Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date: Jul. 2008
Revision: 1.1 4/12
Thermal Resistance[6]
Parameter Description Test Conditions VFBGA Unit
θJA Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) 55 °C/W
θJC Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case)
Test conditions follow standard test
methods and procedures for measuring
thermal impedance, per EIA/JESD51. 17 °C/W
AC Test Loads and Waveforms
Parameters 3.0V VCC Unit
R1 22000 Ω
R2 22000 Ω
RTH 11000 Ω
VTH 1.50 V
Switching Characteristics (Over the Operating Range)[7]
–55 –60 –70
Parameter Description Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit
Read Cycle
tRC Read Cycle Time 55[11] 60 70 ns
tAA Address to Data Valid 55 60 70 ns
tOHA Data Hold from Address Change 5 8 10 ns
tACE 1CE LOW and CE2 HIGH to Data Valid 55 60 70
tDOE OE LOW to Data Valid 25 25 35
tLZOE OE LOW to Low Z[8, 9] 5 5 5
tHZOE OE HIGH to High Z[8, 9] 25 25 25
tLZCE 1CE LOW and CE2 HIGH to Low Z[8,
9] 2 2 5
tHZCE 1CE HIGH and CE2 LOW to High Z[8,
9] 25 25 25
tSK [11] Address Skew 0 5 10 ns
Write Cycle[10]
tWC Write Cycle Time 55 60 70 ns
tSCE 1CE LOW and CE2 HIGH to Write End 45 45 60 ns
tAW Address Set-up to Write End 45 45 55 ns
tHA Address Hold from Write End 0 0 0 ns
7. Test conditions assume signal transition time of 1 V/ns or higher, timing reference levels of VCC(typ)/2, input pulse levels of 0V to
VCC(typ), and output loading of the specified IOL/IOH and 30-pF load capacitance.
8. tHZOE, tHZCE, and tHZWE transitions are measured when the outputs enter a high-impedance state.
9. High-Z and Low-Z parameters are characterized and are not 100% tested.
10.The internal write time of the memory is defined by the overlap of WE , 1CE = VIL, and CE2 = VIH. All signals must be ACTIVE
to initiate a write and any of these signals can terminate a write by going INACTIVE. The data input set-up and hold timing
should be referenced to the edge of the signal that terminates write.
11.To achieve 55-ns performance, the read access should be CE controlled. In this case tACE is the critical parameter and tSK is
satisfied when the addresses are stable prior to chip enable going active. For the 70-ns cycle, the addresses must be stable
within 10 ns after the start of the read cycle.