Key Connection Touch Key Lock Key K12: Selectable with auto power OFF mode an memory hold status. MH (memory hold), MK (memory kill) K11: Rounding K10: Selectable with fixed point or floating mode. Note 1: K12 line is no choose then keep condition. K12 line is no choose at the system power on then initial condition is A, MH mode selected. 7 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Specification of Calculator Speed of Calculation Operation Example 1. Fixed Point Calculations (1) Key Display Fixed point place (2) 8 Key Display Fixed point place 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS 2. Adding Point Mode Calculations Key Display Key Display Key Display 3. Constant Calculations (1) (3) Multiplication Key Display (2) Constant Addition (4) 9 Division Key Display Constant Subtraction 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS (5) (7) Percentage Key Display (6) Constant Add-on Percentage Key Display (8) Discount (2) Key (2) Mark-down Key Display Constant 4. D% Calculations (1) Key Display Display 5. Mark-Up, Mark-Down Calculations (1) Mark-up Key Display 10 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS 6. Add-On, Discount Calculations Add-on Key (1) Discount Key (2) Display (3) (4) (5) (6) 11 Display 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Maximum Ratings Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit VDD1 -0.3~2.0 V Input voltage VIN -0.3~VDD1 + 0.3 V Operating temperature Topr 0~40 C Storage temperature Tstg -55~125 C Supply voltage Electrical Characteristics (VDD1 = 1.5 0.2 V, VDD2 = 3.0 0.4 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = 25C) Symbol Test Circuit Pin Name Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit Operating voltage VDD1 3/4 3/4 3/4 1.2 1.5 2.0 V "1" input voltage VIH (1) 3/4 3/4 VDD1 - 0.4 3/4 VDD1 V "1" input voltage VIH (2) 3/4 3/4 VDD2 - 0.4 3/4 VDD2 V "0" input voltage VIL 3/4 3/4 0 3/4 0.4 V VOH (1) 3/4 3/4 VDD2 - 0.2 3/4 VDD2 V VOL (1) 3/4 3/4 0 3/4 0.2 V "M" output voltage VOM 3/4 COM1~3 3/4 VDD1 - 0.2 3/4 VDD1 + 0.2 V "1" output voltage VOH (2) 3/4 K1~K9 3/4 VDD1 - 0.2 3/4 VDD1 V "0" output voltage VOL (2) 3/4 K1~K13 3/4 0 3/4 0.2 V ROH 3/4 VOUT = VDD2 - 0.5 V 3/4 3/4 70 kW ROL 3/4 VOUT = 0.5 V 3/4 3/4 70 kW RKEYH (1) 3/4 RESET VOUT = VDD1 - 0.5 V 3/4 3/4 25 RKEYH (2) 3/4 K0~K9 VOUT = VDD1 - 0.5 V 3/4 3/4 14 RKEYH (3) 3/4 K10~K13 VOUT = 0 V 120 3/4 800 RKEYL (1) 3/4 RESET (1) VOUT = VDD1 100 3/4 300 RKEYL (2) 3/4 RESET (2) VOUT = VDD1 18 3/4 300 RKEYL (3) 3/4 K0~K9 (1) VOUT = 0.5 V 3/4 3/4 50 RKEYL (4) 3/4 K0~K9 (2) VOUT = VDD1 72 3/4 170 ffWAIT 3/4 3/4 VDD1 = 1.5 V 5.4 9.0 15.5 kHz ffOP 3/4 3/4 VDD1 = 1.5 V 20.0 34 61.3 kHz fF 3/4 VDD1 = 1.5 V 56.3 93.8 161.5 Hz IDDWAIT 3/4 3/4 VDD1 = 1.5 V 3/4 3/4 3.3 2 (OPERATE) IDDOP 3/4 3/4 VDD1 = 1.2 V 3/4 3/4 8.9 3 (OFF) IDDOFF 3/4 3/4 VDD1 = 1.5 V 3/4 3/4 2.0 T 3/4 3/4 VDD1 = 1.5 V 429 600 1001 Characteristics "1" output voltage "0" output voltage "1" output resistance "0" output resistance Key pull up resistance Key pull down resistance Oscillating (WAIT) Frequency (OPERATE) Frame frequency 1 (WAIT) Supply current Power off timer times K2~K9 RESET K10~K13 K2~K13 RESET SEGMENT COM1~3 SEGMENT COM1~3 SEGMENT COM1~3 SEGMENT COM1~3 SEGMENT COM1~3 12 kW kW mA s 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Waveforms for Display Note 2: At ff = 9 kHz 13 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Pad Location Table (mm) Name X Point Y Point Name X Point Y Point COM3 -1757 -1680 B13 1757 1680 COM2 -1757 -1520 A13 1757 1520 COM1 -1757 -1360 C12 1757 1360 K13 -1757 -1200 B12 1757 1200 K12 -1757 -1040 A12 1757 1040 K11 -1757 -880 C11 1757 880 K10 -1757 -720 B11 1757 720 K9 -1757 -560 A11 1757 560 K8 -1757 -400 C10 1757 400 K7 -1757 -240 B10 1757 240 K6 -1757 -80 A10 1757 80 K5 -1757 80 C9 1757 -80 K4 -1757 240 B9 1757 -240 K3 -1757 400 A9 1757 -400 K2 -1757 560 C8 1757 -560 K1 -1757 720 B8 1757 -720 K0 -1757 880 A8 1757 -880 (TS4) -1757 1040 C7 1757 -1040 (TS3) -1757 1200 B7 1757 -1200 (TS2) -1757 1360 A7 1757 -1360 (TS1) -1757 1520 C6 1757 -1520 RESET -1757 1680 B6 1757 -1680 VG -1388 1753 A6 1278 -1752 VDD1 -1151 1753 C5 1118 -1752 VDD2 -991 1753 B5 958 -1752 VB -831 1753 A5 798 -1752 VA -671 1753 C4 638 -1752 VSS -511 1753 B4 478 -1752 S4 -351 1753 A4 318 -1752 S3 -191 1753 C3 158 -1752 S2 -31 1753 B3 -2 -1752 S1 129 1753 A3 -162 -1752 B15 289 1753 C2 -322 -1752 A15 449 1753 B2 -482 -1752 C14 609 1753 A2 -642 -1752 B14 769 1753 C1 -802 -1752 A14 929 1753 B1 -962 -1752 C13 1089 1753 A1 -1122 -1752 Note3: ( ) Do not connect. 14 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Chip Layout Pad Layout Active Element 15 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS Package Dimensions Weight: 1.52 g (typ.) 16 2003-02-28 T6M74A,JT6M74A-AS RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE 000707EBA * TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the "Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices," or "TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook" etc.. * The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury ("Unintended Usage"). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this document shall be made at the customer's own risk. * The products described in this document are subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws. * The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others. * The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 17 2003-02-28