3M Product Number 3M UPC Number 3M Stock ID Number Abbreviated General Description Case Qty Box Qty
318-1001 10080529 18001 5 70-0715-2094-7 Push-Ins Earplug Corded 400 PR 100 PR
318-1005 10080529 18005 3 70-0715-1569-9 Push-Ins Earplug Corded, Econopack 1500 PR 500 PR
318-1003 10080529 18003 9 70-0715-1570-7 Push-Ins Earplug Corded 2000 PR 200 PR
318-1000 10080529 18000 8 70-0715-2093-9 Push-Ins Earplug Uncorded 400 PR 100 PR
318-1004 10080529 18004 6 70-0715-1566-5 Push-Ins Earplug Uncorded 1500 PR 500 PR
318-1002 10080529 18002 2 70-0715-1567-3 Push-Ins Earplug Uncorded 2000 PR 200 PR
318-3000 10080529 19014 4 70-0715-5975-4 Push-Ins Metal Detectable Earplug Corded 2000 PR 200 PR
318-1009 10080529 18011 4 70-0715-1568-1 Push-Ins with Grip Rings Earplug Corded 2000 PR 200 PR
318-1008 10080529 18010 7 70-0715-1565-7 Push-Ins with Grip Rings Earplug Uncorded 2000 PR 200 PR
318-4001 10080529 18018 3 70-0715-2098-8 Push-Ins SofTouch Earplug Corded 2000 PR 200 PR
318-4000 10080529 18017 6 70-0715-2097-0 Push-Ins SofTouch Earplug Uncorded 2000 PR 200 PR
311-1114 10080529 11010 4 70-0715-1520-2 Express Blue Earplug Corded, Pillow Pack 400 PR 100 PR
311-1115 10080529 11011 1 70-0715-1519-4 Express Assorted Earplug Corded, Pillow Pack 400 PR 100 PR
321-2100 10080529 21000 2 70-0715-1518-6 Express Blue Earplug Uncorded, Pillow Pack 400 PR 100 PR
321-2200 10080529 21011 8 70-0715-1517-8 Express Assorted Earplug Uncorded, Pillow Pack 400 PR 100 PR
311-1127 10080529 11052 4 70-0715-2083-0 Express Metal Detectable Earplug Corded 400 PR 100 PR
P1301 10093045 92952 5 70-0715-5975-4 Skull Screws Earplug Corded 480 PR 120 PR
P1300 10093045 92951 8 70-0715-1568-1 Skull Screws Earplug Uncorded 480 PR 120 PR
P2001 10093045 98015 1 70-0715-1561-6 No-Touch Earplug Corded 400 PR 100 PR
P2000 10093045 98014 4 70-0715-1562-4 No-Touch Earplug Uncorded 400 PR 100 PR
P1401 10093045 93402 4 70-0715-6149-5 Pistonz Earplug Corded 400 PR 100 PR
P1400 10093045 93401 7 70-0715-6148-7 Pistonz Earplug Uncorded 400 PR 100 PR
* NRR Footnote: Research suggests that many users will receive less noise
reduction than indicated by the NRR due to variation in earplug fit and wearing
time. It is recommended that the NRR be reduced by 50% for estimating the
average amount of noise reduction provided.
These hearing protectors help reduce exposure to hazardous noise and other
loud sounds. Misuse or failure to wear hearing protectors at all times that
you are exposed to noise may result in hearing loss or injury. For proper use,
see supervisor, User Instructions, or call 3M in U.S.A. at 1-800-243-4630. In
Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414. If there is any drainage
from your ear or you have an ear infection, consult with your physician before
wearing earplugs. Failure to do so may result in hearing loss or injury.
Occupational Health and
Environmental Safety Division
3M Center, Building 235-2W-70
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
Please recycle. Printed in USA.
© 2010 3M. All rights reserved.
3M, E-A-R, Push-Ins, SofTouch, E-A-Rform, E-A-Rfit,
Skull Screws, Pistonz, EXPRESS, No-Touch, Leading the
Advancement of Hearing Conservation tagline and the color
yellow for earplugs are trademarks of 3M Company, used
under license in Canada. NASCAR® is a registered trademark
of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc.
For More Information in the United States, Contact:
Technical Assistance: 1-800-243-4630
Customer Care Center: 1-800-328-1667
3M™ Push-to-Fit Earplugs
E-A-R™ Push-Ins™ Earplugs • E-A-R™ Push-Ins™ Earplugs with Grip Rings • E-A-R™ Push-Ins™ SofTouch™ Earplugs
• E-A-R™ EXPRESS™ Earplugs • Skull Screws™ Earplugs • No-Touch™ Earplugs • Pistonz™ Earplugs
Leading the Advancement of Hearing Conservation™