SCALE™-2 2SC0108T2F0-17 Page 1
2SC0108T2F0-17 Preliminary Data Sheet
Dual Channel Ultra-compact Low-cost SCALE™-2 Driver Core
Short De scription
The low-cost SCALE™-2 dual-driver core 2SC0108T2F0-17 (Lead free version of 2SC0108T2C0-17) combines
unrivalled compa ctness with broa d appli cabilit y. T he dr iver is designed for univer sal a pplications requiri ng high
reliability. The 2SC0108T2F0-17 drives all usual IGBT modules up to 600A/1200V or 450A/1700V. The
embedded paralleling capability allows easy inverter design covering higher power ratings. Multi-level
topologies are also supported.
The 2SC0108T2F0-17 is the most compact driver core available for industrial applications, with a footprint of
only 45 x 34.3mm and an insertion height of max. 16mm. It allows even the most restricted insertion spaces
to be e fficient ly used . Com pare d with co nventi onal dri vers , the hig hly int egra ted SCA LE-2 chipset allow s about
85% of components to be dispensed with. This advantage is impressively reflected in increased reliability at
simultaneously minimized cost.
The 2SC0108T2F0-17 combines a complete two-channel driver core with all components required for driving,
such as a n isolat ed DC/ DC con verte r, short -circuit prot ection as well as supply voltage monitoring. Each of the
two output channels is electrically isolate d from the primary side and the other secondar y channel.
An output current of 8A and 1W drive power is available per channel, making the 2SC0108T2F0-17 an ideal
driver platform for universal usage in small and medium power applications. The driver provides a gate voltag e
swing of +1 5V/–8V. The turn-o n voltage is regulate d to maintain a sta ble 15V rega rdless of the output pow er
Its outstanding EMC allows safe and reliable operation in even hard industria l applications.
Product Highlights Applications
General purpose drives
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
Solar and wind power converters
Auxiliary converters for traction
Electro/hybrid drive vehicles
Driving parallel-connected IGBTs
Switched mode power supplies (SMPS)
Medical (MRT, CT, X-Ray)
Laser technology
Ultra-compa c t dual cha nnel d river
Highly integrated SCALE-2 chipset
Gate current ±8A , 1W output power per channel
+15V/-8V gate driving
Blocking voltages up to 1700V
Safe isolation to EN 5 0178
Short del ay and low jitter
Inter face for 3.3V...15V logic level
UL recognition E32 17 57 for UL5 08 C (NM MS 2/ 8)
UL recognition E34 64 91 for UL6 09 50 -1 (NWGQ2/8)
Lead free