NCh, Enhancement Mode
High Speed Switch
The NTE67 is a TMOS Power FET in a TO220 type package designed for high voltage, high speed
power switching applications such as switching regulators, converters, solenoid and relay drivers.
DLower RDS(ON)
DImproved Inductive Ruggedness
DFast Switching Times
DLower Input Capacitance
DExtended Safe Operating Area
DImproved High Temperature Reliability
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
DrainSource Voltage (TJ = +255C to +1505C), VDSS 400V..................................
DrainGate Voltage (RGS = 1M+, TJ = +255C to +1255C), VDGR 400V.........................
GateSource Voltage, VGS +20V.........................................................
Continuous Drain Current, ID
TC = +255C 4.5A.................................................................
TC = +1005C 3.0A................................................................
Pulsed Drain Current (Note 2), IDM 18A...................................................
Pulsed Gate Current, IGM +1.5A..........................................................
Single Pulsed Avalanche Energy (Note 3), EAS 290mJ......................................
Avalanche Current, IAS 5.5A.............................................................
Total Power Dissipation (TC = +255C), PD75W............................................
Derate Above 255C 0.6W/5C.......................................................
Operating Junction Temperature Range, TJ555 to +1505C..................................
Storage Temperature Range, Tstg 555 to +1505C..........................................
Lead Temperature (During Soldering, 1/8” from case, 5sec max.), TL+3005C...................
Thermal Resistance, JunctiontoCase, RthJC 1.67K/W.....................................
Thermal Resistance, JunctiontoAmbient, RthJA 80K/W....................................
Thermal Resistance, CasetoSink (Mounting surface flat, smooth, and greased), RthCS 0.24K/W
Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 3 300.s, Duty Cycle 3 2%.
Note 2. Repetitive rating: Pulse width limited by max, junction temperature.
Note 3. L = 17mH, Vdd = 50V, RG = 25+, Starting TJ = +255C.
Rev. 1013
Electrical Characteristics: (TC = +255C unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
DrainSource Breakdown Voltage BVDSS VGS = 0V, ID = 250.A 400 V
Gate Threshold Voltage VGS(th) VDS = VGS, ID = 250.A 2.0 4.0 V
GateSource Leakage, Forward IGSS VGS = 20V 100 nA
GateSource Leakage, Reverse IGSS VGS = 20V 100 nA
Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current IDSS VDS = Max. Rating, VGS = 0V 250 .A
VDS = Max. Rating x 0.8, VGS = 0V,
TC = +1255C
1000 .A
OnState DrainSource Current ID(on) VDS > ID(on) x RDS(on)max, VGS = 10V, Note 1 4.5 A
Static DrainSource OnState
RDS(on) VGS = 10V, ID = 3A, Note 1 1.0 1.5 +
Forward Transconductance gfs VDS . 50V, ID = 3A, Note 1 2.9 4.4 mhos
Input Capacitance Ciss VGS = 0V, VDS = 25V, f = 1MHz 780 pF
Output Capacitance Coss 99 pF
Reverse Transfer Capacitance Crss 43 pF
TurnOn Delay Time td(on) VDD = 0.5BVDSS, ID = 5.5A, ZO = 12+
(MOSFET switching times are essentially
independent of operating temperature)
11 17 ns
Rise Time tr19 29 ns
TurnOff Delay Time td(off) 37 56 ns
Fall Time tf16 24 ns
Total Gate Charge
(GateSource Plus GateDrain)
QgVGS = 10V, ID = 5.5A, VDS = 0.8 Max. Rating
(Gate charge is essentially independent of
operating temperature)
18 30 nC
GateSource Charge Qgs 40 nC
GateDrain (“Miller”) Charge Qgd 14 nC
Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 3 300.s, Duty Cycle 3 2%.
SourceDrain Diode Ratings and Characteristics:
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Continuous Source Current (Body Diode) IS 4.5 A
Pulse Source Current (Body Diode) ISM Note 2 18 A
Diode Forward Voltage VSD TC = +255C, IS = 4.5A, VGS = 0V 1.6 V
Reverse Recovery Time trr TJ = +255C, IF = 5.5A, dIF/dt = 100A/.s310 660 ns
Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 3 300.s, Duty Cycle 3 2%.
Note 2. Repetitive rating: Pulse width limited by max, junction temperature.
.420 (10.67)
.250 (6.35)
.147 (3.75) Dia Max
.070 (1.78) Max
.100 (2.54)
.110 (2.79)