405GPr – Power PC 405GPr Embedded Processor
Revision 2.05 – March 24, 2008
Data Sheet
I/O Specifications—Group 2
1. The SDRAM command interface is configurable through SDRAM0_TR[LDF] to provide a 2 to 4 cycle delay before the
command is used by SDRAM.
2. SDRAM I/O timings are specified relative to a MemClkOut terminated into a lumped 10pF load.
3. SDRAM interface hold times are guaranteed at the PPC405GPr package pin. System designers must use the PPC405GPr
IBIS model (available from www.amcc.com) to ensure their clock distribution topology minimizes loading and reflections,
and that the relative delays on clock wiring do not exceed the delays on other SDRAM signal wiring.
4. PerClk timing is specified with a 10pF load at the package pin. The indicated timing is valid only if PerClk feed back is
selected. Refer to the PowerPC 405GPr Embedded Processor User’s Manual for more information.
5. Input timings are specified at 1.5V, assuming transition times betwe en 1 and 2ns, when measured between the 10% and
90% points of the output voltage.
6. I/O H is specified at 2.4 V an d I/O L is spec ified at 0.4 V.
Signal Input (ns) Output (ns) Output Current (mA) Clock Notes
Setup Time
(TIS min) Hold Time
(TIH min) Valid Delay
(TOV max) Hold Time
(TOH min) I/O H
(minimum) I/O L
SDRAM Interface
BA1:0 na na 4.5 1.6 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 1, 2, 5
BankSel3:0 na na 4.5 1.5 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 2, 5
CAS na na 4.4 1.5 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 1, 2, 5
ClkEn0:1 na na 3.9 1.4 23 19.3 MemClkOut 2, 5
DQM0:3 na na 4.5 1.4 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 2, 5
DQMCB na na 4.3 1.4 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 2, 5
ECC0:7 1.4 0 4.5 1.5 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 2, 5
MemAddr12:0 na na 4.6 1.5 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 1, 2, 5
MemData0:31 1.4 0 5.1 1.4 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 2, 5
RAS na na 4.4 1.5 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 1, 2, 5
WE na na 4.4 1.5 15.3 10.2 MemClkOut 1, 2, 5
External Slave Peripheral Interface
DMAAck0:3 na na 6.1 2.2 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
DMAReq0:3 3.2 0 na na na na PerClk 5
EOT0:3/TC0:3 dc dc 6.4 2 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
PerAddr0:31 2.2 0 7.1 2 15.3 10.2 PerClk 5
PerBLast 3.3 0 6.5 2.3 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
PerCS1:7[GPIO10:16] na na 6.5 2.1 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
PerData0:31 4.7 0.9 7.2 1.9 15.3 10.2 PerClk 5
PerOE na na 6.5 2.1 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
PerPar0:3 2.3 0 7.2 2.1 15.3 10.2 PerClk 5
PerR/W 3.3 0 6.6 2.1 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
PerReady 5.5 0 na na na na PerClk 5
PerWBE0:3 2.3 0 6.1 2.2 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
External Master Peripheral Interface
BusReq na na 6.1 2.2 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
ExtAck na na 5.9 2.1 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
ExtReq 4.1 0 na na na na PerClk 5
ExtReset na na 6 1 15.3 10.2 PerClk 5
HoldAck na na 6.1 2 10.3 7.1 PerClk 5
HoldPri 2.10nanananaPerClk5
HoldReq 3.1 0 na na na na PerClk 5
PerClk na na 0.7 -0.5 15.3 10.2 SysClk 4, 5
PerErr 2.4 0 na na na na PerClk 5