Maxim Integrated
Evaluates: MAX32600
MAX32600 Evaluation Kit
Detailed Description
This section describes the major functions/components of
the EV kit. This EV kit is general-purpose in nature and
provides many user-selectable options.
Board Power
The EV kit can be powered several ways.
The default jumper settings select the USB interface
as the source of power for the EV kit board. To power
up the board, simply connect the included Micro-USB
cable to the Micro-USB jack (labeled CN1) found on the
bottom side of the EV kit PCB. To get +5V power, the
other end of the Micro-USB cable can either be connected
to a computer or a USB wall charger. No data is sent over
the USB, by default.
When 5V is available through the USB CN1 connector,
the MAX32600 (IC) is automatically powered from this 5V
input. When the IC senses 5V on its VBUS pin, internal
power management automatically switches to utilize the
VBUS input, with no power drawn from the VDD supply by
the IC. Note that the U2 regulator output is set to 3.6V.
This allows both the IC and on-board peripherals to be
powered by the USB supply when present, and when
the USB is not connected, closing jumper J12 allows the
board peripherals to be powered from the same supply
that powers VDD. When the USB is connected, the 3.6V
output supply overrides the VDD source for the purposes
of powering VDDIO_P, since current will be forced through
Schottky diode D3 and no current drawn through D1;
otherwise, the IC’s main power-supply input (VDD) can
be supplied by on-board batteries or an external bench
power supply. For the battery, the user can select either a
lithium coin cell (Panasonic CR2032 or equivalent) or two
AAA batteries. When using the bench supply, carefully
observe the VDD limits (3.6V max). These power options
are selectable with the combination of headers J5 and J4.
Pin J5-2 is jumpered to one of the surrounding three pins
to select the desired input. The VDD input rail is protected
against accidental polarity reversals by a resettable fuse
(F1) and Schottky diode (D2).
Jumpers J75/J76 provide several other options for
powering the on-board peripheral devices, such as the
Bluetooth transceiver, LEDs, pushbutton input switches,
and piezo buzzer. These options are the currently select-
ed VDD source supply (on-board batteries/bench supply,
overridden by the 3.6V regulator output when the USB
is connected), the IC’s VDDIO output or VREG18 output.
Note that VDDIO and VREG18 have load limits; refer to the
MAX32600 IC data sheet for more details.
In cases where power is not supplied through the
MAX32600 VDD or VBUS pins, the internal RTC and
battery-backed states of the IC are maintained by drawing
power from the 0.22mF supercap on VRTC. Application
firmware on the IC must first ensure that the supercap has
been charged by setting the appropriate control registers;
refer to the User’s Guide for more details.
Current Monitoring
The VDD, VBUS, and VRTC power rails into the IC incor-
porate low-resistancel series resistors for measuring sup-
ply currents. The VDD and VBUS rails have 1.0Ω resistors,
which provide 1mV/mA (or 1µV/µA) sensitivity. The VRTC
rail has a 100Ω resistor to provide higher sensitivity
(100µV/µA). Each resistor has two standard 2mm (.080in)
tip jacks for access.
The VDDIO_P rail that powers all peripherals on the
board, as detailed above, also has a 1.0Ω series resistor
to use for similar current measurements.
Pushbutton switch SW1 can be used to generate an
input for test purposes on port pin P0.7; SW1 is normally
open, and therefore, provides a logic 0 when depressed.
Firmware defines the action taken on this switch closure.
Use pushbutton SW2 to manually reset the IC (system-
reset source); SW2 is normally open and asserts SRSTN
(system reset) when depressed.
Pushbutton SW3 provides a global POR reset function for
the IC by asserting the RSTN input.
The IC features an integrated USB 2.0 full-speed
interface (12Mbps). This interface is accessible through
the USB Micro-B receptacle, CN1.
USB-to-UART Bridge
A USB-to-UART bridge chip (FTDI FT230X) is available
on the EV kit. This bridge eliminates the requirement for
a physical RS-232 COM port. Instead, MAX32600 UART
access is through the USB standard-B connector, J73.
Default parameters are 57600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one
stop bit, and no flow control.
The FT230X provides adjustable UART I/O levels based
on its VCCIO input. Connecting VCCIO to VDDIO_P
(using J74/J75) enables the FT230X I/O levels to track
the IC’s I/O levels. Maintaining this compatibility is
important because of the wide operating range of the IC.