MS0630-E-00 2007/06
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(Ta=25°C; AVDD, DVDD, SVDD=3.3V; AVSS=DVSS=SVSS=0V; fs=44.1kHz, BICK=64fs;
Signal Frequency=1kHz; 16bit Data; Measurement frequency=20Hz ∼ 20kHz; unless otherwise specified)
Parameter min typ max Units
MIC Amplifier: LIN1, RIN1, LIN2, RIN2 pins; MDIF1 = MDIF2 bits = “0” (Single-ended inputs)
Input Resistance 20 30 40
MGAIN2-0 bits = “000” - 0 - dB
MGAIN2-0 bits = “001” - +20 - dB
MGAIN2-0 bits = “010” - +26 - dB
MGAIN2-0 bits = “011” - +32 - dB
MGAIN2-0 bits = “100” - +10 - dB
MGAIN2-0 bits = “101” - +17 - dB
MGAIN2-0 bits = “110” - +23 - dB
MGAIN2-0 bits = “111” - +29 - dB
MIC Amplifier: IN1+, IN1−, IN2+, IN2− pins; MDIF1 = MDIF2 bits = “1” (Full-differential input)
Input Voltage (Note 12)
MGAIN2-0 bits = “001” - - 0.242 Vpp
MGAIN2-0 bits = “010” - - 0.121 Vpp
MGAIN2-0 bits = “011” - - 0.061 Vpp
MGAIN2-0 bits = “100” - - 0.765 Vpp
MGAIN2-0 bits = “101” - - 0.342 Vpp
MGAIN2-0 bits = “110” - - 0.171 Vpp
MGAIN2-0 bits = “111” - - 0.086 Vpp
MIC Power Supply: MPWR pin
Output Voltage (Note 13) 2.38 2.64 2.90 V
Load Resistance 0.5 - - kΩ
Load Capacitance - - 30 pF
ADC Analog Input Characteristics: LIN1/RIN1/LIN2/RIN2 pins → ADC → IVOL, IVOL=0dB, ALC=OFF
Resolution - - 16 Bits
(Note 15) 0.178 0.210 0.242 Vpp
Input Voltage (Note 14) (Note 16) 1.78 2.10 2.42 Vpp
(Note 15) 73 83 - dBFS
S/(N+D) (−1dBFS) (Note 16) - 88 - dBFS
(Note 15) 76 86 - dB
D-Range (−60dBFS, A-weighted) (Note 16) - 95 - dB
(Note 15) 76 86 - dB
S/N (A-weighted) (Note 16) - 95 - dB
(Note 15) 75 90 - dB
Interchannel Isolation (Note 16) - 100 - dB
(Note 15) - 0.1 0.8 dB
Interchannel Gain Mismatch (Note 16) - 0.1 0.8 dB
Note 12. The voltage difference between IN1/2+ and IN1/2− pins. AC coupling capacitor should be inserted in series at
each input pin. Full-differential mic input is not available at MGAIN2-0 bits = “000”. Maximum input voltage of
IN1+, IN1−, IN2+ and IN2− pins is proportional to AVDD voltage, respectively.
Vin = |(IN1/2+) − (IN1/2−)| = 0.073 x AVDD (max)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “001”, 0.037 x AVDD
(max)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “010”, 0.018 x AVDD (max)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “011”, 0.232 x AVDD
(max)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “100”, 0.104 x AVDD (max)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “101”, 0.052 x AVDD
(max)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “110”, 0.026 x AVDD (max)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “111”
Note 13. Output voltage is proportional to AVDD voltage. Vout = 0.8 x AVDD (typ)
Note 14. Input voltage is proportional to AVDD voltage Vin = 0.0636 x AVDD (typ)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “001” (+20dB),
Vin = 0.636 x AVDD (typ)@MGAIN2-0 bits = “000” (0dB)
Note 15. MGAIN2-0 bits = “001” (+20dB)
Note 16. MGAIN2-0 bits = “000” (0dB)