MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML9XX35 SERIES InGaAsP - MQW - FP LASER DIODES TYPE NAME ML920J35S , ML920K35S ML925B35F , ML925C35F FEATURES DESCRIPTION ML9XX35 series are InGaAsP laser diodes which provides a stable, single transverse mode oscillation with emission wavelength of 1550nm and standard continuous light output of 5mW. ML9XX35 are hermetically sealed devices having the photo diode for optical output monitoring. This is suitable for such applications as FTTH(Fiber to the Home) systems. 1550nm typical emission wavelength, FP-LDs Low threshold current, low operating current Wide temperature range operation (Tc=-20 to +85deg.C) Have a lens-cap ( ML925C35F, ML920K35S ) MQW* active layer * Multiple Quantum Well APPLICATION FTTH(Fiber to the Home) system ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Po Parameter Light output power CW 6[4] mW Reverse voltage (laser diode) - 2 V VRD Reverse voltage (Photodiode) - 20 V IFD Forward current (Photodiode) - 2 mA Tc Case temperature - -20 ~ +85 deg.C Storage temperature - - 40 ~ +100 deg.C ELECTRICAL/OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc=25deg.C) Ith Unit VRL Tstg Symbol Ratings[Note 1] Conditions Parameter Test conditions [Note 1] Min. Typ. Max Unit Thereshold current CW - 10 30 mA - 30 50 mA 1.1 1.5 V 0.25[0.2] Iop Operating current CW,Po=5mW[3mW] Vop Operating voltage CW,Po=5mW[3mW] Slope efficiency CW,Po=5mW[3mW] 0.15[0.1] - mW/mA p Peak wavelength CW,Po=5mW[3mW] 1520 1550 1580 nm Spectral width (RMS) CW,Po=5mW[3mW] - 1.5 3 nm Beam divergence angle (parallel) CW,Po=5mW[3mW] - 25[11] - deg. Beam divergence angle (perpendicular) CW,Po=5mW[3mW] - 30[11] - deg. Rise and Fall time If=Ith,Po=5mW [3mW] ,10 - 90% - 0.3 0.7 ns Im Monitoring output current CW,Po=5mW[3mW] , V RD =1V 0.1 0.5 - mA ID Dark current (Photodiode) VRD =10V - 0.01 0.1 A Ct Capacitance (Photodiode) VRD =10V, f=1MHz - 10 20 pF tr,tf Note 1 : [ ] applied to the lens cap type MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Nov . '01 MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML9XX35 SERIES InGaAsP-MQW-FP-LASER DIODES OUTLINE DRAWINGS (4) ML920J35S (3) Case (Dimension:mm) 5.6 +0 -0.03 4.25 3.550.1 ML925B35F (0.25) PD 2-90 (3) (1) (0.25) (2) (4) (2) 0.250.03 (Glass) (1) ML925B35F 10.1 1.6Min. (2) 0.1 2.10.15 1.2 1.27 0.03 1.0Min. (3) Case Emitting Facet Reference Plane 18 1 PD 2.00.25 (P.C.D.) LD 4- 0.450.05 (4) (2) (1) (1) ML920J35S ML920K35S (4) 5.6 +0 -0.03 4.25 ML925C35F (3) (Dimension:mm) Case (0.25) PD (1) (2) (0.25) 2-90 (3) (4) 10.1 (2) (1) ML925C35F 1.27 0.03 (3.05) 1.2 0.1 3.9 0.2 3.550.1 1.50.005 (2) (3) Emitting Facet 18 1 PD 2.00.25 (P.C.D.) LD 4- 0.450.05 (1) Case Reference Plane (2) (4) ML920K35S (1)