IXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions, and Dimensions.
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values
(TJ = 25°C Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max.
gfs VDS = 10V, ID = 60A, Note 1 125 210 S
Ciss 32 nF
Coss VGS = 0V, VDS = 25V, f = 1MHz 2280 pF
Crss 270 pF
RGi Gate Input Resistance 1.50 Ω
td(on) 48 ns
tr 125 ns
td(off) 77 ns
tf 145 ns
Qg(on) 460 nC
Qgs VGS = 10V, VDS = 0.5 • VDSS, ID = 0.5 • ID25 125 nC
Qgd 130 nC
RthJC 0.12 °C/W
RthCS 0.15 °C/W
Note 1. Pulse test, t ≤ 300μs; duty cycle, d ≤ 2%.
IXYS MOSFETs and IGBTs are covered 4,835,592 4,931,844 5,049,961 5,237,481 6,162,665 6,404,065 B1 6,683,344 6,727,585 7,005,734 B2 7,157,338B2
by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 4,850,072 5,017,508 5,063,307 5,381,025 6,259,123 B1 6,534,343 6,710,405 B2 6,759,692 7,063,975 B2
4,881,106 5,034,796 5,187,117 5,486,715 6,306,728 B1 6,583,505 6,710,463 6,771,478 B2 7,071,537
TO-264 (IXFK) Outline
Millimeter Inches
Min. Max. Min. Max.
A 4.82 5.13 .190 .202
A1 2.54 2.89 .100 .114
A2 2.00 2.10 .079 .083
b 1.12 1.42 .044 .056
b1 2.39 2.69 .094 .106
b2 2.90 3.09 .114 .122
c 0.53 0.83 .021 .033
D 25.91 26.16 1.020 1.030
E 19.81 19.96 .780 .786
e 5.46 BSC .215 BSC
J 0.00 0.25 .000 .010
K 0.00 0.25 .000 .010
L 20.32 20.83 .800 .820
L1 2.29 2.59 .090 .102
P 3.17 3.66 .125 .144
Q 6.07 6.27 .239 .247
Q1 8.38 8.69 .330 .342
R 3.81 4.32 .150 .170
R1 1.78 2.29 .070 .090
S 6.04 6.30 .238 .248
T 1.57 1.83 .062 .072
Terminals: 1 - Gate
2 - Drain (Collector)
3 - Source (Emitter)
4 - Drain (Collector)
PLUS 247TM (IXFX) Outline
Dim. Millimeter Inches
Min. Max. Min. Max.
A 4.83 5.21 .190 .205
A12.29 2.54 .090 .100
A21.91 2.16 .075 .085
b 1.14 1.40 .045 .055
b11.91 2.13 .075 .084
b22.92 3.12 .115 .123
C 0.61 0.80 .024 .031
D 20.80 21.34 .819 .840
E 15.75 16.13 .620 .635
e 5.45 BSC .215 BSC
L 19.81 20.32 .780 .800
L1 3.81 4.32 .150 .170
Q 5.59 6.20 .220 0.244
R 4.32 4.83 .170 .190
Source-Drain Diode
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values
(TJ = 25°C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max.
ISVGS = 0V 240 A
ISM Repetitive, Pulse Width Limited by TJM 960 A
VSD IF = 100A, VGS = 0V, Note 1 1.2 V
trr 140 ns
QRM 410 nC
IRM 8.2 A
IF = 120A, -di/dt = 100A/μs
VR = 75V, VGS = 0V
Resistive Switching Times
VGS = 10V, VDS = 0.5 • VDSS, ID = 0.5 • ID25
RG = 1Ω (External)
The product presented herein is under development. The Technical Specifications offered are derived
from a subjective evaluation of the design, based upon prior knowledge and experience, and constitute a
"considered reflection" of the anticipated result. IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test
conditions, and dimensions without notice.