Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.
Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.
700 Series - RC Terminator Networks
REV. 03/11
Standard Resistance Values And Codes
Additional Features
■ Prevents bus lines and control signals from
fl oating to undefi ned logic levels.
■ Optimizes signal transmission in high
performance systems through proper
■ Eliminates overshoot and ringing, increases
noise immunity, minimizes signal distortion,
and lowers EMI/RFI radiation.
■ Minimizes space and routing problems, and
reduces manufacturing cost per installed
resistive function.
■ Increases board yields and reliability by
reducing component count.
Standard Capacitance Values And Codes
Capacitance Marking Capacitance
Capacitance Marking Capacitance
Code Code Code Code
39pF A 390 1000 pF R 102
47 B 470 1200 S 122
56 C 560 1500 T 152
68 D 680 1800 U 182
82 E 820 2200 V 222
100 F 101 2700 W 272
120 G 121 3300 X 332
150 H 151 3900 Y 392
180 I 181 4700 Z 472
220 J 221 5600 A1 562
270 K 271 6800 A2 682
330 L 331 8200 A3 822
390 M 391 .010 µF A4 103
470 N 471 .012 A5 123
560 O 561 .015 A6 153
680 P 681 .018 A7 183
820 Q 821 .022 A8 223
.027 A9 273
.033 B1 333
.039 B2 393
.047 B3 473
How To Order RC Terminator Networks
46 08 H - 701 - RC/CC L
Model Terminations
(46 = Conformal L = Lead free
SIP) (Sn/Ag/Cu-plated)
Number of Pins Resistance/
• 4 to 16 Capacitance Code
• First 2 digits are
signifi cant
Physical • Third digit
Confi guration represents the
(H = High Profi le) number of zeros
to follow
Electrical Confi guration
• 701 = Single Termination
• 702 = Double Termination
Values not appearing in above tables are available to optimize system
performance. Contact Bourns Networks to inquire.
Resistance Marking Resistance Resistance Marking Resistance
(Ohms) Code Code (Ohms) Code Code
22 A 220 2,700 A3 272
27 B 270 3,300 A4 332
33 C 330 3,900 A5 392
39 D 390 5,600 A6 562
47 E 470 6,800 A7 682
50 F 500 8,200 A8 822
56 G 560 10,000 A9 103
68 H 680 12,000 B1 123
75 I 750 15,000 B2 153
82 J 820 18,000 B3 183
100 K 101 20,000 B4 203
120 L 121 22,000 B5 223
150 M 151 27,000 B6 273
180 N 181 33,000 B7 333
220 O 221 39,000 B8 393
270 P 271 47,000 B9 473
330 Q 331 56,000 C1 563
390 R 391 68,000 C2 683
470 S 471 82,000 C3 823
560 T 561 100,000 C4 104
680 U 681 120,000 C5 124
820 V 821 150,000 C6 154
1,000 W 102 180,000 C7 184
1,200 X 122 220,000 C8 224
1,500 Y 152 270,000 C9 274
1,800 Z 182 330,000 D1 334
2,000 A1 202 390,000 D2 394
2,200 A2 222 470,000 D3 474