TLE 4269
Data Sheet 5 Rev. 2.4, 2007-03-20
Circuit Description
The control amplifier compares a reference voltage, made highly accurate by resistance
balancing, with a voltage proportional to the output voltage and drives the base of the
series PNP transistor via a buffer. Saturation control as a function of the load current
prevents any over-saturation of the power element.
The reset output RO is in high-state if the voltage on the delay capacitor CD is greater or
equal VUD. The delay capacitor CD is charged with the current ID for output voltages
greater than the reset threshold VRT. If the output voltage gets lower than VRT (‘reset
condition’) a fast discharge of the delay capacitor CD sets in and as soon as VD gets
lower than VLD the reset output RO is set to low-level.
The time gap for the delay capacitor discharge is the reset reaction time tRR.
The reset threshold VRT can be decreased via an external voltage divider connected to
the pin RADJ. In this case the reset condition is reached if VQ<VRT and
VRADJ <VRAQDJ, TH. Dimensioning the voltage divider (Figure 5) according to:
the reset threshold can be decreased down to 3.5 V. If the reset-adjust-option is not
needed the RADJ-pin should be connected to GND causing the reset threshold to go to
its default value (typ. 4.65 V).
A built in comparator compares the signal of the pin SI, normally fed by a voltage divider
from the input voltage, with the reference and gives an early warning on the pin SO. It is
also possible to superwise another voltage e.g. of a second regulator, or to build a
watchdog circuit with few external components.
Application Description
The input capacitor CI is necessary for compensating line influences. Using a resistor of
approx. 1 Ω in series with CI, the oscillating circuit consisting of input inductivity and input
capacitance can be damped. The output capacitor CQ is necessary for the stability of the
regulating circuit. Stability is guaranteed at values ≥ 10 µF and an ESR ≤ 10 Ω within the
operating temperature range. For small tolerances of the reset delay the spread of the
capacitance of the delay capacitor and its temperature coefficient should be noted.