Bluetooth Module
ISO 9001 / QS 9000
ISO 9001:2008
Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita, California
tel 949-546-8000 | fax 949-546-8001| www.abracon.com
Revised: 08.08.13
Visit www.abracon.com for Terms & Conditions of Sale
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25.8 x 13.4 x 2.2 mm SMT
RoHS/RoHS II compliant
Pin Symbol I/O Type Description
1 AIO1 Bi-directional Programmable input/output line
2 GND Ground Ground
3 SPI_MOSI CMOS input, with weak internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface data input
4 PIO6 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
5 PIO7 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
6 RESETB CMOS input with weak internal pull-up Reset if low. Input denounced so
must be low for >5ms to cause a reset
7 SPI_CLK input with weak internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface clock
8 PCM_CLK Bi-directional with weak internal pull-down Synchronous Data Clock
9 PCM_SYNC Bi-directional with weak internal pull-down Synchronous Data Sync
10 PCM_IN CMOS Input, with weak internal pull-down Synchronous Data Input
11 PCM_OUT CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-down Synchronous Data Output
12 VDD_3V3 3V3 power input 3V3 power input
13 GND Ground Ground
14 GND Ground Ground
15 PIO11 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
16 PIO10 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
17 PIO9 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
18 PIO8 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
19 GND Ground Ground
20 UART_RX CMOS input with weak internal pull-down UART data input
21 UART_TX CMOS output, tristate, with weak internal pull-up UART data output
22 UART_RTS CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-up UART request to send active low
23 UART_CTS CMOS input with weak internal pull-down UART clear to send active low
24 USB_D+ Bi-directional
USB data plus with selectable
internal 1.5K pull-up resistor
25 USB_D- Bi-directional USB data minus
26 PIO2 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
27 PIO3 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
28 PIO5 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
29 PIO4 Bi-directional with programmable strength internal
pull-up/down Programmable input/output line
30 SPI_CSB CMOS input with weak internal pull-up Chip select for Synchronous Serial
Interface active low
31 SPI_MISO CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface data
32 AIO0 Bi-directional Programmable input/output line
DC: 1326