ADAU1978 Data Sheet
Rev. A | Page 12 of 44
The ADAU1978 incorporates four high performance ADCs and
a phase-locked loop circuit for generating the necessary on-chip
clock signals.
The ADAU1978 requires a single 3.3 V power supply. Separate
power supply input pins are provided for the analog and boost
converter. Decouple these pins to AGND with 100 nF ceramic
chip capacitors placed as close as possible to the pins to minimize
noise pickup. A bulk aluminum electrolytic capacitor of at least
10 μF must be provided on the same PCB as the ADC. It is
important that the analog supply be as clean as possible for
best performance.
The supply voltage for the digital core (DVDD) is generated
using an internal low dropout regulator. The typical DVDD
output is 1.8 V and must be decoupled using a 100 nF ceramic
capacitor and a 10 µF capacitor. Place the 100 nF ceramic
capacitor as close as possible to the DVDD pin.
The voltage reference for the analog blocks is generated
internally and output at the VREF pin (Pin 2). The typical
voltage at the pin is 1.5 V with an AVDDx of 3.3 V.
All digital inputs are compatible with TTL and CMOS levels.
All outputs are driven from the IOVDD supply. The IOVDD
can be in the 1.8 V to 3.3 V range. The IOVDD pin must be
decoupled with a 100 nF capacitor placed as close to the
IOVDD pin as possible.
The ADC internal voltage reference is output from the VREF pin
and must be decoupled using a 100 nF ceramic capacitor in
parallel with a 10 µF capacitor. The VREF pin has limited current
capability. The voltage reference is used as a reference to the
ADC; therefore, it is recommended not to draw current from
this pin for external circuits. When using this reference, use a
noninverting amplifier buffer to provide a reference to other
circuits in the application.
In reset mode, the VREF pin is disabled to save power and is
enabled only when the RST pin is pulled high.
The ADAU1978 requires that a single 3.3 V power supply be
provided externally at the AVDDx pin. The part internally
generates DVDD (1.8 V), which is used for the digital core of
the ADC. The DVDD supply output pin (Pin 10) is provided
to connect the decoupling capacitors to DGND. The typical
recommended values for the decoupling capacitors are 100 nF
in parallel with 10 µF. During a reset, the DVDD regulator is
disabled to reduce power consumption. After the PD/RST pin
(Pin 6) is pulled high, the part enables the DVDD regulator.
However, the internal ADC and digital core reset is controlled by
the internal POR signal (power-on reset) circuit, which monitors
the DVDD level. Therefore, the device does not come out of a
reset until DVDD reaches 1.2 V and the POR signal is released.
The DVDD settling time depends on the charge-up time for the
external capacitors and on the AVDDx ramp-up time.
The internal power-on reset circuit is provided with hysteresis to
ensure that a reset of the part is not initiated by an instantaneous
glitch on DVDD. The typical trip points are 1.2 V with PD/RST
high and 0.6 V (±20%) with PD/RST low. This ensures that
the core is not reset until the DVDD level falls below the 0.6 V
trip point.
As soon as the PD/RST pin is pulled high, the internal regulator
starts charging up CEXT on the DVDD pin. The DVDD charge-up
time is based on the output resistance of the regulator and the
external decoupling capacitor. The time constant can be calcu-
lated as
where ROUT = 20 Ω typical.
For example, if CEXT is 10 µF, tC is 200 µs and is the time that it
takes to reach the DVDD voltage, within 63.6%.
The power-on reset circuit releases an internal reset of the core
when DVDD reaches 1.2 V (see Figure 13). Therefore, it is
recommended to wait for at least the tC period to elapse before
sending I2C or SPI control signals.
Figure 13. Power-On Reset Timing
When applying a hardware reset to the part by pulling the
PD/RST pin (Pin 6) low and then high, there are certain time
restrictions. During the PD/RST low pulse period, the DVDD
starts discharging. The discharge time constant is decided on by
the internal resistance of the regulator and CEXT. The time
required for DVDD to fall from 1.8 V to 0.48 V (0.6 V − 20%)
can be estimated using the following equation:
tD = 1.32 × RINT × CEXT
where RINT = 64 kΩ typical. (RINT can vary due to process by ±20%.)
For example, if CEXT is 10 µF, tD is 0.845 sec.
Depending on CEXT, tD may vary and, in turn, affect the mini-
mum hold period for the PD/RST pulse. The PD/RST pulse
1.2V 0.48V
DVDD (1.8V)