Size 11⁄221⁄231⁄241⁄2
Taut Taut Pivot and Taut Pivot and Tau t Pivot and
Band Band Jewel Band Jewel Band Jewel
Accuracy: All DC and AC iron-vane; ±2%
of full-scale AC rectifie r type; ±3% of
full scale (with 60 Hz sine wave at 25º C).
When standard 60 Hz iron vane ammeters
are used at the extreme limits of 25 or 400
Hz, additional error (approx. .75%) may be
experience d. Expanded-scale voltmeters:
±.5% of full scale value.
ANSI Specif ica tion: All meters meet ANSI
Specifications C- 39.1
Overload: Voltmete rs (AC and DC) - 50%
momentary, 20% sustained. Ammeters
(AC and DC) mome ntary; 10 time s the
rate d cur rent for 10 consecutive intervals
of .5 second with a 1 minute interval
between successive applications; sustained:
20% for six hours.
Scale Dat a: 90 degree rotation.
Scale Lengt h:
Size New Big Look
11⁄2” 1.40”
21⁄2” 2.06”
31⁄2” 2.88”
41⁄2” 3.93”
Insulation Level: All meters (except 11⁄2”), 2600
Vrms Hi-pot, 11⁄2”-1500 Vrms Hi-pot.
Burden Data: AC ammete r-5 amps, 0.5 va,
Max. 0.5 powe r-factor lagging @ 60 Hz. AC
voltmeter - unity power factor.
Respons e Time and Overshoot:
Response time: 3 seconds (max.) for 21⁄2”,
31⁄2”, 41⁄2” size for microammeters; 2
seconds (max.) for all other DC ratings,
and 2.5 seconds (max) for AC ratings.
Maximum of 40% overshoot.
Dimensions: See page 32-33
How To Order
To order New Big Look panel meters use
the appropriate catalog numbers provided
in the tables. Taut band & AC I/V instruments
have a 250 prefix number. Pivot & Jewel instru-
ments have a prefix of 254.
Ordering Examples:
1. 21⁄2”, 300 V DC Voltmeter, zero lef t, taut
band - 250 220 RXRX
2. 21⁄2”, 300 V DC Voltmeter, zero lef t,
pivot & jewel, 254 style - 254 220 RXRX
3. 21⁄2”, 300 V AC (Iron Vane), pivot &
jewel - 250244 RXRX
Pivot & jewel instruments are not available in
11⁄2” size.
Severe-duty mete rs are available to meet CSA,
UL 1437 and IEC 144 requirements. UL/CSA
version, w ith flame retardant window and
base, is not offered in 11⁄2”. IEC version is
not offered in 1 1⁄2” and 41⁄2”. To order, add /CSA,
/UL or IEC af ter catalog number, o r contact
For ratings and scales not liste d contact
1.0 Volts 250 120 L ALA 250 220 LAL A 254 220 LAL A 250 320 LAL A 254 320 L AL A 250 420 LAL A 254 420 LAL A
1.5 Volts 250 120 LCLC 250 220 LCLC 254 220 LCLC 250 320 LCLC 254 320 LCLC 250 420 LCLC 254 420 LCLC
3 Volts 250 120 LJLJ 250 220 LJLJ 254 220 LJLJ 250 320 LJLJ 254 320 LJLJ 250 420 LJLJ 254 420 LJLJ
5 Volts 250 120 LSLS 250 220 LSLS 254 220 LSLS 250 320 LSLS 254 320 LSLS 250 420 LSLS 254 420 LSLS
8 Volts 250 120 MJMJ 250 220 MJMJ 254 220 MJMJ 250 320 MJMJ 254 320 MJMJ 250 420 MJMJ 254 420 MJMJ
10 Volts 250 120 MTMT 250 220 MTMT 254 220 MTMT 250 320 MTMT 254 320 MTMT 250 420 MTMT 254 420 MTMT
15 Volts 250 120 NDND 250 220 NDND 254 220 NDND 250 320 NDND 254 320 NDND 250 420 NDND 254 420 NDND
30 Volts 250 120 NLNL 250 220 NLNL 254 220 NLNL 250 320 NLNL 254 320 NLNL 250 420 NLNL 254 420 NLNL
40 Volts 250 120 NPNP 250 220 NPNP . . . . . . . . . . 250 320 NPNP . . . . . . . . . . 250 420 NPNP . . . . . . . . . .
50 Volts 250 120 NTNT 250 220 NTNT 254 220 NTNT 250 320 NTNT 254 320 NTNT 250 420 NTNT 254 420 NTNT
80 Volts 250 120 PDPD 250 220 PDPD 254 220 PDPD 250 320 PDPD 254 320 PDPD 250 420 PDPD 254 420 PDPD
100 Volts 250 120 PKPK 250 220 PKPK 254 220 PKPK 250 320 PKPK 254 320 PKPK 250 420 PKPK 254 420 PKPK
150 Volts 250 120 PZPZ 250 220 PZPZ 254 220 PZPZ 250 320 PZPZ 254 320 PZPZ 250 420 PZPZ 254 420 PZPZ
200 Volts 250 120 RLRL 250 220 RLRL 254 220 RLRL 250 320 RLRL 254 320 RLRL 250 420 RLRL 254 420 RLRL
250 Volts 250 120 RSRS 250 220 RSRS 254 220 RSRS 250 320 RSRS 254 320 RSRS 250 420 RSRS 254 420 RSRS
300 Volts 250 120 RXRX 250 220 RXRX 254 220 RXRX 250 320 RXRX 254 320 RXRX 250 420 RXRX 254 420 RXRX
500 Volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 320 SFSF 254 320 SFSF 250 420 SFSF 254 420 SFSF
600 Volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 320 SJSJ 254 320 SJSJ 250 420 SJSJ 254 420 SJSJD
500 Volts 250 104 FASF 250 204 FASF 254 204 FASF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
600 Volts 250 104 FASJ 250 204 FASJ 254 204 FASJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
750 Volts 250 104 FASM 250 204 FASM 254 204 FASM 250 304 FASM 254 304 FASM 250 404 FASM 254 404 FASM
New Big Look
Type 250 and 254
New Big Look
DC Vo l tmeters
& Scale