170 54152, 74152 = 8-Line-to-!-Line Data Selector /Multiplexer Schottky TTL High-Speed TTL Low-Power Schottky TTL Standard TTL Low-Power TTL Package Package . Package . | Package |- Package Device Type Device Type Device Type Device Type (<4 Device Type yP Tc TP [MIcF yP? FcTP[MICFI yPe Tele IMice yPe TCTP [MCF C|P|M(cr TI _ SNS4L S152 WD] SNS4152A WO) FM54LS152/FMSLS152 [0 F@ | FM54 152 /F M93152| DD Fa FAIRCHILD |- 7 Fe7aisis2,Fegusis2 | o@ | PO F | PC74152/P093152 |DD| PD MOTOROLA MCT4L $152 Pa MC 74152 Po NS.C. PHILIPS S54152 WO] SIGNETICS SIEMENS FUJITSU HITACH HD74L $152 Pa MITSUBISHI NEC TOSHIBA Electrical Characteristics SNS4LS152A/ Pin Assignment. (Top View) absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range : & p & P g DATA INPUTS DATA SELECT Function Table Supply voltage, Voc TV] Operating tree-air [snsais] 55% to 125% Nog 8 "152A, 'LSI52 Input voltage 7V_| temperature range 13, J 2g dio By Storage temperature range 65T to 150T SELECT output INPUTS w recommended operating conditions C8 eB B A SN54LS152A UNIT oe bob ok bo MIN NOM MAX Lot oH D - oy otto LoL Supply voltage, Vod 4.5 5 5.8 Vv High-level output current. Igy 400 uA } LH OH 03 Low-level output current, lot. 4 mA {12 sf 4 5 6 7 H u L Da Operating free-air temperature, TA 55 125 c ee oar OND HLH 0 - 4, ; HoH OL D electrical characteristics over recommended operating DATA INPUTS HoHOW a free-air temperature range positive logic: see function table 4 H=high level, L=low level, X=irrelevant PARAMETER # TEST CONDITIONSt [MIN TYP t MAX | UNIT DO. DI..Di=the level of the D respective input ViH High-level input voltage 2 v Vit Low-level input voltage O87) Vv vy Input clamp voltage Voo=MIN, 1)=I8mA -15/ Vv Functional Block Diagram Voc=MIN, Viy=2v, Vv - 2.5 3.4 v OH = High-level output voitage ViL=O.8V, loH= 40008 3 po {8 Voc=MIN, Vin=2V, (a) v - | . lov OL Low-level output voltage ViL=0.8V, 1) =8mA 0.25 0 bt a | be ' Rput current at maximum Vog=MAX, Vj =7V 0.1] ma 7 = input_voltage (2) ly High-level input current Voc=MAX, V)=2.7V 201 pA DATA 0) > oureuT w lL Low-level input current Vec=MAX, Vj =0.4V 0.4. mA INPUTS) DS + (BINARY) (13) 10S Short-cirouit output current | Vog =MAX SNSALS ~20 100! ma 05 ES (2) t 06 Voc=MAX, = 5.6 9 lec Supply current See Note mA pills LT tPLH from A, B,or ( 4 levels) 27 43 TLE tPHL | to output 30) AAB BOC tpLH | trom A,B,C,or D @ levels) 23 SEE ADORESS BUFFERS BELOW tPHL to output W 20 32| tpLy | fromStrobe Voo=5v, Te ae ADDRESS BUFFERS | 152A tPHL | to outout Y TA=250, : 20. 32| " AABBTC tPLH | trom Strobe CL=I5pF, ! 1S 24 ase ri TPHL {| to output W R= 2k2 i@. 390, oata | pp | tPLH from DO thru 07 : 20 32 SELECT 68 | tpHL | to output Y _ 16 26; tpLu. | from EO thru EIS, or 00 - Boat tPHL | thru O7 to output W 12 20 ADDRESS BUFFERS FOR 'LS1I52 AABBCC pata | *> e| sELecty 8 > (einary) { ~f>4 NOTE : loc is measured with phe strobe and data select inputs at 4.5 V, all other inputs and outputs open, IS2A, LS1S2 DATA SELECTOR MULTIPLEXER 1 For conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value specified under 1 9 for the device type. $ Alt typical values at Vog=5V, Ta=25T. @Not more than one output of the '15!A should be shorted at a time. *IPLH=propagation delay time, low-to- high-level output IPHL = Propagation delay time, high- to-low-level output