Graphic VFD Module GU256x64F-3900 Ref: MC-021 Mar..03 Single 24V power supply High Brightness Blue Green Display Operating Temp -40C to +70C 6x8, 8x16, 16x32 Font table 16x16 Asian(Japanese, Chinesex2. Korean) fon RS232C, Parallel, USB(option) Interface Easy drawing function Power ON/OFF control 60.0 70.0 I/O Port controllability User window definition and individual control High speed Graphic animation ability Character & Bitmap image download 8 level brightness control Development Kit Available (GUD-3000) RS233C cable, Power supply, Sample software 226.0 216.0 5.0 5.0 Display Area : 166.25 x 41.45 3.5 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION Parameter Symbol Value Power Supply Voltage VCC 24.0VDC Power Supply Current ICC 0.28ADC typ. Logic Hi Input (Parallel) VIH 0.8VDC min. Vcc max. Logic Low Input (Parallel) VIL 0VDV min. 0.2Vcc max. Logic HI output (Parallel) VOH 3.5VDC min. Vcc max. Logic Low output (Parallel) VOL 0VDV min. 0.6Vcc max. Logic Hi Input (RS232) VIH 3.0VDC min. 15VDC max. Logic Low Input (RS233) VIL -15VDC min. -3VDC max. Logic Hi output (RS233) VOH 5.0VDC min. Logic Low output (RS232) VOL -5VDC max. OPTICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Value Parameter 226.00 x 70.00 PCB Size (X x Y mm) 166.25 x 41.45 Display Area (X x Y mm) 0.50 / 0.65 Dot size / Pitch (X x Y mm) Luminance 700 cd/m2 Typ. Color of Illumination Blue Green Operating Temperature -40C to +70C Operating Humidity 20 to 80 % RH (non condensing) SOFTWARE COMMANDS - Popular codes, more included Code Command 20H~FFH Write Character to Display BS, HT, LF, CR, Display Clear 08H, 09H, 0AH, 0DH, 0CH Initialize Display 1BH Specify International Font 1BH 52H n 1FH 02H / 1FH 03H Vertical / Horizontal Scroll Mode Scroll Display Action 1FH 28H 61H 10H wL wH cL cH s 1FH 28H 61H 11H p t1 t2 c Display Blink 1FH 28H 67H 01H m Font Size Select 1FH 28H 67H 40H x y Font Magnified Display 1FH 58H n Brightness Level Setting n=0 INTERNATIONAL FONT Power & Serial Interface Connecter COMMON FONT Parallel Interface Connecter 16.5 MAX. Unit : mm n=19 6x8, 8x16, 16x32 Font table abailable. Also, 4 types of 16x16 Asian font include Serial Interface (CN1) Pin Sig 1 RXD 2 DTR 3 DSR 4 TXD 5 TEST 6 VCC 7 GND Baud rate: 38,400 or 19,200 Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas 1-888-326-3423 1-888-395-3423 1-800-779-5846 1-888-318-3423 Parallel interface (CN5) Pin Sig Pin Sig 1 D7 2 D6 3 D5 4 D4 5 D3 6 D2 7 D1 8 D0 9 GND 10 WR 11 GND 12 READY 13 GND 14 GND 15 VCC1(24V) 16 VCC1(24V) Please inquire for full specification. ** Subject to change without notice ** Los Angels 1-888-795-3423 New York 1-888-296-3423 Canada 1-416-291-2946