Cassette Style AC-DC Converters T Series
Edition 5/5.2000 30/33
Table 21: H15 Connector pin allocation
Pin Electrical determination Designation
4 Phase P~
6 Neutral N~
8 Protective earth 1
10 Protective earth 1
12 Output voltage positive Vo+
14 Output voltage positive Vo+
16 Hot plug-in contact 1 3 positive HC+
18 Hot plug-in contact 1 3 negative HC–
20 Output voltage negative Vo-
22 Output voltage negative Vo-
24 System good signal input Sys In
26 System good signal output Sys Out
28 Inhibit input 2 or Remote control input i/
30 Power down signal D
32 Power down signal threshold of
oD set
1 Leading pin (pre-connecting).
2 Unit operates with open inhibit.
3 External connections see:
Auxiliary Functions: Power Boosting,
Redundant Configuration, Hot Plug-in.
Safety and Installation Instructions
Connector Pin Allocation
The connector pin allocation table defines the electrical
potentials and the physical pin positions on the H15 con-
nector. Pin no. 8 and pin no. 10, the protective earth pins
present on all T series AC-DC converters are leading, en-
suring that they make contact with the female connector
Fig. 54
View of module’s male H15 connector
Installation Instruction
The T series AC-DC converters are components, intended
exclusively for inclusion within other equipment by an in-
dustrial assembly operation or by professional installers. In-
stallation must strictly follow the national safety regulations
in compliance with the enclosure, mounting, creepage,
clearance, casualty, markings and segregation require-
ments of the end-use application. See also:
Technical Infor-
mation: Installation and Application.
Connection to the system shall be made via the female con-
nector H15 (see:
) according to:
Connector pin
Other installation methods may not meet the
safety requirements.
Check for hazardous voltages before altering any connec-
The AC-DC converters are provided with pins 8 and 10
(), which are reliably connected to the case. For safety
reasons it is essential to connect at least one of these pins
to the protective earth of the supply system.
The P~ input (pin no. 4) is internally fused. This fuse is de-
signed to protect the unit in case of overcurrent and may
not be able to satisfy all customer requirements. External
fuses in the wiring to one or both input pins (no. 4 and/or no.
6) may therefore be necessary to ensure compliance with
local requirements. A second fuse in the wiring to the neu-
tral terminal N~ is needed if:
•Local requirements demand an individual fuse in each
source line
•Neutral to earth impedance is high or undefined
•Phase and neutral of the mains are not defined or cannot
be assigned to the corresponding terminals (L to phase
and N to neutral).
Important: Do not open the modules, or guarantee will
be invalidated.
Caution: Prior to handling, the AC-DC converter must
be disconnected from mains and from other sources
(e.g. batteries). Check for hazardous voltages and haz-
ardous energy before and after altering any connec-
tions. Hazardous energy levels may be present at the
output terminals for 3 minutes even after the mains input
voltage has been disconnected from the unit. This is in-
dicated by the red error LED. It is the responsibility of the
installer to prevent an unwanted short-circuit of the AC-
DC converter and of the batteries. To prevent an un-
wanted short-circuit across the output of a disconnected
unit, pins 16 and 18 are leading. In case of a short-circuit
across the output of a T-unit, all LEDs will be off, though
the mains may be present.
Due to high output current value, the T series AC-DC con-
verters provide for each the positive and the negative out-
put path two internally parallel connected contacts (pins 12/
14 and pins 20/22 respectively). It is recommended to con-
nect the load to both female connector pins of each path in
order to keep the voltage drop and power loss across the
connector pins to an absolute minimum.
If a T series AC-DC converter is used for battery charging,
check wether the position of the cell voltage selector switch
corresponds to the required battery cell voltage prior to
putting a system into operation.
Caution: Lead-acid batteries can generate H2 and O2
gas which can form explosive mixtures. Sufficient venti-
lation must be provided in battery cabinets and installa-
tion rooms.
14 16
18 20
22 24
26 28
30 32