- 131 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
Package Drawings and Specifications
Package Drawing – SOIC8
Dimensions: inch (mm)
.154 (3.91)
.020 (.508)
.188 (4.77)
.054 (1.37) .061 (1.55)
.154 (3.91)
.236 (5.99)
.017 TYP.
.193 (4.90)
.050 (1.27) x 6
.004 (.10) MIN.
.010 (.26) MAX.
.016 (.40) NOM.
.015 (.381)
Note: SOIC8 Package has thermal power dissipation of 240°C/Watt in free air.
Attaching the package to a circuit board improves thermal performance.
Package Drawing – MSOP8
Dimensions: inches (mm)
.118 (3.00)
.021 (.533)
.154 (3.91)
.034 (.86) .040 (1.02)
.004 (.10) MIN.
.012 (.31) MAX.
.0256 (.65) x 6
.118 (3.00)
.193 (4.90)
.012 TYP.
.005 (.13) NOM.
Note: MSOP8 Package has thermal power dissipation of 320°C/Watt in free air.
Attaching the package to a circuit board improves thermal performance.
- 132 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
ackage Drawing – TDFN6 2.5 mm x 2.5 mm
2.00 ± 0.05
0.30 ± 0.05(6x)
0.30 ± 0.05(6x) 0.65 TYP. (4x)
1.30 REF (2X)
1.30 ± 0.05
2.50 ± 0.10
2.50 ± 0.10
0.80 MAX
0.20 REF.
Note: Dimensions in mm. TDFN6 package has thermal power dissipation of 320°C/Watt in free air.
ackage Drawing – TDFN SO8
Attaching the package to a circuit board improves thermal performance.
4.900 ± 0.20
6.00 ± 0.20
0.75±0.05 MAX
Pin 1 ID
3.90 ± 0.15
0.65 ± 0.10 (8x)
1.27 Typ. (6x)
3.81REF (2x)
0.40 ± 0.05 (8x)
3.40 ± 0.15
Note: Dimensions in mm. TDFN SO8 Package has thermal power dissipation of 240°C/Watt in free air.
Attaching the package to a circuit board improves thermal performance.
- 133 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
ackage Drawing – PLLP6 3.0 mm x 3.0 mm P
3.10 (0.122)
3.00 (0.118) 0.98 (0.038)
0.93 (0.036)
0.45 (0.018)
0.35 (0.014)
1.55 (0.061)
1.45 (0.057)
2.30 (0.091)
2.20 (0.087)
0.45 (0.018)
0.40 (0.016)
0.12 (0.005)
0.02 (0.001)
1.00 (0.039)
0.85 (0.033)
0.05 (0.002)
0.00 (0.000)
3.10 (0.122)
3.00 (0.118)
Note: The PLLP6 package has thermal power dissipation of 320°C/Watt in free air. Attaching the package to
ote on Lead-Free Packages
orking to provide lead-free products in response to concerns about
ure tin (Sn ) have alread y been q ualified at NVE and are available in most
have higher melting
onent of NVE’s commitment to take an active part in
a circuit board improves thermal performance. Dimensions are in mm (inches).
The electronics industry has been w
the environmental impact of the use of lead (Pb) in solder finishes. Increasing customer demand and
directives to decrease the amounts of lead in consumer electronics products from governments around
the globe, drives this effort.
Lead-free finishes u tilizing p
of our products. However, additional lead times are associated with these parts.
Since most lead-free solders being used in board assembly environments
temperatures than traditional tin-lead solders, higher reflow temperatures may be necessary to form an
equivalent solder joint between the component and the PC board. NVE characterizes all lead-free
packages using elevated temperature (245°C to 260°C) reflow profiles characteristic of lead-free board
assembly environments. All lead-free products will be identified with an “E” suffix on the part number
and a lower case “e” marking on the package.
This lead-free transition is an important comp
protecting the environment and our responsibility to our customers and the communities around the
world in which we do business. We remain dedicated to meeting our customers’ requirements and
- 134 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
Recommended Solder Reflow Profile
NVE recommends the following soldering profile:
For leaded (Pb) parts, the peak temperature shown in this profile can be decreased to as low as 230°C.
Exceeding 265°C at peak or the time at peak temperature shown in this profile can damage the parts.
1. AA- and AD-Series sensors are rated at 150°C maximum storage temperature. They can withstand
the solder profile shown above with no harmful effects. However, temperatures above 265°C for
even a brief period or extended periods above 160°C can cause degradation of the GMR sensor
2. AKL- and DD-Series parts contain an on-chip EEPROM. Exposure to temperatures in excess of
265°C can cause EEPROM data corruption, which will cause the parts to fall out of specification.
- 135 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
Magnet Data
NVE supplies Ceramic 8 magnets in some of our GMR sensor evaluation kits. The characteristics for
these magnets are given below:
Material Type Ceramic 8 (C8)
Maximum Operating Temperature 300°C
Curie Temperature 450°C
Temperature Coefficient of Flux Density -0.20 %/°C
Maximum Energy Product 3.5 MGOe
Residual Induction 3850 Gauss
Coercive Force 2950 Oersteds
Ceramic 8 M agnetic Characteristics
Flux Density, Gauss (G)
-5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0
Demagne tiz ing Force, Oerste ds (Oe)
- 136 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
Magnet drawings for the two round disc magnets included in the GT Sensor evaluation kits are given
below. These magnets are available from NVE as production parts. Contact NVE for pricing and
delivery information. In addition, NVE can have custom magnets built for specific applications in
Ceramic 8 or Alnico 8 materials. Please contact NVE for more details.
Magnet Part Number Diameter (mm) Length (mm)
12216 6 4
12217 3.5 4
Note: All Dimensions in mm.
Ceramic 8 Disc Magnets
- 137 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
Part Numbers and Marking Codes
NVE’s part number format consists of two or three letters, then three numbers, a dash, and then two
more numbers, and in some cases a final letter. Here is an example:
The meanings of the numbers and letters are defined as follows:
First Two
Letters General Part Description
AA Analog output magnetometer or spin valve sensor
AB Analog output gradiometer
AD Digital output magnetometer
AG Evaluation kit or printed circuit board assembly
AK Digital output gradiometer
BD Custom digital output magnetometer
DB Digital input signal processing IC
DC Voltage regulator
DD Analog input signal processing IC
Third Letter GMR Material Used In Product
No third letter indicates NVE’s standard multilayer material
H High sensitivity, high temperature multilayer material
L Low hysteresis, high temperature multilayer material
V Spin valve material with synthetic anti-ferromagnet pinning
Three Digits Consecutive Part Number
xxx Meaning for AD-Series parts is described in the GMR Switch section of this
catalog; other products have numbers assigned consecutively with no meaning
Two Digits
After Dash Package Type
-00 MSOP 8 pin package
-01 Raw IC (die); available in diced wafer on blue tape or waffle pack form
-02 SOIC 8 pin package
-07 Non-semiconductor style package; used for eval kits and PCBs
-10 TDFN6 2.5mm X 2.5mm 6 pin package
-11 PLLP6 3.0mm X 3.0mm 6 pin package
-12 TDFN SO8 4.9mm X 6.0mm 8 pin package
Final Letter Consecutive Part Number
E No final letter means a standard package; E means a lead-free package
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Some of NVE’s products are delivered in packages that are too small to be marked with the complete
part number. In these cases a three-letter code is used to identify the part. The following table provides
a cross-reference from part number to marking code:
NVE Part Number Code NVE Part Number Code
AA004-00 CBD AD323-00 GBD
AA006-00 CBC AD324-00 GBF
AAH004-00 CBF AD404-00 HBH
AAV001-11 BBP AD405-00 HBG
AAV002-11 BBQ AD406-00 HBJ
AB001-00 CBG AD420-00 HBK
ABH001-00 CBH AD421-00 HBB
ABL004-00 FDB AD422-00 HBC
ABL005-00 FDC AD423-00 HBD
ABL006-00 FDL AD424-00 HBF
ABL014-00 FDD AD504-00 JBH
ABL015-00 FDF AD505-00 JBG
ABL016-00 FDM AD506-00 JBJ
ABL004-10 FDG AD520-00 JBK
ABL005-10 FDH AD521-00 JBB
ABL006-10 FDN AD522-00 JBC
ABL014-10 FDJ AD523-00 JBD
ABL015-10 FDK AD524-00 JBF
ABL016-10 FDP AD604-00 KBH
AD004-00 BBH AD605-00 KBG
AD005-00 BBG AD606-00 KBJ
AD006-00 BBJ AD620-00 KBK
AD020-00 BBK AD621-00 KBB
AD021-00 BBB AD622-00 KBC
AD022-00 BBC AD623-00 KBD
AD023-00 BBD AD624-00 KBF
AD024-00 BBF AD704-00 LBH
AD024-10 BBL AD705-00 LBG
AD104-00 DBH AD706-00 LBJ
AD105-00 DBG AD720-00 LBK
AD106-00 DBJ AD721-00 LBB
AD120-00 DBK AD722-00 LBC
AD121-00 DBB AD723-00 LBD
AD122-00 DBC AD724-00 LBF
AD123-00 DBD AD081-00 BDB
AD124-00 DBF AD082-00 BDC
AD204-00 FBH AD083-00 BDD
AD205-00 FBG AD084-00 BDF
AD206-00 FBJ AD821-00 MBB
AD220-00 FBK AD822-00 MBC
AD221-00 FBB AD823-00 MBD
AD222-00 FBC AD824-00 MBF
AD223-00 FBD AD921-00 NBB
AD224-00 FBF AD922-00 NBC
AD304-00 GBH AD923-00 NBD
AD305-00 GBG AD924-00 NBF
AD306-00 GBJ ADH025-00 MBL
AD320-00 GBK BD012-00 ZBF
AD321-00 GBB DB001-00 FFD
AD322-00 GBC DC001-10 FFB
DC002-10 FFC
- 139 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
The following table provides a cross-reference from marking code to part number:
Code NVE Part Number Code NVE Part Number
BBB AD021-00 FFD DB001-00
BBC AD022-00 GBB AD321-00
BBD AD023-00 GBC AD322-00
BBF AD024-00 GBD AD323-00
BBG AD005-00 GBF AD324-00
BBH AD004-00 GBG AD305-00
BBJ AD006-00 GBH AD304-00
BBK AD020-00 GBJ AD306-00
BBL AD024-10 GBK AD320-00
BBP AAV001-11 HBB AD421-00
BBQ AAV002-11 HBC AD422-00
BDB AD081-00 HBD AD423-00
BDC AD082-00 HBF AD424-00
BDD AD083-00 HBG AD405-00
BDF AD084-00 HBH AD404-00
CBC AA006-00 HBJ AD406-00
CBD AA004-00 HBK AD420-00
CBF AAH004-00 JBB AD521-00
CBG AB001-00 JBC AD522-00
CBH ABH001-00 JBD AD523-00
DBB AD121-00 JBF AD524-00
DBC AD122-00 JBG AD505-00
DBD AD123-00 JBH AD504-00
DBF AD124-00 JBJ AD506-00
DBG AD105-00 JBK AD520-00
DBH AD104-00 KBB AD621-00
DBJ AD106-00 KBC AD622-00
DBK AD120-00 KBD AD623-00
FBB AD221-00 KBF AD624-00
FBC AD222-00 KBG AD605-00
FBD AD223-00 KBH AD604-00
FBF AD224-00 KBJ AD606-00
FBG AD205-00 KBK AD620-00
FBH AD204-00 AD721-00 LBB
FBJ AD206-00 LBC AD722-00
FBK AD220-00 LBD AD723-00
FDB ABL004-00 LBF AD724-00
FDC ABL005-00 LBG AD705-00
FDD ABL014-00 AD704-00 LBH
FDF ABL015-00 LBJ AD706-00
FDG ABL004-10 LBK AD720-00
FDH ABL005-10 MBB AD821-00
FDJ ABL014-10 MBC AD822-00
FDK ABL015-10 MBD AD823-00
FDL ABL006-00 MBF AD824-00
FDM ABL016-00 MBL ADH025-00
FDN ABL006-10 NBB AD921-00
FDP ABL016-10 NBC AD922-00
FFB DC001-10 AD923-00 NBD
FFC DC002-10 NBF AD924-00
ZBF BD012-00
- 140 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
Electrical Offset: The inherent imbalance of the bridge expressed in differential voltage output.
RBP: Reverse Battery Protection.
Definitions and Conversion Factors
CSK or Sink: Current sinking output, also referred to as Open Collector output.
Differential: The field difference between the Operate Point and the Release Point.
HBM: Human Body Model for ESD specifications.
Hysteresis: The maximum deviation in volts between the output with increasing field and the output
with decreasing field, where the applied field is unipolar (applied in either a positive or negative
direction, without crossing the zero field point), divided by Voltage Span. Expressed as a percentage.
Input Voltage Range: The voltage range that can be applied across the bridge.
IOL (Current Output Low): The output current in the low (logic 0) state (output stage switched on).
Max Output: A specification given in millivolts per applied voltage. This is the maximum output
voltage possible. This output condition is achieved when one set of resistors is in magnetic saturation
(have achieved the maximum resistance change possible) while the other pair are at zero applied
magnetic field.
Nonlinearity: The maximum deviation from a linear fit taken over the Field Range divided by the
Voltage Span. Expressed as a percentage.
Off-axis Characteristic: A specification that describes the variation in sensor output versus the angle
between the applied field direction and the sensitive axis of the GMR sensor with constant electrical
and magnetic inputs applied. Applicable to non-integrated bridge sensors. The output will vary as the
cosine of the angle rotated.
Operate Point: The field level which produces a logical change in state from “0” to “1” in NVE’s
digital magnetic field sensors ADXXX-XX.
Operating Frequency: Frequency range within which a sensor will produce a responsive output.
Output Leakage Current (Current Output High): The output current in the high (logic 1) state
(output stage switched off).
Output Saturation Voltage (Voltage Output Low): The output voltage in the low (logic 0) state
(output stage switched on).
Release Point: The field level which produces a logical change in state from “1” to “0” in NVE’s
digital magnetic field sensors ADXXX-XX.
Resistor Separation: This is the mean separatio n b etween the tw o p airs of resistors, in a Gr adio meter
or Differential sensor.
Sensitivity: A measure of the output magnitude based on electrical and magnetic input conditions.
Expressed in millivolts of differential output per applied voltage per Oersted.
- 141 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
Specified Linear Range: Typically 70% of the field it takes to saturate the part. Field dependent
specifications are based upon this range.
TCOI (Temperature Coefficient of Output at Constant Input Current): The variation of the
output voltage over temperature with a constant input current applied. Expressed as a percentage per
unit temperature change.
TCOV (Temperature Coefficient of Output at Constant Input Voltage): The variation of the
output voltage over temperature with a constant input voltage applied. Expressed as a percentage per
unit temperature change.
TCR (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance): The variation of the GMR resistors over
temperature. Expressed as a percentage per unit temperature change.
Voltage Span: The differential output voltage taken from zero to 70% of the saturation field level.
- 142 - phone: 952-829-9217 fax: 952-829-9189
Conversion Factors
To Convert Into Multiply by
µWb maxwell 10
A/cm Oe 1.256
A/m Oe 1.256 x 10
At Gb 1.256
G Oe 1 (when µ
G T 10
G mT 10
G nT 10
G Wb/cm
G Wb/in
6.452 x 10
G Wb/m
Gb At 0.796
kA/m Oe 1.256 x 10
maxwell Wb 10
maxwell µWb 10
mT G 10
maxwell volt second 10
nT G 10
nT gamma (γ) 1
Oe A/cm 7.962 x 10
Oe A/m 7.962 x 10
Oe kA/m 7.962 x 10
T G 10
T Wb/m
volt second maxwell 10
volt second Wb 1
Wb maxwell 10
G 10
G 10