SL-630 Series
SL-630 Series September 2014
Input Output Part Number
5 VDC – 24 VDC TTL*
*Custom outputs available. Consult factory for details.
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Measurement Specialties, Inc.
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Hampton, VA 23666
Tel: 1-800-745-8008
Fax: 1-757-766-4297
Hauert 13
44227 Dortmund
Sales & C ustomer Service: +49 (0)231 9740 21
Technical Supp ort: +44 (0)138 387 00 01
Email: piezoeurope@me
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No. 26 Langshan Road,
High-Tech P ark ( N orth)
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Tel: +86 755 3330 5 068
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Measurement Specialti es, Inc. assume any liabilit y arising out of the applicati on or use of any product or circuit and specifically discla ims
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