Digital ASICs
Products and Services November 1995
0.6 micron CMOS
Gate Array & Standard Cell
Figure 4 outlines a typical software environment when
using third party tools. AMI uses EDIF to speed ports
between various software products.
AMI’s Enhanced Design Utilities Tools are intended to be
used interactively at each stage of the design. EDU
software is a set of design analysis tools that check both
the design and test vectors for correctness and
compatibility with in-house ASIC testers, and analyze the
design for inefficiencies and possible flaws that could
cause problems in manufacturing the device.
The Design Library
AMI provides a robust collection of building blocks for the
AMI6X family. A broad range of primary cells is
complemented with memory cell compilers and useful
megafunctions. With such broad, US-based design talent,
AMI can quickly design specific cells that customers need
to add an edge in customization.
The AMI ASIC Standard Library
The AMI ASIC Standard Library contains a rich set of core
and configurable pad cells which allow great flexibility in
building competitive devices for customer applications.
The library is portable across all AMI’s gate array and
standard cell families. The ASIC Standard Library is listed
in detail on pages 12 to 20.
Memory Compilers
The AMI6X family includes the line of memory compilers
shown above. Each of the thousands of possible memory
blocks is optimized precisely to the customers’
parameters rather than built from a presized leaf cell that
covers a range of sizes. This yields a better size and
performance match for each application.
Upon supplying the cell specification to AMI, the customer
can receive an accurate simulation timing specification
overnight by facsimile and a full simulation model for any
AMI supported software environment within five working
Digital Soft Megacells
The AMI6X gate array and standard cell families support
soft megacells that are compatible with many popular
functions. These megacells are functionally and logically
compatible with the stand-alone products.
A soft megacell is defined only at the functional schematic
level. Each instance of the megacell will have exactly the
same functional definition; however, the physical mask
layout will be different depending on other functions being
used, the place-and-route tools, and process technology.
The megacell becomes part of the design netlist, requiring
back annotation of interconnect capacitance after place-
and-route for final verification.
Because AMI’s soft megacells are defined at the gate
level, simulation models are more accurate than that of
behavioral models. Since our soft megacells use AMI’s
ASIC Standard Library they have the advantages of
design flexibility, portability, and a path for future cost
reduction by process migration.
AMI’s selection of soft megacells include Core Processors
and Peripherals which duplicate the function of industry
standard parts. In addition AMI offers FIFOs and Datapath
megacells which are developed using synthesizers. These
products are listed in the following tables.
Core Processors and Peripherals
The Core Processor and Peripheral megacells are
designed to duplicate the function of industry standard,
stand-alone parts. Detailed functional information can be
found in any standard device datasheet.
Memory Compiler Library
Memory Compiler Process Size Increment
min. max.
SRAM (single-port, synchronous, self-timed) gate array 16 x 1 1K x 32 16 words, 1 bit
SRAM (single-port, synchronous, self-timed) standard cell 32 x 1 2K x 32 16 words, 1 bit
ROM (synchronous) standard cell 64 x 1 16K x 32 64 words, 1 bit
SRAM (single-port, asynchronous) standard cell 32 x 1 2K x 32 16 words, 1 bit
SRAM (dual-port, synchronous) standard cell 32 x 1 1K x 32 16 words, 1 bit