CO M PL IA N T TISP4011H1BJ LE AD FR EE *R oH S VERY LOW VOLTAGE BIDIRECTIONAL THYRISTOR OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTORS TISP4011H1BJ VLV Overvoltage Protector Series General Information SMB Package (Top View) Ro VE LEA HS RS D CO ION FRE M SA E PL R IA E NT * The protector consists of a symmetrical voltage-triggered bidirectional thyristor. Overvoltages are initially clipped by breakdown clamping until the voltage rises to the breakover level, which causes the device to crowbar into a low-voltage on-state condition. This low-voltage on-state causes the current resulting from the overvoltage to be safely diverted through the device. The device switches off when the diverted current falls below the holding current value. 2 T(A) R(B) 1 MDXXBGE Device Symbol T SD4XAA R T erminals T and R correspond to the alternative line designators of A and B Absolute Maximum Ratings, TA = 25 C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Rating Symbol Value Unit VDRM 5.25 V IPPSM 100 500 A Junction temperature TJ -40 to +150 C Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +150 C Repetitive peak off-state voltage Non-repetitive peak on-state pulse current 10/1000 s 2/10 s Electrical Characteristics, TA = 25 C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter ID Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit 1 200 A Leakage current VD = VDRM V(BO) Breakover voltage di/dt = 1 mA/s 9 10.5 V I(BO) Breakover current di/dt = 1 mA/s 75 200 mA VT On-state voltage 3 V IH IT = 5 A Holding current IT = 5 A, di/dt = 1 mA/s Off-state capacitance Vd = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, 1 Vrms Coff 20 60 mA 110 pF *RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan. 27, 2003 including annex and RoHS Recast 2011/65/EU June 8, 2011. OCTOBER 2016 Specifications are subject to change without notice. The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time. Users should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP4011H1BJ VLV Overvoltage Protector Series Parameter Measurement Information Figure 1. Voltage-Current Characteristic for T and R Terminals All Measurements are Referenced to the R Terminal How to Order Device Package Carrier Order as TISP4011H1BJ BJ (SMB/DO-214AA J-Bend) R (Embossed Tape Reeled) TISP4011H1BJR-S Carrier Information For production quantities, the carrier will be embossed tape reel pack. Evaluation quantities may be shipped in bulk pack or embossed tape. Package Carrier Standard Quantity SMB Embossed Tape Reel Pack 3000 Asia-Pacific: Tel: +886-2 2562-4117 * Email: EMEA: Tel: +36 88 520 390 * Email: The Americas: Tel: +1-951 781-5500 * Email: OCTOBER 2016 Specifications are subject to change without notice. The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time. Users should verify actual device performance in their specific applications.